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  1. President of the Republic of China - Wikipedia
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It is a special relationship. Further, he stated that the sovereignty issues between the two cannot be resolved at present, but he quoted the " Consensus ", currently accepted by both the Kuomintang and the Communist Party of China, as a temporary measure until a solution becomes available. On 27 September , Taiwanese premier William Lai said that he was a "political worker who advocates Taiwan independence", but that as Taiwan was an independent country called the Republic of China, it had no need to declare independence. The government of the Republic of China was founded on the Constitution of the ROC and its Three Principles of the People , which states that the ROC "shall be a democratic republic of the people, to be governed by the people and for the people.

The constitution was drafted before the fall of mainland China to the Communist Party of China. It was created by the KMT for the purpose of all of its claimed territory, including Taiwan, even though the Communist Party boycotted the drafting of the constitution.

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The constitution went into effect on 25 December Political reforms beginning in the late s and continuing through the early s liberalized the country and transformed into a multiparty democracy. Since the lifting of martial law, the Republic of China has democratized and reformed, suspending constitutional components that were originally meant for the whole of China.

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This process of amendment continues. In May , a new National Assembly was elected to reduce the number of parliamentary seats and implement several constitutional reforms. These reforms have been passed; the National Assembly has essentially voted to abolish itself and transfer the power of constitutional reform to the popular ballot.

President of the Republic of China - Wikipedia

The head of state and commander-in-chief of the armed forces is the president , who is elected by popular vote for a maximum of 2 four-year terms on the same ticket as the vice-president. The president has authority over the Yuan. The president appoints the members of the Executive Yuan as his cabinet , including a premier , who is officially the President of the Executive Yuan; members are responsible for policy and administration. The main legislative body is the unicameral Legislative Yuan with seats.

Seventy-three are elected by popular vote from single-member constituencies; thirty-four are elected based on the proportion of nationwide votes received by participating political parties in a separate party list ballot; and six are elected from two three-member aboriginal constituencies.

Members serve four-year terms. Originally the unicameral National Assembly , as a standing constitutional convention and electoral college , held some parliamentary functions, but the National Assembly was abolished in with the power of constitutional amendments handed over to the Legislative Yuan and all eligible voters of the Republic via referendums.

The premier is selected by the president without the need for approval from the legislature, but the legislature can pass laws without regard for the president, as neither he nor the Premier wields veto power. After the election of the pan-Green's Chen Shui-bian as President in , legislation repeatedly stalled because of deadlock with the Legislative Yuan, which was controlled by a pan-Blue majority. This legacy has resulted in executive powers currently being concentrated in the office of the president rather than the premier, even though the constitution does not explicitly state the extent of the president's executive power.

The Judicial Yuan is the highest judicial organ. It interprets the constitution and other laws and decrees, judges administrative suits, and disciplines public functionaries. The president and vice-president of the Judicial Yuan and additional thirteen justices form the Council of Grand Justices. The highest court, the Supreme Court , consists of a number of civil and criminal divisions, each of which is formed by a presiding judge and four associate judges, all appointed for life.

In , a separate constitutional court was established to resolve constitutional disputes, regulate the activities of political parties and accelerate the democratization process. There is no trial by jury but the right to a fair public trial is protected by law and respected in practice; many cases are presided over by multiple judges.

Capital punishment is still used in Taiwan, although efforts have been made by the government to reduce the number of executions. The Control Yuan is a watchdog agency that monitors controls the actions of the executive. It can be considered a standing commission for administrative inquiry and can be compared to the Court of Auditors of the European Union or the Government Accountability Office of the United States. The Examination Yuan is in charge of validating the qualification of civil servants. It is based on the old imperial examination system used in dynastic China.

The tension between China and Taiwan colours most of the political life, and any government move towards "Taiwan independence" is met by threat of military attack from the PRC. The political scene is generally divided into two major camps in terms of views on how Taiwan should relate to China or the PRC, referred to as cross-Strait relations. It is the main political difference between two camps: It regards Taiwan as an independent, sovereign state synonymous with the ROC , opposes the definition that Taiwan is part of "China", and seeks wide diplomatic recognition and an eventual declaration of formal Taiwan independence.

Thus, in September , the then ruling Democratic Progressive Party approved a resolution asserting separate identity from China and called for the enactment of a new constitution for a " normal country ". It called also for general use of " Taiwan " as the country's name, without abolishing its formal name, the "Republic of China". Pan-Blue members generally support the concept of the One-China policy, which states that there is only one China and that its only government is the ROC.

