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Rebecca Vandemark 33 is one Christian single who knows first hand the difficulties involved with faith-based dating. Yet, it is possible to find romantic success on the Christian dating scene, no matter what age or romantic background you are from. And, for many Americans, that right place is online, with dating sites like EliteSingles. Indeed, a surprisingly large percentage of Christian singles are turning to the internet to find a long-term, spiritually-connected partner.

Dating in the US? The journey towards a truly meaningful connection starts here. Why not give it a go?

December 2018

Once you've completed our easy registration , you'll then be asked a series of questions about you and what you're looking for. Our job is to introduce you to Christian singles you have the best chance of hitting it off with so you don't waste any more time searching.

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If and when you have more time, check out our 'Have you met This is Christian dating made simple Elite Singles Christian dating is a great way for you to make a spiritual connection with eligible singles in the US. Christian blogger Carrie Lloyd spoke to us about dating as a Christian today and how online dating can help.

She stressed the importance of shared spirituality for building a solid relationship foundation saying: At EliteSingles we understand this and do everything we can to provide you with a system that makes it easy for you to meet fellow Christians who match your personality and share your faith. With more than one in three marriages in the US beginning online, internet dating is a viable choice for those serious about finding long term love. Our process gives you more control over who you meet and is designed to produce committed, stable relationships.

A recent study by Harvard and Chicago universities also found that marriages beginning via online dating were both more satisfying and less likely to end in divorce. We work hard to protect our members from any potential inappropriate behavior and to ensure they feel confident sharing messages. As well as this, our customer care team manually verifies all new profiles and removes inactive users. They are also available to provide guidance or personal support throughout your online dating journey should you need it. This means your focus can solely be on enjoying your dates and getting to know new people.

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Some singles freak out when they hit age They stop trusting God and begin a nail-biting search for a mate. My friend Nicole Doyley, author of The Wait , says she knows women who are so frantic about finding Prince Charming that they immediately fall for any guy who asks them out. Get Spirit-filled content delivered right to your inbox! Click here to subscribe to our newsletter.

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On the flip side, some singles are waiting for the perfect human specimen to sweep them off their feet. Picky guys want a girl who could appear in the swimsuit edition of Sports Illustrated. Or, some Christian women expect to marry a spiritual giant who prays four hours a day. Whoever you date will have feet of clay and plenty of flaws to match your own. Not developing healthy friendships with the opposite sex. Oftentimes too much pressure is placed on Christian singles to pair up, especially if they are attending a Bible college with a reputation for being a wedding factory.

And in that pressure cooker it's difficult for guys and girls to enjoy nonromantic friendships. Relax and make friends, and don't view every opposite-sex friend as a potential marriage partner. Letting other people control your relationship. Church friends usually mean well, but some people don't know how to stay out of other people's business.

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They will engage in what I call "prophetic meddling" by dropping hints, manipulating you to go out with someone or pushing you to marry someone you don't even want to be with. And while the gift of prophecy is valuable, you should never let personal prophecies steer your decisions about marriage. Let God personally guide you in this very personal area of life. They don't realize that feelings can zoom from zero to 90 miles an hour in a few seconds, and that one kiss can lead to intercourse if you don't have your emergency brake on at all times.

If you are in a dating relationship, you must know your boundaries, discuss them with your partner and commit to staying pure. Don't spiritualize your lust and suggest, "Let's go to your apartment and pray.

How to Find a Godly Guy | Set Apart Girl

Never start a romantic relationship with a guy or girl who is not a believer. But the opposite happens: The unbeliever changes you—after he or she has broken your heart, compromised your morals or damaged your faith. Lack of healthy confidence. Some guys I know are stuck in a state of spiritual limbo when it comes to their dating life.

They may admire a girl from afar, but they just can't muster up the nerve to break the ice and start a conversation. Develop some healthy aggression.

And while it is true that some women prefer to be pursued, remember that Ruth proposed to Boaz in the Old Testament story. Don't be so demure that your future husband can't even notice you. Expecting the person you are dating to "fix" you. God wants singles to have undistracted devotion to Jesus see 1 Cor. Yet too often we look to other people to bring the inner fulfillment that only Christ gives. Many singles fall into the trap of finding a boyfriend or girlfriend to heal the wounds caused by childhood trauma, their parents' divorce or their dads' addictions. Seek healing from the Holy Spirit for those issues before you commit to a serious relationship.

I've met guys in church who drive by girls' houses regularly, monitor their moves and troll their Facebook pages. If you have to sneak around like a private detective to get a date, you need a new strategy. If a woman tells you she is not interested in going out with you, honor her request and move on. Don't develop an unhealthy obsession. And never, never, never tell a girl: