Dating agency cyrano ep 15


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  2. Dating Agency : Cyrano Episode 15
  3. Dating Agency : Cyrano Episode 15 - MyDramaList

The three boys pore over CCTV footage of Min-young getting into an unregistered car, as well as the stack of photos, which include snapshots taken during missions. Since Hawaiian Shirt specified the bus by route and license number, those must be clues.

An address search using those numbers turns up a certain vault, though, of the kind housing ashes and urns. Time for the next phase, he decides.

Moo-jin reviews old tapes of their ex-client, one which was shot at a hospital, presumably in his last days. The client cuts the video short to avoid his little sister seeing, and the camera catches her face: She promised her dying brother to get payback on the people responsible for making his last days lonely.

Moo-jin hides the Hye-ri connection for the time being, and then the three guys get simultaneous text messages. The clues shake out to: All references to their prior cases. He gives them an hour to come find Min-young: Is he revisiting his shadowy past? Sure enough, he turns up at a den of gangsters, making his way to the head boss. What could make Seung-pyo come back for the first time in two years? The agency guys split up to get to work on meeting their targets, as indicated by the clues.

He approaches with a stone face and tells her he has someplace to take her.

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A text arrives to inform Arang what he is to do: Moo-jin takes Hye-ri with him to the library, where he gets the same text. Seung-pyo tells his ex-boss that he made a promise not to return to this life to his hyung, perhaps? The boss sneers, but Seung-pyo kneels before him and asks again for the favor. Idol girlfriend slaps Arang when she hears his confession. Was he playing Cupid for his best friend all those years ago, then? Byung-hoon admits to regretting it later, not having fully understood his feelings for her at the time he agreed to help Do-il.

But Yi-seol hardly seems shocked, and asks if he really thinks she fell in love with Do-il because of some letter: Turns out Do-il told her years ago. She wonders what prompted him to come here today, and urges him to stop running away.

Dating Agency : Cyrano Episode 15

Instead, think about the person who forced him to confront his feelings—a scene that Min-young watches with shiny eyes from her hostage lair. Or did they not care because he was dying? She calls him a liar, but he has video proof. He hands over his phone, and she watches as her brother pleads with Byung-hoon to take the case, not wanting to leave his girlfriend behind alone.

Furthermore, the couple knew that her brother was the one pushing them together. Hawaiian Shirt watches on his screen, not entirely pleased with the way things are shaking out but laughing in his creepy serial killer way nonetheless. So she hazards a guess: Hawaiian Shirt is making his getaway in a car when he calls again, this time with a demand to set up a meeting with a woman named So-yeon: With that, Hawaiian Shirt sets the time and place for their next meeting, two hours hence. He hums to himself cheerily about getting them good.

They rifle through his notes, and among his papers is a letter written to Yi-seol, from Do-il. Seung-pyo furrows his brow—why is that part of this case? He connects the dots: Then did Byung-hoon play matchmaker for his brother? The diagrams include a theater stage, and a bomb. Then Minion Two opens up a cabinet, which explodes in his face and sends him flying with a bloody arm.

The boys urge Seung-pyo to hurry to the agency asap and put a stop to the crazy man. Byung-hoon arrives at the address indicated, but hears from the woman living there that the person in question has been living abroad for over a year. The crazy man sent him on a wild goose chase to get him away from the theater.

But this is drama climax. Who cares about logic. Byung-hoon makes a desperate request of the lady to use her car. Ready to confront our fears, are we? Min-young makes an attempt to knock him aside and make a run for it, but he grabs her and shoves her head-first into a metal locker. She goes out cold. Byung-hoon struggles behind the wheel, but manages to get it turned on. He chants to himself to think of Min-young, and powers through. On a purely intellectual level, I think it works just fine. I like that they challenge the agency on their fundamental principles, and point out the downside to their work, albeit one seen through a twisted and incomplete lens.

But since the question of manipulating emotions is a valid one, good on the show for bringing it up itself, rather than ignoring it in favor of the fantasy. Your email address will not be published. I think this is one of the weakest episode which is a shame considering it's 2nd to last but I see that it was there to set up the ending.

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It's sad that it falls flat. I just keep saying to myself this is supposed to be a ridiculous drama about a ridiculous dating agency. Being ridiculous is good in small portions but this ep just gave me more than I wanted. The acting was good. However they can only act as the script dictates. And the script and flow for this episode was jarring. I don't lie to a girl I like. Felt disconnected mostly, so I hope the last episode will be better.

I really like him with his longer hair versus the shorter haircut he had before. I kinda saw the whole Hye Ri thing coming especially with those ominous words from the last ep but I think the execution is better than what I expected albeit quite dramatic for the light-hearted fare we've been getting it like JB said. And while the kidnapping seemed a bit random, I understand that it was a way to force Seo Byung to own up to his feelings and made sense that they team was quick on the uptake like they normally are with their own missions.

But gah, I felt so bad for Moo Jin: He opened up to her and it was all to get closer to Cyrano. It's pretty similar to what Cyrano does and I like the way the show is discussing the ethical implications of their activities despite having good intentions. Her feelings became sincere and I thought it would be hard for Moo Jin to forget that he was being manipulated to begin with but he seemed very forgiving and sympathetic he really isn't a robot: Also, a small yay for some more Cyrano influences.

I had always wondered where Seo Byung got his start with the whole match making thing and I was a little surprised that it was with Do Il and Yi Seul but it makes sense and is in tune with his character. Is that a life lesson there, Show? Grumble grumble is right! I was so mad when he didn't out her right away. Is Min-Young's life not worth his girlfriend's privacy? I really was enjoying this drama and now I'm just ticked off. Like in TW dramas. I hate that plot device! Didn't like that episode either Yeah, when I used to watch TW dramas, I also hated the kidnapping stuff.

I guess it's hard to write kidnapping scenarios Overall, I didn't think the episode was bad The kidnapping makes it contrived and overstretched. It was unnecessary as he could have regretted and confessed after losing her for real. He could have done it per his own volition and it would be more believable. I'm probably the only one that skipped through the whole kidnapping sequence. You've seen them once and you've seen them all. And guessing off of the character I knew how this would roughly end too. I can sum up this episode for you quickly.

Everything you think will happen, does happen. The subplot with Hye Ri is moot because it gets lectured out of the script. Bunch of telephone calls. And then crazy guy is in stalker love with Yi Seul and he has a bomb.

Dating Agency : Cyrano Episode 15 - MyDramaList

Any attempts to escape are met with being put down quickly, but she only tries twice. First time was weak, second time was a plot excuse to knock her out for the cliffhanger.

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And when she was wearing heels and had her legs free, she didn't struggle once and didn't attempt to kick him where the sun don't shine. The stakes aren't there She's not drugged or knocked out during the transfers. Why is she just standing there with him when he isn't holding either up to her? She's willingly walking into the agency? He had to untie her legs.