Hook up digital phone time warner


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If you call them for help, first thing they would do is reset the modem which won't help. For the app issues they ask you to uninstall and reinstall the app. Horrible service and customer care experience. One of the first places we did this was with Time Warner Cable.

When I first called the representative was very understanding, cancelled the services I requested and said that a credit would be issued to my account to cover the next bill; after that my bill would be This was so easy, or so I thought. I was then billed the following month the amount I was paying previously. I used online chat to inquire why this was, and they said some how the credit wasn't added to my account, but that they could add it then, while we were speaking.

Why should a company wait until a complaint has come in to do something they already said they would do? After talking to multiple people, about getting a credit back to my account, no one could help me. I then reached out to the BBB with details of my complaint. This trend continued until she considered the issue "closed" because I was a "no contact" customer Mind you, I returned many calls and left voice mails. When she finally picked up the phone, I explained my situation in more detail. We've changed up our budget, and this month we budgeted 14 or so for internet, not the amount we were charged.

We would like to be refunded the difference. I was then told, because my auto debit set up on their site was using my account number, and not my card number, that there was nothing she could do. I then asked to cancel my account effective immediately, as I do not want to deal with a company that will let me talk to over 10 people, through online chat, on the phone, over social media - and have no resolution.

You are blaming me for the mistakes your company has made. This company is deceptive, self-serving and greedy. It lets its customer service representatives hide behind bizarre and obviously not customer-centric policies, and NEVER is looking to make things right. They make me sick.

How to Install Fax Services With Time Warner Cable Digital Phone Service

If you have the option to deal with another provider, avoid these guys all together. The building was pre-wired with all telecom services home run to the basement. You might think this was going to be the biggest hurdle in acquiring TW cable services for the tenants, but guess again. The tap essentially a junction box was installed a month ago and most of the tenants still can't get service. According to TW Cable even though their engineers have been to the building, designed and installed equipment in the building, and even though one tenant in the building has been able to have her service successfully installed, even with all this, the remaining tenants cannot get their service installed because their apartments are not registered.

Are you kidding me? No, I'm afraid not.

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In conversation with a very courteous TW employee in the apartment managers division we are repeatedly told, "this is a process and you are in the final stages of registration". Even if one of the 3 site visits made by TW Cable to the property was not enough to verify the existence of apartments, even if they need someone in a department other than the "Apartment Managers" division to verify the existence of apartments, even if this is not a new building, but a renovated building that has had TW Cable in the past, even if all these things are true, I find it unbelievable that TW Cable has been unable register the remaining apartments in the month that has passed since they installed a line and tap in the basement of said building.

Back at the beginning of November when we first called TW Cable in order to have the tap installed in the basement, I personally spoke with a very discourteous and unhelpful employee in customer service. She had no idea what to do with my call for apartment building service. After a few frustrating minutes of pointless conversation pertaining to services she new nothing about, she informed me that I needed to speak with the business department. I asked her if she could transfer the call. She said she could not, but would give me the number.

I said thank you, hung up the phone and dialed the number given to me by this TW Cable customer service employee.

The phone rang, connected, and I was greeted, "Welcome to Comcast". I hope that unhelpful and discourteous TW Cable Customer Service representative is spending her holidays looking for a new job. This company is a Headless Monster! After 1 year I dropped my time warner digital phone.

My area code is I was being charged extra for every call I made to my same area code - they called it local long distance??? Even to a city that was just up the street with the same area code???? I dropped my time warner digital phone january The phone was disconnected in january. Forget about talking to customer service - that's another horror story.

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I never get surprise charges from my magic jack. No more phone bill or padded or hidden charges that time warner forgets to tell you about when you sign up. And when you get fed up and drop the digital phone plan like I did, you may still get billed for long distance calls even if you do not have the phone anymore.

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Here is another thing they forget to tell you. If you sign up for a service then plan on paying for that service for 2 full years. Shame on you time warner. Start telling the truth about your charges up front. Don't advertise a price and leave out the fact that there will be hidden charges added. I will spread the word. The price was great, the product was a headache. The phone service was horrible.

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On a daily basis, my phone service did not have a dial tone so I could not make a phone call. I would have to use a cell phone to call my home number, make my home phone ring and then I would finally get a dial tone, but after being on the phone for one minute, the service would hang up on my call. Is there an adapter that exists where it basically allows me to plug my telephone line into an ethernet port?

Or will I have to have Time Warner come to the house and put phone line jacks into the wall? When I asked the TWC support person if such an adapter exists all she said was 'you can just use the ubee for the phone and the internet' even though I told her I bought the new modem because their modem's range and connectivity is far outclassed by the C I have already tried looking this up on line but because I am super dumb when it comes to landline telephones I have no idea what any of it is telling me.

More about connect phone ethernet port. BuddhaSkoota Feb 14, , I told her I bought the new modem because their modem's range and connectivity is far outclassed by the C Can't find your answer?