Frum speed dating


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Jewish Singles Events and Jewish Dating events for Jewish Singles from JewishToDo

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What is latest wrinkle in miami find the religious jewish population. Orthodox dating service for professional jewish singles scene; its inventors at a totally free. Upcoming jewish dating site! Jewish speed in large cities jewish dating site! Orthodox jewish speed dating T Speed dating is not abandoning the current system but amending it. The only problem that I see is if two guys like a particular girl or vice verse.

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There is a plenty of blame to go around: Many readers seem to think that the current way of dating, with all its detailed strictures and requirements, dates back to Moshe Rabbeinu or at least to Rava and Abaye. Actually, it dates back a few decades at most. They also seem to think that all those rules were established by gedolei Yisroel. Actually, they were established by market participants, mainly parents and shadchanim. Funny how so many who disapprove of the shidduch process and parental involvement, pine for the good old days and invoke the heim in Europe to bash the current system.

In Europe the match was made almost exclusively by the parents! So my question then is, how was it done prior to a few decades ago? What part would you change back to the olden times to help the current dating? You can ask any Shadchan or the majority of the people in the Shidduch scene will agree.

Who invented this crazy system in the first in the first place?

Our society is being destroyed for the sake of frumkeit. I think most people will agree it makes a lot of sense, someone needs to spearhead this plan. Maybe the tzaadik Shlomo Yehuda, should live and be well and continue to be matzliach. I am against guys that take girls to hotel lobbies, she takes her time getting ready put on makeup, getting dressed in beautiful outfit, while a guy takes her to a lobby while she is starving teh entire night, showing he is cheap and inconsiderate.

Take her out on on a real date to a restaurant regardless how many dates you were with her, like real gentleman, would you want your daughter to be treated same way? If you cant afford a date, how are you going to pay your rent?

The Matzav Shmoooze: Speed-Dating

Not a good idea because people will just gravitate to best looking eople in the room and it will cause tremendous embarrassment to the not such good looking ones. Also, the total lack of privacy, is disgusting. What are you, just another number? What a stupid and worthless idea.

Sites for Jewish Dating, Matchmaking and Connection

My, how we have fallen. Are we frumer than them? Its a very challenging world out there and nebach we are influenced by the goyisha velt and it has clouded our thinking process. We must have hadracha. I agree with the above commenter who said we were all distracted by the stupid age-gap myth as if that is the very serious reason we have so many singles. There is no one to encourage them.

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The system that they had in the times of the beis hamikdosh, is detailed in the last mishna in taanis: So nice try, but speed dating is not allowed in our days, since things will get out of hand and aveiros will happen, hameven yovin. So we have to blame the shidduch crisis on ourselves, that we have not done enough tshuvoh, mitzvos and maasim tovim to bring moshiach so that the old, perfect system can be reinstated.

Anyways, why is this being discussed here and the yated and not being asked what to do from the gedolim? I think everyone knows what they would say…………………………………………………..

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