Dating single moms yahoo


  1. Why do men avoid single mothers?
  2. Should I date a single mom? | Yahoo Answers
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  5. Would you date a single mother in her twenties?

Shes with her 3 year old daughter now. I could tell she likes me, weve met only twice and our only communication right now is through the phone.

Why do men avoid single mothers?

She's looking forward to meet me again and that would make our first official date. Honestly, ive never had a serious long term relationship before. Now that im looking for one I have some things that's been bothering my mind.

  • Should a single mom date men with no kids? | Yahoo Answers?
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  • Dating single moms - a good or bad idea?.
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The first one is that she already has a daughter, Im not saying i dont like kids it's just that im not really ready or planning to have one yet. My friends or family would somewhat freak out if they knew though, specially my best friend he somewhat cares about me and I havent told him about her yet, for sure hes gonna say a NO reaction.

Should I date a single mom? | Yahoo Answers

Weve been really nice to each other, if she doesnt have a kid i would no doubt pursue her. My sister is already a single mom herself and i know how hard her situation is. Surely there are lots of single girls in my city but I really need opinions in my situation. Any advice is very much appreciated.


Are you sure that you want to delete this answer? If she is hotter than the class of woman you normally have access to, that is a definite reason to pursue her.

  1. Should I date a single mom?.
  2. Singles and dating yahoo.
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  5. Dating single moms - a good or bad idea? | Yahoo Answers?
  6. Why do men avoid single mothers? | Yahoo Answers?
  7. Having a child generally makes a woman less desirable and so, she will consider a less desirable male for a partner. If she isn't hot or doesn't have some unusual attraction for you. I personally wouldn't let the fact that she has a 3 yr old daughter hold me back.

    Dangers of Dating Single Mothers

    There would come a time, though where you'd have to make sure you could have a good relationship with the kid as well as her mother, if you started getting serious with her. I don't think you or other people are obligated to take on other peoples baggage, it's your life and if you don't want that baggage you don't have to take it. There are men out there who are willing to go out with a single mum and play step dad to their kids. I'm a single mom and if you dont think you could date a single mom, please dont.

    I'm not saying that to be rude, I actually respect your honesty. Before I had my little girl I avoided single dads, I hated kids Men don't avoid single mothers, just some people aren't ready for that kind of lifestyle and some are.

    And if thats not your thing then please dont try to get into something you're not ready for, single parents have it hard as is. As for the little Prick 'First Go Free', you are just that, a little prick. You have no life, sux for you. Not all men do tbh. My mum was a single mother to 4 kids, she still had guys interested in her and we did family type things together. My boyfriend's a dad, I wouldn't change him for the world.. Even with his 'baggage'. Waterdragon, men also want women, not some closed minded person like you that thinks all men should date single moms. Single moms are not bad people, it's just that we "men" have preferences just like you have preferences.

    Some men will date them and other's won't.

    Don't you mean single mums with very small kids, when they don't have any babysitters? I have a teenager, which shouldn't be a problem to any man I go out with. I don't expect him to be a father figure or anything to my son he already has a dad. I don't consider myself to have any baggage. The fact that I have a teenage son doesn't impact on my relationships in any way. Why would you wish to take on someone else's baggage? Why would you even think it was a good idea? Kids are just plain annoying, and if they're someone else's, it's worse.

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    Would you date a single mother in her twenties?

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