Lol matchmaking duo queue


  1. Is the Matchmaking broken in League?
  2. Duo Queue for Plat 2+? Post SS of your rating
  3. How EXACTLY does duo queue ranked matchmaking work? : summonerschool
  4. Matchmaking

Leaderboard and rank doesn't really matter People are forgetting that it's not about balance it's about win trading. It was already explained thread is still up on reddit, google it yourself as posting the link here will get it deleted by mods how duo Q and matchmaking can be exploited to rig the leaderboards quite easily and you only need 4 people to do it.

Is the Matchmaking broken in League?

The real question is whether or not being able to play with your friends is worth it to you for the price of dealing with significantly more match manipulation. It is pretty simple math. The team that plays them will have 5. So times you are in a match with them You are almost twice as likely to be on the short end of the stick. You're describing a scenario where there's 10 players queuing for a match and two of them happen to be queued together, and the players are just randomly distributed across the two teams.

What happens when you actually account for stuff like how your personal mmr impacts whether you'll be grouped with a particular set of players when a matchmaker tries to create teams with equal average mmrs, how the matchmaker will try to even out the 10 player's respective professions so that they're distributed evenly to the two teams, how a matchmaker will typically tend to place a duo on each team in cases where there are duos in a match? If people want to manipulate their way onto the leaderboards then not my problem, just another person that makes me feel better about myself due to their pathetic lifestyle but for the love of beer let me play with guildies and friends again and know that our time isn't being wasted Not to brag, but I put together a puzzle in 4 days and the box said years.

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PvP forum members must be making a new football oval judging by the way they move the goalposts of every post. Please allow team queue with rewards again at our own discretion. Rating is at the time of writing this. Reached higher Platinum in previous seasons though. I just find it really weird to not allow friends to play together. Yes, low rating players may face them, but hey.

That's part of it. It's just another albeit steep step on the learning curve. I personally don't want to farm for rewards or any of that, I play sPvP simply because it's fun and because I want to challenge myself to improve, nothing is quite as exhilarating as winning a close match in this game.

Most fun I've had all season so far was two days back, winning a game to , after having to come back from to Hard work, but it felt so kitten good and everyone yes, all 10 actually commented one another on the well played match. That's how it should be.

Duo Queue for Plat 2+? Post SS of your rating

That includes sometimes facing the odds. I am of a mind that, you will win, even against these duo's, if you really want to. Because if you really want to, you'll learn from your losses and improve. You'll actually try to become a better player and can actually beat even those people. Not wanting an equal playing field for everyone in terms of duo queues, is just your own ego and weakness shining through.

So it washes out in the end. Get on an account that has a MMR that can still duo and do some solo and some duo and you'll quickly see what I mean. All these straw men you anti-group players line up can easily be swept away. Allowing duoing won't stop anyone good from placing high but it might just bring some people back. It doesn't quite work that way, you don't gain points for losing more closely, you just lose less points. You're still losing the points. I don't even care about the leaderboard, but I'm fairly sure it would make the match quality even worse by widening the rating gaps within matches even further.

I posted an explanatory vid in the other thread. PvP in this game has been a joke to varying degrees for quite a while. Can anyone explain it to me why the "pros" complaining about solo queue arent just playing AT? That is your dream.

How EXACTLY does duo queue ranked matchmaking work? : summonerschool

You can get your dream team and go for it. My Explanation of current state: ANET introduced A frikkin legendary backpack which takes ages to complete in a ranked gametype. They also time-gated it to oblivion so you need multiple seasons to get it.

  • Duo Queue for Plat 2+? Post SS of your rating — Guild Wars 2 Forums!
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  • I seriously think that is the problem. Because the "PvE noobs" you get teamed up with, dont care how the match goes. They just want to get the backpack and gtfo.


    But the surplus of new players will keep that ranks filled. I think Anet should introduce a pro leaugue parallel to the normal ranked league. After you reach platinum in normal league, you should Change leagues and go play "there".

    League of Legends - A Story of Revenge

    Same response to other thread which is the same thread as this actually:. The back is almost two if not already years old. Basically everyone who wants it has it. As for ATs, they offer one or two good games every 6 hours. Is the Matchmaking broken in League? I am a long time League player, ranking in on about 3. In my playtime, i have come to wonder if the League of Legends matchmaking is broken. Now, if you know anything about League, you understand how hard this is to compensate for.

    Further more, it becomes harder, because you are playing effectively 4v5 now - as your fifth person is nigh replaceable by a Bot. This is not a one time happening - And neither is it something that i would argue is the sole reason of how MMR is fudged up. This to me, combined with the fact of matching up with people who are very polarized in skill Read: This leaves the question - is the MMR of League, in fact, broken?

    Considering the fact of how many games are polarized in stat distribution as well: As much as possible, the game tries to create matches that are a coin flip between players who are about the same skill. The Matchmaking System works along with a modified version of the Elo system. From there, the game is played. If a player wins, the player gain points. On the contrary, if the player loses, he loses points. If the win was "unexpected" i.