Dating a girl 5 years older than me


  1. Guys - Would you date a woman years older than you? - Community Forums
  2. Dating Someone 6-7 Years Older Than You - LONG TERM?
  3. Would you date a girl 7 years older than you if shes a solid 8/10?

Guys - Would you date a woman years older than you? I've never dated guys younger than me before and usually, as soon as I find out that person is younger, I lose interest in talking to them immediately although, admittedly, I will still be physically attracted to him.

Recently I met a guy who is a little over 3 years younger than me graduated college 3 years after me. Right now, he is 22, turning I just turned Even though he's only 22, I like him because he's very smart, driven, and has a good job. I'm still a student. We never directly asked each other our ages, because I already know his. He never asked for mine, and it's not something I want to bring up. I know that he knows I'm older, because i am graduating law school soon, and my facebook has my college graduation date and all that. However, today I was telling him how I was having a quarter life crisis jokingly , and he said, "no way you're only what - 24, 25?

Then we changed the subject, but still.. I felt very insecure after that. He talks to me like we're going to he dating long-term as suppose to a fling but after hearing his reaction, I'm not sure things will workout between us. Dating at this age is hard, and many of the guys I meet are younger than me. How do guys feel about dating someone older, excluding the cougar variety..? Should I be concerned with his reaction? I once had a nightmare that I turned 30 and he was only Share Share this post on Digg Del. I don't measure age in years.

I measure it in life experience, wisdom, and maturity. I can't imagine years older than me being an issue. My husband is 5 years older than I am. My mom was 5 years older that my dad. She owns a hair salon, and I'm a regular customer there. I've been going there every month for like the past 3 almost 4 now O. And man, is she pretty, and nice, and really good with her hands I mean shit, have you guys ever met a girl who has all the characteristics you would have ever wanted in a girlfriend?

  • Would you date a girl 7 years older than you if shes a solid 8/10? - Forums.
  • Dating Someone Years Older Than You - LONG TERM?.
  • In love with a girl 5 years older than me.
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Then after daydreaming for a few minutes you come to the crushing realization that you'd never be able to hook up with her? She's like the embodiment of my type of woman, mature, smart, nice, responsible and I got like no chance, all I am is the good customer who stops by every month. Well, I just got off the phone with her her sweet nice asian voice is so soothing x. But like mid 20s and that shit pretty much goes away.

Go for it if you like her, no shame in trying. Asians have the softest hands. Why have such a defeatist attitude? I've had girls as much as 10 years older than me and never run into any issues more serious than not getting each others' pop culture references. Worst thing that can happen is she says no. My wife is 4 years older than me? When I was 26 I dated this 32 year old who was the top commercial film producer in Korea and I was a lowly gov't analyst.

I picked her up in a hotel club at the RitzCarlton and she was absolutely my ideal woman.

5 Advantages of Dating an Older Woman - Relationship Advice for Women by Mat Boggs

She was cultured, open minded, spoke English and Korean, she had this absolutely smoking body and was tall and I think she just loved me She wanted to have kids and so did I and shit got serious fast because of her age, we only were together three intense months, but I had to end it and it ended badly because I know I was so falling in love with her and I didn't want to tell her that, I just wanted her to think I was an asshole and to just move on.

When I was 30, I saw her again in Seoul, at a restaurant, I pretended not to see her, but of course this point she was 36 and damn, while she still looked great, she looked 36 and I was like, wow, I'm glad i dodged that bullet there and did the sensible thing. Not to say that I wouldn't have been a happy with her for the rest of my life, but being the superficial Korean man that I am, I think it was the best decision in the long run.

Subtract the difference between your age and her age. Is the number If no, go for it. If yes, repeat calculation next week. On November 03 Grow balls and rush it. I've got a bit of experience here. My first wife was three years older than me and my third wife has me by five. For me, the single least attractive thing about a woman is dependency.

If you need me, I don't want you. So older women are definitely going to have the advantage in this case, as they're generally better established and have all their shit in one bag. When I met my wife she owned her own home and had been at her job for more than a decade. She didn't need me in the least, and that made her pretty irresistible to me. Commitment is gonna be the biggest issue, particularly for the younger one. I dated someone whose daughter's only two years younger than me. I found it quite funny when he pressed me to commit to the 'relationship'.

It's pretty mcuh like my dad tried to prevent me from dating other guys in high school. If you don't want to settle down soon, make this crystal clear to her so she can adjust her expectation. Great responses everyone - I guarantee you I'm not looking to have a 3-way or anything extremely hot and appealing like that.

Guys - Would you date a woman years older than you? - Community Forums

For the record, this person I'm seeing is pretty hot, so maybe it might be a bit of physical attractiveness? Life is only as complicated as you make it or perceive it. Do what you want to do instead of what you think others want you to do. I graduated May in and this is my 3rd "girlfriend".

I wasn't looking for one, but if one came along that'd be great. I just needed someone easy. I respect her privacy and she respects mine. I understand her situation, and she understands mine. I think that's the bottom line in this. Sorry, I made a mistake.

You're not ready to get married. Nobody obsessed with Pokemon should think of getting married. Well, unless she's into it. Is she into Pokemon? I went out with a couple of my friends to a local bar one time and we ran into a few older women. I got closer to one of them, saw her crow's feet, and left. Old women creep the hell out of me. As for the physical attraction, let no one fool you It was what made me attracted to her. I just went to a small dog park near our apt complex, let my dog in and she was there.

I thought she was 27ish, by the looks, but we ended out talking and slowly our relationship picked up over time. I randomly saw her at times in passing, she asked if I wanted to get wine, I asked about a place to eat, so on and so on I've never had much fear talking to girls, even when I get fat. I've seen my success with girls change drastically when I am not fat though lol.

Marriage is all about comparability. It would not matter that you are younger than her if two of you are very much compatible to each other. It is also true that when you are in love then your heart rule over your head. So it's totally up to you.

Dating Someone 6-7 Years Older Than You - LONG TERM?

If you are compatible with her then i do not find any problem to carry on. So yes I'm getting in a bit too deep: I love taking advice from online forums! I don't know about you, but I am not trying to have kids in my twenties I think you are misguided about keeping up with the kids when you are older. My father had me when he was 40 and that was never a problem I mean he wasn't playing tackle football with me Also, I'm in good shape and plan on being in good shape my whole life Depends I guess how you look after yourself.

Would you date a girl 7 years older than you if shes a solid 8/10?

I need a younger girl. Your saying girls get antsy around 30 to have a kid. I think this definitely is a generalization.

I'm 27, female, dating a 40 year old and am in a similar situation, we are great for each other but having a kid is his priority and definitely not mine which is a major barrier For some reason, I don't get nervous and am actually pretty calm about approaching girls my age or younger.

But I get nervous as hell when I want to go for chicks older than me. I guess I subconsciously think that I'm already at a disadvantage for being younger, but is that really true? Are we talking cougars or girls in their 20s who are just older than you? For the latter, yeah, there's a disadvantage. Just lie if you think it'll help. Or ask how old she thinks you are, raise an eyebrow, and change the subject. Older chicks are awesome, they know what's up. I'll never date another chick in my age range again, total waste of my time.