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We went for a drink in a pub and just clicked.

Rural dating: Finding love in the countryside

He proposed to me in a bird hide last summer. I turned around and he was on one knee. I tell as many people as possible about the website now. But the internet can't solve the problem of geography. You need to be relaxed to flirt. In an ideal world, rural dwellers would go on dates in a local town and take a taxi home, she says, but in reality it's not that simple. Driving is an unavoidable part of living in the country and something that people like Vittoria have to accept.

Driving to parties in the country became one of my best pulling techniques; everyone wants a lift home. But what's the point of falling in love with someone who lives miles away from your house? Charlotte Martin has found that living where she does, with a rural-focused career, narrows down the field of potential suitors. When I was younger I didn't have so many imaginary boxes to be ticked; I just thought: I've got to find someone with a country mentality.

They don't have to be horsey but they've got to be like-minded. I can't see myself pushing a pram around Fulham. Occasionally Charlotte worries that she is being too fussy: If I'm asked out on a date there's more pressure for it to work, but then I remind myself that I don't want to settle for Mr Second Best. According to Patricia Warren, there are plenty of suitable men for Charlotte, if only they'd come forward.

Often they don't have time to go to all the rural social events because of work. Ben Turner, 29, who owns a farm near Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk, agrees that you can get caught in a rut if you live on a farm. Hunt balls and racing are the only things that buck the trend, I suppose," he says. But it's slim pickings: Tom Cooper, a land agent for Buccleuch Estates in Scotland, says that 95 per cent of the people he sees on a day-to-day basis are men.

If Louise Elliott's research is anything to go by, farmers shouldn't give up hope. Her survey showed that 76 per cent of girls born into a farming background hoped to marry a farmer. Patricia Warren has a number of farmers on the Country Bureau's books, mainly in their forties and fifties. David, 46, a farmer from Cumbria, has a "laid-back" attitude and enjoys motoring, sport and wants to travel, while Mark, 50, from Gloucestershire, has an English Language and Literature degree, and enjoys fly fishing holidays on the River Usk, and reading history and poetry.

I use the experience I have gained over the years to match people. I take into account age, height, build and occupation before sending out profiles," she says. The one thing I can't detect is whether there is any chemistry. She wishes women wouldn't leave it until their late thirties and early forties. They want to have children and live the same rural lifestyle that they did when they were younger.

It's often frustrating that they didn't come to me sooner as there are plenty of farmers around. Of course, the last resort for lonely hearts in the country is to move to a more metropolitan area — something Balfour suggests.

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But most country folk would rather be alone than live in a town, where dating is a different thing entirely. A good hat stops your hair getting blown around if you're outside, but on the whole you can go for a natural look," Vittoria Pannizon says. Archie Hardyment, 26, was surprised by the relaxed social scene he became part of when he moved to a cottage in Oxfordshire after leaving university.

Even though he isn't particularly interested in horses, he has made friends at point-to-points and via the local polo club.

Country Loving - Rural dating for countryside lovers - Home Page

There are fewer people around, but you get to know them better. Lucy Reeves insists that people shouldn't give up on finding love in the country. You've got to consider what you most enjoy doing and get involved. As yet, Archie hasn't found a girlfriend in his village, but he has faith in traditional rural networking.

It's the same for Charlotte Martin: And they will, Warren says — you mustn't give up hope. That knight in shining armour won't walk down your garden path; you've got to go out and find him. For more information about Charlotte Martin's competition yard, see www. How to F ind Your Man is published by Element.

Meet at a pub not your local and make your first date a minute drink, says Sarah Beeny , to avoid it being too tortuous. A hat can make country clothes look more glamorous and do wonders for windblown hair. Organise monthly singles gatherings with a friend. See yourself as an unofficial dating agency.

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Waitressing for local catering companies and working in pubs can be a good way of meeting people. Don't get involved with lengthy flirtations by email or phone.

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You can talk yourself out of a date. Market yourself to all your friends and do the same for them, if they're single. Be proactive; you have a higher chance of meeting someone if you do something rather than nothing. The Country Bureau thecountrybureau. A personal matchmaking agency for rural types run by Patricia Warren. Social networking site for rural types.

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