Dating someone with pets


  1. Pets and dating: how your pets can help you find love | EliteSingles
  2. How owning a pet can change your dating life
  3. The Secret to Winning a Dog Lover’s Heart

In a broad sense, pet owners were found to be much more conscientious than those who do not own pets, which makes sense. Having another living being to tend to day after day certainly makes you more responsible and focused.

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In general, it was found that self-identified dog people scored higher on extraversion, agreeableness and conscientiousness. It is not hard to determine how extraverted and agreeable someone is. Speaking to someone a few times should give you that information, but you might need to know someone more intimately to determine the degree of these traits. However, it can be quite difficult to determine how neurotic or open someone is without having a deeply personal relationship with them.

Pets and dating: how your pets can help you find love | EliteSingles

Through this study, it has been shown that cat owners are, on average, more neurotic than dog owners or non-owners. Neuroticism is also associated with depression and hostility.

1. They Are In Things For The Long Run

Despite this fact, cat owners are not inherently worse dating partners. Most are probably not dangerously neurotic, and cat owners still have traits that can make them desirable. For instance, cat people were more likely to have anxious attachment styles and people without pets were more likely to have avoidant attachment styles. These different attachment styles are important in dating relationships and can almost determine what arguments, fears and feelings partners can have in the course of their relationship. Avoidant attachment was most seen in those who do not have pets.

For those concerned with long-term commitment, this means that having a pet can decrease avoidance regardless of any human relationships or caregiving roles that the person might have.

How owning a pet can change your dating life

Cat ownership, on the other hand, was linked with anxious attachment. However, they state that anxiously attached parents tend to be more overprotective of their children and will not allow the child to grow and change in a healthy way. During the course of a relationship, either party could undergo a great deal of change. For an anxiously attached person, this change can be perceived as a threat to the stability of the relationship.

Knowing if someone tends to be more anxiously attached can help ignite positive discussions about the relationship. With extraversion, agreeableness and the lack of maladaptive attachment styles, dog owners seem like the best pick for dating. However, those who do not own pets may be better partners in hookup or short-term situations and cat owners would be better partners for those who do not mind giving reassurance periodically and enjoy having someone depend on them. In any case, it is apparent that being conscious of which pets someone has, if any, can be more useful in determining certain traits than knowing how well they interact with children.

The Secret to Winning a Dog Lover’s Heart

The next step, having a pet with someone, can act as a test run for having children. These topics included finances, adopting more pets and even the possibility of having children. Nothing terrifies me more than being so close to someone and then watching them become a stranger again.

  • 2. They Know That Things Can Get Messy!
  • Dating with pets!
  • distinguish between relative dating and numerical (absolute) dating of rock formations;
  • 6 Rules for Dating a Devoted Dog Person.

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Holly Riordan Holly is the author of Severe d: Accomplishing goals is not success. Stop searching for happiness in the same place you lost it.