Dating for 3 years and no proposal


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  4. 3 years and 3 months and still no proposal!

7 Signs He's Never Going To Propose | HuffPost Life

I would relax and chill about it if I was you. His own words and that he wanted to feel more financially secure first. He probably wants to feel very financially secure first. He probably wants to wait until he can get you the kind of ring he wants. Does he feel like he can buy a house and ensure he can provide for you and your children down the road if need be? Imagine how he feels and let him do things his own way.

If you truly love someone then you never want to pressure them or make them feel upset or uncomfortable. Why would I ever want that?! I love him more than anything. If you really want a yes or no from him, buy a ring and ask. I have been with my fiance for over 4 years.

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Engaged for about a month. I started having the same feelings you were. I strongly advise that you let him take his time.. The fact that he is still around and loves you deeply is all you need. When he proposes, it will be amazing.

Talking about your desire to get married should not end up in an argument. You should not need to nag or bully one another, a simple discussion about the future should be enough. It took my fiance 10 years before he proposed.


No need to rush into things. I sometimes let myself be anxious, and my Fiance proposed after 10 months. Trust your instincts, but at the same time, 3 years is a long time in my opinion. Just let it sit for now, and maybe determine a timeline for yourself. You are so young!

Try not to stress about getting married or what the future holds. I had several boyfriends in my 20s and early 30s and finally met my husband when I was He is doing this to buy more time with you before being cornered into dealing with the subject of marriage.

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He avoids talking about a deeper commitment and tells you he is "happy the way things are -- why ruin it? He avoids serious talks about the future by diverting your attention. Often a man will do this by trying to make you laugh or engage you in a fun activity.

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  4. 3 years and 3 months and still no proposal!.
  5. 7 Signs He's Never Going To Propose!
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Remember his goal is to keep you happy and around without having to further the commitment. He will compliment you without adding himself in the mix.

3 years and 3 months and still no proposal!

He will tell you how great you are and how much he admires you but will not say anything like, "I am so lucky to be with you You are the woman for me! If you are nodding your head thinking to yourself, "My guy does that," then it's time to take a good, hard look at the reality of your relationship's future. Before making any final decisions, talk with your man about his long-term intentions. You could broach the subject by saying, "Bob, we have been dating for a year now, I want to check in with you and see where you see our relationship going in the future.

If he has the intention of moving forward with you, he will clearly state that to you. If he is unsure or not ready yet, he will say things like, "I need more time, I haven't thought about the future, we are having such a great time I don't want to rush it. At this point, you must decide whether you want to give it more time hoping he will eventually want to commit or move on so you can find the man who is right for you. News Politics Entertainment Communities.