My ex boyfriend is dating someone else but wants to be friends


  1. Is it right to date someone new when you're not over your ex? - Chicago Tribune
  2. Why Your Ex Boyfriend Contacts You When Hes In Another Relationship
  3. Is Your Ex In a Rebound Relationship? Find Out With These Telltale Signs
  4. 338 thoughts on “Why Your Ex Boyfriend Contacts You When Hes In Another Relationship”

On the other end of the spectrum, there are exes who will try to hide their new relationship from you. This is fairly uncommon and it could mean two things.

Is it right to date someone new when you're not over your ex? - Chicago Tribune

After all, you know your ex and your situation better than anyone else. If they are in a rebound, you still have to apply the no contact rule and follow the 5-step plan. If you are looking to get your ex girlfriend or ex wife back, then you should check out this article.

It will be the most comprehensive guide you will ever read and it will give you objectives you can set for yourself as you are moving forward in this journey to get your ex girlfriend back. In addition, you might also want to read this article on what to do if your ex boyfriend is in another relationship. Scroll down to read the comments. Before commenting, read commenting guidelines. He already has a new girlfriend after 2 months.

Is this a rebound? He seems so in love. So me and my ex have been around 1 year but things started coming down from half year, i started talking to my ex while having something serious with my boyfriend, and he felt sad a lot and begged me to stop it, i didnt listen and he got tired of begging so he broke up with me and inmediately started having something with a girl, he is a serious and mature guy so i cant tell if it is a rebound relationship, also his new girlfriend is far away from him so that makes it a long distant relationship.

I made a huge mistake on begging him because i was devastated but he still comforted me and promised to get back with me, the only reason he hasnt done it is because he doesnt want to hurt his new girlfriend feelings.

Why Your Ex Boyfriend Contacts You When Hes In Another Relationship

What should i do. It is likely a rebound, and you're probably going to have let him make a decision on his own by being patient and not acting needy in the meantime. Basically the girl i dated ended things with me to go back to her ex. I'm very confused because I dont know if i was the rebound or is he? She dated me in july after breaking up with her ex in april It's a little hard to tell for certain and it would depend on who she feels more connected to at the end of the day. Based on the situation though, there's a possibility that you were the rebound, because even though she gave more to you, she still felt connected enough to her ex to end up leaving the relationship to be with him.

What will i do?

Do I still need to hold on? Has there ever been a consideration to reduce the distance and begin living together eventually, considering that you have a 2 year old daughter with him? If distance is the issue here which caused him to get intimate with someone else, this is something that has to be considered before you think about winning him back.

Also, you'll have to do what's best for you and your kid, and I personally wouldn't recommend simply holding on for the sake of it. I was in a 3 year relationship. We parted ways back in March , but it wasn't a "real" breakup. We just decided we didn't get along anymore and would be better off on our own, which was the stupidest thing to do. We kept on seeing each other, calling, texting, etc. This changed in June. I noticed a change in her approach, as if her focus shifted.

She didn't speak to me the way she used to and kept breaking up text conversations in the middle. I felt she was slipping away, but did nothing about it. I reached out like three times and then my pride took over and I was like: We talked briefly and then hours later when I saw her alone I grabbed her and told her I love her and asked if she's happy with him. A week later I left a love letter and a bunch of pictures of us throughout the years at her house and spoke to her mum. She texted me the next day saying that she still thinks of me, but a lot of time has passed and things are not what they used to be.

She said that she wants to speak to me, but she's not ready to have that conversation yet. Now give me that time. The conversation turned into analyzing past mistakes and unwanted behaviour during our relationship and me declaring I had changed my ways. She reaffirmed that she still thinks of me, but has moved on, that time heals and that she started to build her life from scratch.

She did not respond to my last email in that conversation. It's been over a week now since that email conversation and I haven't contacted her in any way. Please advise if there are still chances to turn things around and get back together. I will really appreciate your feedback.

It's normal that she would still think of you from time to time since you both did share 3 years worth of memories together.

Is Your Ex In a Rebound Relationship? Find Out With These Telltale Signs

Under these circumstances, it's not impossible to win her back because she would undoubtedly still have some feelings for you. However, whether those feelings are ignited once again or end in a form of closure would depend on what you do. I would suggest giving her the space she had requested and not text her daily for the time being, but continue reaching out every now and then.

Those times you do reach out, keep the conversation light-hearted and on a positive note, and avoid bringing up getting back together until she is ready. Just build upon positive memories for now to help remind her of the good times she once shared with you and never let your emotions or uncertainty get the better of you.

Hello, I was hoping for some additional insight from someone. My situation is sort of unique. Both my ex and I are men. I am 25 and he is We were engaged for a year prior to him leaving me, and we were together for almost four years. He left now me a little over 4 months ago, but we still spoke and hung out almost every day for a long time afterward.

338 thoughts on “Why Your Ex Boyfriend Contacts You When Hes In Another Relationship”

We also had sex often. Now he tells me he is interested in a coworker of ours. The coworker is 17, and my ex is trying to pursue a relationship with him. Two days before they hung out for the first time, my ex and I had sex for what may be the last time. He said he wanted to focus on the possible new relationship with the coworker and not think about our past because it still hurts him. I would like to be friends with him too. But the difficult part is that this new relationship will be right in my face on a daily basis.

Keep in mind that your ex being only 21, probably has a different frequency from you in terms of what he's seeking out.

At this point, there's a likelihood that he's still curious to explore and therefore might have lost interest in the current relationship to pursue something novel. There's not much that can be done at this point, except to either win him back or to wait it out and hope it's merely a phase he's going through. I was hoping for some insight. We had been dating for 3 years. A year and a half of which was long distance. We have so much in common and shes perfect. Ive dated alot of girls.

So we got in a couple small fights December and January over the diatance but still resolved them. In February I send her gifts for valentines day.

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Which she later said she liked. Literally days following that she tells me we should minimize communication because she has a boyfriend now. Which was weird because like I said there was no evidence prior. We continued to talk regardless a for a few weeks then she completely shut me out. Since then I wouldnt stop contacting her which was bad I know. I was in her city a few weeks ago and told her to call me so we could link. She called and as hard as I tried I couldnt help but ask several questions about her relationship. She said she cant tell me when it became serious which was odd to me.

Yet she said she met him last summer. I got made and she said shed call me back never did. I have yet to go no contact with her for long. I feel like she would of never called me if they werent. As you were in a long distance relationship with her, it may have been the reason she moved on to a new partner so quickly to which she may have felt a loss of spark for awhile but never had a reason to bring it up until she fell for someone else. This would also contribute towards her being able to detach herself from you so easily after the breakup.

You should try going into no contact but not simply with the focus of winning her back, but more so to work on yourself and give both parties space. After NC has ended, you can decide again whether you want to win her back or not and follow the steps in our articles for more help. My ex and I been together for almost four years. Well anyway, he broke up with me almost three months ago. Life pretty much gotten in the way from a miscarriage from him losing his car and his place.

As of right now he and her are doing long distance rebound and I want him back. He told me he wants me to heal first and then he would be interested in pursuing a relationship with me. Is there any tips for me? Perhaps spend this time working on things you felt could have contributed towards any issues during the relationship, and maybe even consider improving your appearance or working on your self-confidence in general.