Police officers dating


  1. The good, bad and ugly of dating police officers
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  3. pcppk.com, Meet Police, PoliceMen, Single Police Women, Police Dating, Police Sites
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Someone always finds out and they are not nice about it. Then again, someone that wanted the position you got will probably allege it anyway. This job isn't the kindest to women I don't know about the homosexual ones other than they get a lot of grief from citizens from time to time. I dated my first cop after about seven years in. Originally posted by VegasMetro View Post. Just shut your damn hole Dead SoulsThey keep calling me.

I will say that the job does attract a certain type.

The good, bad and ugly of dating police officers

That combined with long periods away from home, etc etc etc There's a reason the divorce rate among LEO is 85 percent. Me, I started dating my boyfriend while at the Academy. It was horrid, all the rumors that flew around because of it. We were in the same class, and while there were no rules about it, we were both in positions of authority within the class and everyone accused me of getting special treatment because I was the female half. We work is departments 2. As far as dating cops though I don't see a problem with it.

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Maybe because I am one? Cops aren't all bad, but take a regular human being, add in alpha personality, some stress and a strong connection with coworkers and it does strain a relationship. It's really hard dating a cop. The odd schedules, the extra shifts they pick up, the way their attitude changes - all are factors which people think twice before dating cops.

pcppk.com, Meet Police, PoliceMen, Single Police Women, Police Dating, Police Sites

I honestly didn't know what I was getting myself into. This show is awesome, wrapped in supercool and smothered in bitchin. There is no maximum age limit. Proof of high school graduation or a certified GED. See WAC 1 b ii.

My Date with a COP

An applicant must be a United States Citizen, or lawful permanent resident to be hired. C See a The applicant must have been discharged under honorable conditions fair employment laws apply. See WAC 1 b iii. It is understood that out of state candidates won't have this at time of application, but they must get one prior to accepting a job. Driving is an essential function of this position with SPD. The following Seattle Police Department hiring standards and information are some of the areas that are considered during a SPD background investigation. SPD understands that, at times, people encounter challenges in their lives.

During the background investigation process SPD is interested in learning greater detail about those challenges, as well as the lessons the applicant has learned and the changes the applicant has made as a result. Please be forthcoming in your responses, as SPD expects honesty in this process. All disqualifications are reviewed by the HR Director or his designee for final approval.

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Be prepared to spend time together at unusual times of day or night, during brief interludes, with occasional long periods of time apart. You must exhibit considerable independence to maintain a dating relationship with a cop. Date cops in your neighborhood police district. If you want to make the most of his limited time while dating a police officer, try to date men who are stationed within your neighborhood, city, or town.

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Most cops are required to live in the city that they are patrolling. If you're dating a policeman who works in your area, it's likely he lives nearby as well. Reducing travel time for a man who already has a tight schedule can enable you to spend more quality time together. Take interest in his work.

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Like men of any other profession, cops come home after a hard day's work and talk about their day. Having an interest in what he does, and various police cases or procedures will help keep conversations flowing and let him see that you think he is interesting. Try not to worry. This may be the hardest part about dating a male cop. You must remember that the chose his profession to protect society from crime and will often put himself in harm's way in the line of duty.

You must appreciate and respect that decision no matter how frightening it may be for you, particularly when a relationship is becoming serious. Renee has been published by Lumino and Career Flight as well as various food, education and business publications. Many women are attracted to police officers. Meet Singles in your Area!