High end matchmaking london


  1. Top 6 Elite Matchmaking Services (A Cost Comparison)
  2. Kelleher International
  3. Meet the matchmakers who find love for the international jet-set dating elite
  4. 4 matchmaking services for the ultra-wealthy

She was well spoken, in her early thirties, attractive and not pushy. Part of my brain began turning: At our first meeting, we discussed everything you might expect: Then, a house call. My matchmaker informed me that, to get to know me, she needed to visit my home.

Top 6 Elite Matchmaking Services (A Cost Comparison)

Exactly how all this fed into the matchmaking process, I never would come to know, aside from it perhaps confirming that I was good for the fees. Regardless, I set to work on defining Miss Right more thoroughly: She enjoys walking, family, socialising. I set an age range, attached photos of women I fancied and hit Send. Less straightforward was my attempt to get that profile memorialised in the contract somehow. Yet my matchmaker was very good at not using aggressive sales tactics.

Kelleher International

Take your time; look at other options, she advised, while emailing me teaser profiles: In any other realm finding a home, hiring a key staff member I would never entertain paying all of the fees up front, with no part contingent on the basic delivery of the service let alone a successful outcome.

However, matchmaking is different. It deals in affairs of the heart.

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A contrarian, non-commercial streak in me embraced the romanticism of it all. Certainly I was persuaded that it would be odd, and probably indeed impossible, to pay a financial bounty upon meeting a romantic partner. Moving in together, marriage? None of this adequately explains why per cent of the fees needed to be paid up front.

Meet the matchmakers who find love for the international jet-set dating elite

This was never convincingly answered, perhaps because my agency never needed to. It would be unfair to call introduction services confidence tricks, but my role in the arrangement increasingly came to feel like that of the mark. There would be no close matches — not even a short-term relationship, let alone anything serious or marriage. One of the very first matches was the most promising: But a month later, her calendar miraculously opened up.

4 matchmaking services for the ultra-wealthy

Within six months, my matchmaker had gone on maternity leave and was replaced by two other staff members. Before long, I asked for a partial refund and you can guess how that went. One curiosity throughout these match-made dates was that I, the man, invariably felt an obligation to foot all bar and restaurant bills. Celebrities use her services, too.

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  • Top 6 Elite Matchmaking Services (A Cost Comparison)?
  • She said that "well known" people will say: Once Molloy's team has tracked down a match, it's the parents who meet them first, but if they're from the same culture, she explained, they're usually quite happy to do this. Molloy added that she finds it fascinating putting different cultures together and seeing how they mix and evolve.

    Meeting with a High-End Matchmaker: Recap 1

    She recently matched a Texan farmer with an Irish woman who moved over to live with him three months ago. She added that it's often "really random" matches that have the most success.

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    You have successfully emailed the post. Barbara Corcoran doesn't invest in rich kids because poor kids have one trait that makes them more likely to succeed. Elite Concierge matchmaking Dating. You are logged into Facebook Social: You are logged in with Google Social: When its Managing Director, Lemarc Thomas told Jake he had found the perfect match for him in London, Jake saw it as opportunity not a problem.

    Anna sounded intriguing so I flew out to meet her the following weekend. Of course, the most famous example of a cross-Atlantic love affair is London-based human rights lawyer Amal Clooney and her Hollywood husband George Clooney. Having launched an international arm three years ago, founder Rachel MacLynn reports that those seeking an international match now account for 30 per cent of their revenue - she anticipates three-quarters of her clients will be looking for a transatlantic relationship by There are practical considerations at play too.

    Courtship in these elite circles is often a matter of logistics. Clients have the best experience if we work around their existing schedule. It all sounds very glamorous, but when it comes down to it, arranging dates around packed itineraries can be very challenging. Almost straight away, I was paired with Jennifer, who worked in finance in Manhattan and also did a bit of back and forth across the pond.

    I was staying in Chelsea and suggested dinner in Del Posto, an amazing Italian restaurant. It was a great first date that spawned a seven-month relationship.