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  4. Benjamin Britten

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I like to garden and grow home produce. Authorities differ on the extent of Bridge's influence on his pupil's technique. Humphrey Carpenter and Michael Oliver judge that Britten's abilities as an orchestrator were essentially self-taught; [28] Donald Mitchell considers that Bridge had an important influence on the cycle. At the time he felt unhappy there, even writing in his diary of contemplating suicide or running away: He won the Sullivan Prize for composition, the Cobbett Prize for chamber music, and was twice winner of the Ernest Farrar Prize for composition.

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Britten also used his time in London to attend concerts and become better acquainted with the music of Stravinsky , Shostakovich and, most particularly, Mahler. The first of Britten's compositions to attract wide attention were composed while at the RCM: Britten became a member of the film unit's small group of regular contributors, another of whom was W. Together they worked on the documentary films Coal Face and Night Mail in Auden was, as David Matthews puts it, "cheerfully and guiltlessly promiscuous"; Britten, puritanical and conventional by nature, was sexually repressed.

In the three years from to Britten wrote nearly 40 scores for the theatre, cinema and radio. In there were two events of huge importance in Britten's life: Although Britten was extraordinarily devoted to his mother and was devastated at her death, it also seems to have been something of a liberation for him.

During Britten composed a Pacifist March to words by Ronald Duncan for the Peace Pledge Union , of which, as a pacifist, he had become an active member; the work was not a success and was soon withdrawn. They had several reasons for leaving England, including the difficult position of pacifists in an increasingly bellicose Europe; the success that Frank Bridge had enjoyed in the US; the departure of Auden and his friend Christopher Isherwood to the US from England three months previously; hostile or belittling reviews of Britten's music in the English press; and under-rehearsed and inadequate performances.

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Already a friend of the composer Aaron Copland , Britten encountered his latest works Billy the Kid and An Outdoor Overture , both of which influenced his own music. In Britten produced his first music drama, Paul Bunyan , an operetta , to a libretto by Auden. The two met in the summer of and subsequently performed a number of McPhee's transcriptions for a recording. Moving to the US did not relieve Britten of the nuisance of hostile criticism: Thomson described Les Illuminations as "little more than a series of bromidic and facile 'effects' Robinson surmises that Thomson was motivated by "a mixture of spite, national pride, and professional jealousy".

The reputation of the work was much enhanced when Koussevitzky took it up shortly afterwards. In Britten read the work of the poet George Crabbe for the first time. He also knew that he must write an opera based on Crabbe's poem about the fisherman Peter Grimes. The latter was his last large-scale collaboration with Auden. Britten had grown away from him, and Auden became one of the composer's so-called "corpses" — former intimates from whom he completely cut off contact once they had outlived their usefulness to him or offended him in some way.

Having arrived in Britain, Britten and Pears applied for recognition as conscientious objectors ; Britten was initially allowed only non-combatant service in the military, but on appeal he gained unconditional exemption. He spent much of his time there in working on the opera Peter Grimes. Pears joined Sadler's Wells Opera Company , whose artistic director, the singer Joan Cross , announced her intention to re-open the company's home base in London with Britten's opera, casting herself and Pears in the leading roles.

A month after the opening of Peter Grimes , Britten and Yehudi Menuhin went to Germany to give recitals to concentration camp survivors. Britten's next opera, The Rape of Lucretia , was presented at the first post-war Glyndebourne Festival in It was then taken on tour to provincial cities under the banner of the "Glyndebourne English Opera Company", an uneasy alliance of Britten and his associates with John Christie , the autocratic proprietor of Glyndebourne.

The group's express purpose was to produce and commission new English operas and other works, presenting them throughout the country.

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  7. Unlike many leading English composers, Britten was not known as a teacher, [n 8] but in he accepted his only private pupil, Arthur Oldham , who studied with him for three years. Throughout the s Britten continued to write operas. Billy Budd was well received at its Covent Garden premiere and was regarded by reviewers as an advance on Peter Grimes. The downbeat story of Elizabeth I in her decline, and Britten's score — reportedly thought by members of the premiere's audience "too modern" for such a gala [95] — did not overcome what Matthews calls the "ingrained philistinism" of the ruling classes.

    In the s the "fervently anti-homosexual" Home Secretary , Sir David Maxwell Fyfe , [] urged the police to enforce the Victorian laws making homosexual acts illegal. In the end nothing was done. An increasingly important influence on Britten was the music of the East, an interest that was fostered by a tour there with Pears in , when Britten once again encountered the music of the Balinese gamelan [] and saw for the first time Japanese Noh plays, which he called "some of the most wonderful drama I have ever seen.

    Curlew River and The Prodigal Son By the s, the Aldeburgh Festival was outgrowing its customary venues, and plans to build a new concert hall in Aldeburgh were not progressing. When redundant Victorian maltings buildings in the village of Snape, six miles inland, became available for hire, Britten realised that the largest of them could be converted into a concert hall and opera house.

