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The possibility to get a successful relationship would be very relative, just like happens in every kind of meetings between people. John, China To fall in love with a charming partner at the first sight is considered to be extremely important in speed dating. Jerry, South Korea I think it's useful way for ice breaking in a group of new people.

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Helen China I don't think that is a good idea for love needs lots of care by the two sides and cares need many many times. Brian, Korea Speed dating seems like a great choice to meet new people and find out about each other. Christy, Hong kong i think the way of speed dating to meet someone is quite interesting, but i think is not enough to understand that whose they are, but this is a good chance for someone else, who really hard to make friend from their living and working area.

Morris, Taiwan It's good chance to know opposite sex even though You're not Mr or Miss right each other. You can be a friend. Mary, Hong Kong I've attended speed dating event several times in H. However, I think the 3 to 5 minutes talk is not enough for me since I'm not very sociable person.

I can only mention my little background of work and hobbies. So, I think the impression is really based on someone's expectation of "Perfect match". Cheol, South Korea It's good idea and it can give a good chance to meet a good person and even your Mr. I think the outcome is totally depend on how you manage the relationship not just for the 3 minutes but AFTER the 3 minute's meeting.

Irene, Hong Kong I think falling in love should be a step-by-step process which can't completed within 3 minutes. I don't think it is really work!

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Love is essential,and all the ways to be involved by it is worthy. Max China Can thirty seconds decides the ture love or just sex atract? Ricky I like it. Make fridends quickly and widely, especially in this busy society. Charlie South Korea It's a very bad idea. But now you want to contact someone you can try just ome time Good luck to you But just three minutes I think it is not need to hurry. If they want to make something with someone,they will try. Soichiro,Japan I think its good idea. I want to try speed dating.

Hiromi Japan I can't hurry love. But,I want to try it. Because it is possible to meet many peaple. It will be interesting for me. Karen Taiwan It's really like having an interview,u just prepared what u want to say and let the other person like u in 3 mins. I don't wnat to critise this phenomenon. If it is not possible to make a friend from a populated life ,it is not also possible from a three minutes covversation.

Judgement is your job later on to find your true love. Australia I think it's a good thing.

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Vibol, Cambodia Speed dating sounds fun. There are alot of people you can talk to, make friends of and when your luck arrives you will find your partner. Greg Poland It's quite interesting way to find somebody but it if you are too sensitive it may be dangerous for you. You may fall in love and you can may be very disappointed. Shenya,Turkey since i'm unlucky,i haven't met a right person yet. Hazza, UAE I think it's a fantastic idea. I really like the idea to meet a new person just for 3 mins , then you get an idea about her or him.

If you go speed dating u won't worry about embarrassing yourself in front some one you don't know him very well. The other thing is , you have no obligation to keep in touch with some one you don't like. One of the advantages is you could fall in love at the first sight, and that much better than blind dating.

So, I think speed dating must be one of the best ideas I have ever heard of. Oleg, Russia I think this idea is not good and not bad! Every person can decide where and how to meet their special one.

To love a person calls for a fully understanding, and to know a person takes time. How can you say you love him or her withouta a fully understanding?

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Leo from China i was quite impressed at the idea of love being chemical reaction, but does that mean if you did not feel strong about a person, it will be very hard to have him or her at last as a life company? I'm looking for someone for a long time but I have no energy to know new people or talk about myself, I believe first look love so speed date can work out Iris Italy Speeding dating sounds quite interesting. Although some people claim that a real personality can't be recognized within three minutes, but I still believe the first impression.

You may find someone that's right for you , just then.

Polish dating new britain ct | Shield Chemicals

It's a good way to remind people how to talk to each other. And you can meet a lot of interesting people, some of them could be your best friend after. Fadik Turkey I think its not suitable for me! Im not shy but in that condition I might feel under pressure so cant decide healty. Victoria, Ukraine In my opinion such speed dating is invented rather for fun then for assissting people to create relations. I think one should not take such a kind of dating seriously. Mariko, Japan In my opinion, Speed dating is not so bad for people who are looking for someone to love because it just can make some chances to meet new people for them.

I think that it's quite hard It could be lots of fun if I join it, I think. Iran come on dating,hurry be love,come on getting marriage Although I didn't have find my Mr Right ,i will not use this way. Fabio , Brazil Three minutes is time enough to brake a relationship! Hella, Germany I find the idea very interesting and I wondered why it hasn't been invented before today.

You have a great choice and you meet people who have the same interest like you, to find a partner, that's very fresh and open. I hope I'll have the opportunity to take part in a speed dating in my country when it starts here and I'm sure it will start. You can make a lot of money with it. Lucy, Italy My opinion is that three minutes are not long enough Sandra Weinstein, USA Three minutes is nowhere near the amount of time it takes to choose a life partner. We are putting our best "face" forward speed dating or not in the beginning stages of relationship.

After working for John Gray, author of "Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus" for many years, I am certain that to beat the divorce statistics, we need to take some time and go through the appropriate stages of dating and deepen our interpersonal skills. Besides, the "garbage can lid" does not fly off to reveal our emotional baggage until we really feel safe and secure that we are in a committed relationship.

It is only then that we can know what we are working with and if we are equipped to handle the challenges with that particular person. We all have emotional baggage of some kind. The trick is to find someone whose "stuff" we can handle along to way to creating lasting intimacy and fulfillment.

Mayor Stewart, longtime boyfriend are engaged

Not that it absolutely can't happen, it 's just rather like gambling in Las Vegas. Hong Kong I think the speed dating is good because it can help us to make friends fast. But, maybe they can spend more time to understand each other before they can know each other. I also think when you are going to a speed dating you already go much more made ready for that. In my opinion, it is the nicest way to have a meeting someone else. The more we meet the more we have an eyes for Mr Right and. I hope it's good for lonely people like I am. Liti Speed dating is very interesting I think.

Before going to a meeting, they have more than 20 conversations with different kind of people. They can see and find the most matched of themselves.