Freshman boy dating a senior girl


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  2. A senior girl dating a freshman boy ~ Restricted Growth Association UK
  3. High school: SENIOR (GIRL) DATING FRESHMEN (BOY).. Thoughts?

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One of my senior friends is going out with a freshman on his cross country team, and they seem to be really happy with each other. I wouldn't think it matters as long as it isn't abusive Who cares what others think. D Is it really so bad for a high school freshman girl and senior boy to date? How do you feel about a 14 year old Freshman girl dating a 17 year old senior boy?

Do freshmen guys find it cool to date senior girls? Is it wrong for a freshman girl to be going out with a senior boy? Is it wrong for a senior in high school to date a freshman in high school? Answer Questions What can be the reason why a 37 year old male is not married yet? How can I make my ears stick out more? Why exposing him made him think it was right of him to leave me?

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He was the one at fault? Any books,movie which tell how to hate girls? I think it is cute and very nice. It is normal to be in love, with whomever, without thinking about anything physical about him. You'll be out of high school before you know it! The true test of your relationship will be the college years. Give it a go! My senior year I started dating a freshman as well.

I'd known him since I was a sophomore and had liked him since I met him. I'm still dating him infact. He's a sophomore now Friends and the teachers that knew me well didn't care at all but some of the other teachers had problems with it. Including the principle, from what my boyfriend's told me.

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Almost every day we had this old guy that worked there getting on our case for being together. That didn't stop us. So, if you really like this boy, go for it.

His and your feelings are all that matter, no one else's. I have asked questions, and given you very little advice. I will be anxious to see what other have to say. We've had "the talk" and I don't believe he is sexually active. I'm hoping that the co-worker that said she saw him today was blowing things out of proportion she tends to do that and her daughter is in my son's class. I guess I'll find out later! I'm anxious to see what more people have to say. I have met her and she's a nice gal but too old for my kid in my opinion!

Not sure of what state you live in, but most areas have a Romeo and Juliet clause when considering the ages of the participants. The girl may feel this way if your son worships the ground she walks on. Older girls with younger guys doesn't make a lot of sense to me at that age. Most teen girls are far more mature than their male peers Nevermind one years younger. Hopefully nothing comes of it.

A senior girl dating a freshman boy ~ Restricted Growth Association UK

My DD is a freshman and I would have 16 fits if she was loving on a senior! I need an excedrin just thinking about it!

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Of course that was 30 years ago! The girl may be immature and drawn to your son because she feels more comfortable with him as well as finding him cute and athletic! Good luck with your talk. My dd was dating a boy a year younger last year and took a lot of ribbing from her friends and even some teachers.

Now she is dating a boy a year older and no one has said a word. I guess if she was older than high school, I'd be more concerned. One thing I've learned from both my kids who are grown now is that my dh and I often worried about the wrong kids they were associating with. They now tell us some of the ones we felt they were the safest with were the worst!

If you've been having conversations with him all along about sex and still are, and as you said, is an all round great kid, I don't know what more you can do. He sounds very much like my ds was in h.

High school: SENIOR (GIRL) DATING FRESHMEN (BOY).. Thoughts?

But you also thought they were just friends. Could be no more than the hand holding and hands on hips, but good communication will help!

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  • She could be introducing him to a whole new level of partying. Again, this depends on the girl, of course. My nephew dated a senior girl when he was a freshman and was introduced to college parties, pot, and plenty of alcohol. He didn't deny walking with the girl at school but was shocked when I asked about the handholding and hip action, he couldn't believe it. Now, I'm not so naive that I think my son is perfect but up to this point, that I know of, he has never lied to me.

    I may have failed to mention in my OP that the co-worker that told me this story is a drama queen and always trying to stir up gossip. Her daughter is the same age as my son and has always had a crush on him. My DS won't give her the time of day because she is obnoxious. I think there is some jealousy there by the mom because my DS doesn't like her kid and he is pretty popular at school. In fact, last summer another similar situation happened where the mom told me something my son apparently did as told her to by her daughter then we found out her daughter lied.

    The mom was very embarrassed and chewed out her kid. So see what I mean? This coworker isn't exactly respected in my school. I asked DS if he liked this girl for more than a friend and they were holding hands if he would tell me. My DS could be lying but I really don't think so. I would hope that this co-worker wouldn't make it up but I certainly wouldn't put it past her.

    Thanks for all of the great words of wisdom everyone! Remind him of his morals and consequences and taking things slow. Speak to her whenever she is around and let her get the message you are more on the strict side. Is he taking her to prom? Keep his social life the same of in school or games type and let it run its course. She will discover collegeboys soon. I am sure your son is just really nice to her and he likes her attention.


    She may be less mature, or less willing to participate when what her peers are doing. It truly was like having a guy friend- that's it except for the kissing!