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    The seat Snape Maltings hall was opened by the Queen at the start of the twentieth Aldeburgh Festival on 2 June ; it was immediately hailed as one of the best concert halls in the country. The Queen again attended the opening performance in The Maltings gave the festival a venue that could comfortably house large orchestral works and operas.

    Britten conducted the first performance outside Russia of Shostakovich's Fourteenth Symphony at Snape in One of the best known of Britten's works, the War Requiem , was premiered in He had been asked four years earlier to write a work for the consecration of the new Coventry Cathedral , a modernist building designed by Basil Spence.

    The old cathedral had been left in ruins by an air-raid on the city in in which hundreds of people died. His text interspersed the traditional Requiem Mass with poems by Wilfred Owen.

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    Matthews writes, "With the War Requiem Britten reached the apex of his reputation: In the BBC commissioned Britten to write an opera specially for television. In September Britten asked Myfanwy Piper , who had adapted the two Henry James stories for him, to turn another prose story into a libretto. This was Thomas Mann 's novella Death in Venice , a subject he had been considering for some time.

    He was determined to finish the opera and worked urgently to complete it before going into hospital for surgery. Perhaps of all his works, this one went deepest into Britten's own soul: After the completion of the opera Britten went into the National Heart Hospital and was operated on in May to replace a failing heart valve. The replacement was successful, but he suffered a slight stroke, affecting his right hand. This brought his career as a performer to an end. In June , the last year of his life, Britten accepted a life peerage — the first composer so honoured — becoming Baron Britten, of Aldeburgh in the County of Suffolk.

    Peter Maxwell Davies , []. Britten died of congestive heart failure on 4 December His funeral service was held at Aldeburgh Parish Church three days later, [] and he was buried in its churchyard, with a gravestone carved by Reynolds Stone. Despite his large number of works on Christian themes, Britten has sometimes been thought of as agnostic. He told Pears that he always voted either Liberal or Labour and could not imagine ever voting Conservative , but he was never a member of any party, except the Peace Pledge Union. Physically, Britten was never robust. He walked and swam regularly and kept himself as fit as he could, but Carpenter in his biography mentions 20 illnesses, a few of them minor but most fairly serious, suffered over the years by Britten before his final heart complaint developed.

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    Britten was, as he acknowledged, notorious for dumping friends and colleagues who either offended him or ceased to be of use — his "corpses". Both Mackerras and Harewood joined the list of corpses, the former for joking that the number of boys in Noye's Fludde must have been a delight to the composer, and the latter for an extramarital affair and subsequent divorce from Lady Harewood , which shocked the puritanical Britten. The latter said in , "He has sometimes told me, jokingly, that one day I would join the ranks of his 'corpses' and I have always recognized that any ordinary person must soon outlive his usefulness to such a great creative artist as Ben.

    He did not want to hurt anyone, but the task in hand was more important than anything or anybody. Throughout his adult life, Britten had a particular rapport with children and enjoyed close friendships with several boys, particularly those in their early teens. He loved music, and loved youngsters caring about music. It was long suspected by several of Britten's close associates that there was something exceptional about his attraction to teenage boys: Auden referred to Britten's "attraction to thin-as-a-board juveniles Some commentators have continued to question Britten's conduct, sometimes very sharply.

    A more recent controversy was the statement in a biography of Britten by Paul Kildea that the composer's heart failure was due to undetected syphilis , which Kildea speculates was a result of Pears's promiscuity while the two were living in New York.

    Benjamin Britten

    Britten's early musical life was dominated by the classical masters; his mother's ambition was for him to become the " Fourth B " — after Bach , Beethoven and Brahms. I remember receiving the full score of Fidelio for my fourteenth birthday But I think in a sense I never forgave them for having led me astray in my own particular thinking and natural inclinations". Through his association with Frank Bridge, Britten's musical horizons expanded.

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    A letter at that time reveals his thoughts on the contemporary music scene: The same composer's Symphony of Psalms , and Petrushka were lauded in similar terms. Besides his growing attachments to the works of 20th century masters, Britten — along with his contemporary Michael Tippett — was devoted to the English music of the late 17th and early 18th centuries, in particular the work of Purcell. At that time Mahler's music was little regarded and rarely played in English concert halls.

    The Britten-Pears Foundation considers the composer's operas "perhaps the most substantial and important part of his compositional legacy. The early operetta Paul Bunyan stands apart from Britten's later operatic works. Philip Brett, in Grove ' s article on Britten, calls it "a patronizing attempt by W H Auden to evoke the spirit of a nation not his own in which Britten was a somewhat dazzled accomplice".

    Britten's subsequent operas range from large-scale works written for full-strength opera companies, to chamber operas for performance by small touring opera ensembles or in churches and schools. The secular The Golden Vanity was intended to be performed in schools. Owen Wingrave , written for television, was first presented live by the Royal Opera at Covent Garden in , two years after its broadcast premiere.