Dating in middle school tips


  1. Middle School Dating: Are They Too Young and Should Parents Worry?
  2. Middle School Romance: The Pros and Cons
  3. Talking About Middle School Dating
  4. Middle School Dating: Are They Too Young and Should Parents Worry?

They fret about being likeable and accepted. To be dating whatever that means can be the ultimate confidence booster. It can also be a nice way to make a personal connection, learn how respectful relationships are built, and develop personal insight. Plus, remember the thrill of your first crush?

Middle School Dating: Are They Too Young and Should Parents Worry?

Do keep an eye out for serial relationships, though. A study from the University of Georgia found that middle schoolers who were in high-frequency or back-to-back relationships tended to be prone to higher-risk behaviors, like drinking or doing drugs, later in adolescence. I would caution against group dating, too. It may seem like a safety net to have more tweens around, but the group mentality can quickly push boundaries.

Two awkward, gawky tweens forced to think of conversation is much better than a group of tweens daring the couple to go into a closet for seven minutes. You get the point. It leaves me speechless, to be honest. The middle school years are a time of major transition for kids as nature forces them along the path toward adulthood.

At this tender age, your child barely knows who she is and lacks the judgment to make good decisions about such a relationship. Finding out that a boy likes you makes you feel pretty and popular boosting your preteen self-esteem. At this age, kids need good friends. But middle schoolers who have girlfriends or boyfriends miss out on great platonic relationships. Middle schoolers are naturally interested in sex and all things related, because their bodies are in hormonal overdrive.

Who are you attracted to?

Middle School Romance: The Pros and Cons

Try to find someone you think would make for a fun date, someone you can imagine hanging out with, maybe a lot. Someone you wouldn't mind kissing. Make sure they don't have a date already, and aren't going with anyone. It can be awkward to ask someone who is already going out with someone.

Make sure that you already talk to this person during the week, so asking them out won't be as awkward, and the relationship will work out better, since you already know a decent amount about the person. Find the right time to ask. While it's always fine to ask something as simple as, "Will you go out with me? Is a dance coming up? Asking someone to a dance is one of the most common ways of asking someone out on a date.

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If it goes well, you can sometimes stay a couple afterward. If not, you'll have fun anyway.

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What about a homecoming game? Or another sports game? Ask if you can go together? Maybe a new movie is coming out soon that everyone's talking about. Ask someone to go with you to the movie. Make sure you're looking good. If you're going to put yourself out there, you want to make sure you're looking your best. Make sure your clothes are clean and nice, so you can look good and feel confident enough to ask someone out.

Shower that morning and do your hair, paying attention to it a little more than normal. You don't have to look like a movie star, so you don't want to overdo it, but take some time to look your best. Wait until you have a private moment. Try to find a minute that you two can be together to ask.

Sometimes, passing period can be a good chance for this, or right after school. If you can't seem to find a time when the person is alone, just ask, "Hey, can I talk to you for a second? For a lot of people, asking someone out via text or chatting will be a bad idea, while it can work for others. If you chat regularly with someone, it might be fine. There's always a chance that you get shot down. If this happens in front of a bunch of people, it'll be worse than if it happens in private.

Talking About Middle School Dating

Introduce yourself, if necessary. If you've been attracted to someone who doesn't know who you are, they'll likely say "no" if you just walk up and ask them to go out. The best first idea is probably to introduce yourself briefly, and let them know what your connection is. We're in the same history class.

Ask for a date, out of the blue. When you've got an opportunity, just cut to the chase and ask.


You don't need to give it a lot of thought or Try to be clever. Just be kind, complimentary, and clear. I like you a lot. Would you like to go to the dance with me? It's perfectly fine for girls to ask boys in middle school, or at any age.

Middle School Dating: Are They Too Young and Should Parents Worry?

Make sure its ok with all of your parents. Since you're underage, it's still important to get your parents' permission about things like dating, as well as the parents of the person you're asking out. Just ask, and then follow their wishes. It needs to be ok with all of your parents, especially if you're going to be getting a ride.

You can always spend time at school together with someone, regardless of how your parents feel about it.

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It's better to have permission, of course, but Romeo and Juliet were middle-school aged, after all. Have phone or Skype dates. Talking with your date can be just as much fun and just as important to a young romance as actually going anywhere. Set up dates on Skype or some other chatting service, or talk on the phone.

Arrange something you can do together, even if you're not together. If you both have a show you like, watch it at the same time and talk about it on the phone. Or just leave the Skype window open while you do homework together. Make sure you're allowed to text with your date, then trade numbers and start texting. You can be conversing and laughing together, even if you're not actually together. Try to be a good conversationalist and give you date something to respond to.

Don't just write, "hey.