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Got the finger point and I'd rather. You know a guy that's been just enemy. Every time I do that in that this is for everybody that's listening what about what you know I got sesame facing the truth David and talk in the EU about you as. And then once you. You'd think capable of helping other people she can't help her husband right now he can't help her.

It's it's you know what it's always a trust issue. Can I trust god with pop can I trust with my chain can I trust god with my insecurity and I trust. We can't we at a Sunday service and I was really focused on trusting. And you know and in the end we're so grateful for the ones that get broken.

That come into the mission all they Condit they finally surrender because things are so difficult. She's just I think as many are written you know I see the plant but you know I Johnny.

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And this is what the lure was showing me this morning. To receive this forgiveness has queen we need gas. We need to act yet. And then we start walking at that life of joy in and that forget it. And then we think then that we have to now take control.

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And go out and do life. You know he needs to consistently stay in control this is for me as Burnett and this is what I love about the New Orleans mission.

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  6. And what you guys are doing on the nor should be giving Oprah tree. Because you're constantly dealing with the heart of the purse and and you're not letting them take their eyes off themselves so what's happening is people are getting their hearts healed. There's not just a band aid on a gaping wound while we say OK with the addictions gone to a consent and not in the world now now. Their heart is really healed. And now they can go do life well and live with joy.

    They're not white not going through their sobriety. They're living the fullness. That crisis testament does it mean they're not gonna slip or followers.

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    And you know you make bad decisions look. We will make bad decisions this week but their heart. It's too do you weigh now and they have full with. It's all as you know it's all about the heart. And the heart is weakened and in Christ console. And I think that that's it I mean when we know that thank god really for gives us what completely like you were talking. He hasn't called us and against us. When we come when the disciples that we should listen I was up but it is a pedophile or whether it was a dropped it whether right.

    Had was in in in orgies whether it was vindictive hateful because I really hated myself when. Kazaa Chrysler is no love there is no purpose to hole. Why don't really know god doesn't count against me and an empty and I am and heat whole in lost income and I believe. Then the heart set free. And that's why when we hear the word with people this power in the gospel is power Jesus came to set cab industry. Most of the people look at their captive that's the problem they're at their life to visit trusting in.

    Their money they're there at education that trust in something when that goes away they freak out. My daddy's gonna answer that went exploring trying to hold up to me he got struck. So you can see that here we need. For the forgiveness of in that stripping. I think what David talked about is that. Continual play surmised script is as don't forget to the height of which had fallen lest you forget.

    He spoke to that that's what I got when he was sane and as I took a picture of even Israel when god it's it's got found him bloodied but this is guys are great picture of Boston church. He said I came to my own. And they will bloodied and it was smelly and they would dirty and they want. Rotting and they were broken and hurting and naked.

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    Now this is really a picture of us without Christ and that's us tonight world. And god says and I came to my own and I he's as I washed them this is what degree it. And then I I healed the new wounds with a bomb and anointing. I closed them he said with the finest of lemons and and I gave them the choice is foods. And it was clean and this is a picture of the blood of Christ.

    And then it said then they began. They begin to forget that god that founded in that place you forget how far they've fallen and they started to look at themselves and I think that's exactly. What you said when you made that beautiful description which was painful at the same time. Because it is painful and taking god glory taking control.

    It breaks his heart. But he still faithful.

    Best Pick Up: Jenna Marbles Best Pick Up Lines

    To go back to Israel timing timing and he turned them over to two. Display internal to the enemies of god they. They end until they cried and he was always able to love them and bring back. And that's really doesn't mean you and my wife and your wife and then all of us. Till we get you know till we get it and it's okay not to be okay. That's like it was. We get it looks like Darren. Alex is on the phone Alex well now caller from Florida.