Saying i love you after a week of dating


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Keep an eye out for actual red flags that may come with it, like high emotional dependency or a need to monopolize your time.

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If high on drugs it doesn't count. If drunk it may or may not count. If sober then it is probably a red flag. So I guess my horror novel breakdown actually didn't put anything into perspective for you and you're still en route to disaster.

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What the fuck are you doing, seriously? I care more about what people do than what they say. I don't think he knows what love is though if he is just throwing it around so casually. Well we see each other every 3 days and call each other and talk for hours the days we don't see each other. If you have to ask if it's a red flag, aka are feeling weird about it but want confirmation, it's a red flag. If you don't think it's a red flag and the thought hasn't crossed your mind, then it's not for you.

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Submit screenshot links to your profile so you get maximum views, as not everyone has your particular dating app. Welcome to Reddit, the front page of the internet. Become a Redditor and subscribe to one of thousands of communities. What about when it's accidently said twice on two separate occasions? I told him I loved him too. Want to add to the discussion? You know what to expect. Wish trump voters figured this out.

Did you say it? Or did your date say it? He's nice and attentive though. Generally yes, but what's true for most isn't always true for everyone. Then yes, it's another red flag. Even if it's a different guy, it's making you uncomfortable, so it's a red flag. We literally talk on the phone from sun up 2 sun down. We feel like we've known each other for years Now early moring like 4ish we our having our normal talks about us and our future. Mind you i was kinda tired. Im relaxing with my eyes closed and i hear the words i love u being spoken. I thought i was hearing things.

I let it slide I was taken back and immediately let him know that that should be saved for a special moment. He went on 2 explain why he loves me. The crazy thing is that i feel strongly about him 2 and know that it is all real. Its like a little piece of heaven on earth because i believe i found my soul. I fell for my man very quickly, I knew without a doubt that I loved him - love comes in many shapes and forms.

I am going through this right now I'm so scared and skeptical even though I am feeling in my heart this seems heaven sent. We are both almost 50 and I am not gullible or desparate. I have been single for 25 years after a deep heart break. Even though I've dated and tried relationships it never felt right.

How Soon A Man Says 'I Love You' Means Everything

I feel like I have a connection with him somehow. I am questitoning his motives and he keeps assuring me.

Hi Everyone, Im just another girl thats a bit confused. He tells me straightaway after the night that i meet up with him for the first time.

Is saying 'i love you' after 2 weeks a red flag? : OkCupid

And then he says he loves me. I know it might not be true and he just wants to get into my pants. But he says with sincerity without shaking his voice and he keeps telling me how come i didn't answer back. Dont i believe in him. He then explains how what he's seeing in me is what he's looking for. I dont do drugs, smoke or gambling. Plus he saw im quite, shy and sweet which he likes in a girl plus im asian and he likes bigger girl. He says, Im perfect i dont need to lose weight or diet.

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I guess i can say he does like bigger while im on the other hand im selfconscious because i am chubby gal. So i have insecurities. I wont believe what he's saying at all everytime. When we had dinner he open the cap of my juice and keep my table clean and clear.

My Boyfriend Hasn't Said I Love You After Almost 9 Months Of Dating? Should I Bring It Up To Him?

He also put waters on my glass eventhough he doesn't drink the water hes drinking a fizzy drink. Which i find that he might be genuine in the 2nd date. He even want me to meet his brother last night because his brother knows were meeting each other. But i still doubts. But I do see qualities that i like. Hes a gentleman with everything. Also he kisses me in public and put his touque on me which i find a bit overwhelming to me.

Im conservative i tell him that. I can give him a peck or a long peck but going all out tounge is too much that someone sees might be a bit uncomfortable even i am. I guess he is very passionate and affectionate. And then he stops and smile that im a shy girl but he dont mind as he loves me. But do you think this is real love? He is declaring to me. I want to give him my heart but im still guarding it as im afraid to get my heart broken. Well as for me it's so new to me the whole i love you as i have never been in love. I find it hard to trust guys.

Eventhough there were men and even at highschool asking me out but i chicken out and dont give them a chance and ignores them. So i have asked my friends and mom. What i see in him and if i should believe. Thats why i find it hard to put myself out there and now i tried im confused. Should i trust him? Insert subject line here and link it to: Once you say this to him, or even send this simple phrase in a text message It will flip his world upside down and you will suddenly find him chasing you- And even begging to be with you.

Is your man hiding something? He may need your help? Alicia Roberts 39, married, two kids is a news editor at the Charlotte Observer. Deirdre McGruder 39, single is an online producer for CharlotteObserver. Alicia is a big fan of the send-it-out-into-the-universe-and- see-what-happens method of making connections She also tries, with very limited success at this point in her life, to bite her tongue when anger gets in the way of reason in any relationship.