They favour eventual re-unification of China. Regarding independence, the mainstream Pan-Blue position is to maintain the status quo , while refusing immediate reunification. The dominant political issue in Taiwan is its relationship with the PRC. This was a problem for many Taiwanese businesses that had opened factories or branches in mainland China. The former DPP administration feared that such links would lead to tighter economic and political integration with mainland China, and in the Lunar New Year Speech, President Chen Shui-bian called for managed opening of links.

Direct weekend charter flights between Taiwan and mainland China began in July under the current KMT government, and the first direct daily charter flights took off in December Other major political issues include the passage of an arms procurement bill that the United States authorized in The politicians and their parties have themselves become major political issues.

Corruption among some DPP administration officials has been exposed. In early , President Chen Shui-bian was linked to possible corruption. The political effect on President Chen Shui-bian was great, causing a divide in the DPP leadership and supporters alike. It eventually led to the creation of a political camp led by ex-DPP leader Shih Ming-teh which believes the president should resign. The KMT assets continue to be another major issue, as it was once the richest political party in the world.

Taiwan's leaders, including President Tsai and Premier William Lai , have repeatedly accused China of spreading fake news via social media to create divisions in Taiwanese society, influence voters and support candidates more sympathetic to Beijing ahead of the Taiwanese local elections. Another significant fraction descends from Han Chinese who immigrated from mainland China in the late s and early s.

The shared cultural origin combined with several hundred years of geographical separation, some hundred years of political separation and foreign influences, as well as hostility between the rival ROC and PRC have resulted in national identity being a contentious issue with political overtones. Since democratization and the lifting of martial law, a distinct Taiwanese identity as opposed to Taiwanese identity as a subset of a Chinese identity is often at the heart of political debates.

Its acceptance makes the island distinct from mainland China, and therefore may be seen as a step towards forming a consensus for de jure Taiwan independence. In the latest survey conducted by National Chengchi University in and published in early , It was later reformed into the Republic of China Army. Units which surrendered and remained in mainland China were either disbanded or incorporated into the People's Liberation Army. Today, Taiwan maintains a large and technologically advanced military, mainly as defence against the constant threat of invasion by the People's Liberation Army under the Anti-Secession Law of the People's Republic of China.

This law gives green light to the use of military force when certain Chinese Red Lines formulated in the Anti-Secession Law are crossed like endangering citizens of the People's Republic of China. As this mission has shifted to defence because the strength of People's Republic of China has massively increased, the ROC military has begun to shift emphasis from the traditionally dominant Army to the air force and navy.

Control of the armed forces has also passed into the hands of the civilian government. However, many have retired and there are many more non-mainlanders enlisting in the armed forces in the younger generations, so the political leanings of the military have moved closer to the public norm in Taiwan. The ROC began a force reduction program, Jingshi An translated to streamlining program , to scale down its military from a level of , in to , in It also decided to modernize both defensive and offensive capabilities.

Taipei still keeps a large military apparatus relative to the island's population: Current ROC military doctrine is to hold out against an invasion or blockade until the US military responds. However, Japan has refused to stipulate whether the "area surrounding Japan" mentioned in the pact includes Taiwan, and the precise purpose of the pact is unclear. According to the constitution, the territory of the ROC is according to its "existing national boundaries". When the ROC retreated to Taiwan in , its claimed territory consisted of 35 provinces, 12 special municipalities, 1 special administrative region and 2 autonomous regions.

They were placed under Kaohsiung administration after the retreat to Taiwan. Since , the government has made some changes in the area under its control.

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Taipei became a special municipality in and Kaohsiung in The two provincial governments were "streamlined", with their functions transferred to the central government Fujian in and Taiwan in And in , Taoyuan County was also upgraded to Taoyuan special municipality. This brought the top-level divisions to their current state: According to Article 4 of the Local Government Act, laws pertaining to special municipalities also apply to counties with a population exceeding 2 million.

The quick industrialization and rapid growth of Taiwan during the latter half of the 20th century has been called the " Taiwan Miracle ".

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Japanese rule prior to and during World War II brought changes in the public and private sectors, most notably in the area of public works, which enabled rapid communications and facilitated transport throughout much of the island. The Japanese also improved public education and made it compulsory for all residents of Taiwan.

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  4. By , hyperinflation was in progress in mainland China and Taiwan as a result of the war with Japan. To isolate Taiwan from it, the Nationalist government created a new currency area for the island, and began a price stabilization program. These efforts significantly slowed inflation. The government also implemented a policy of import-substitution , attempting to produce imported goods domestically.

    In , with the outbreak of the Korean War, the United States began an aid program which resulted in fully stabilized prices by Under the combined stimulus of the land reform and the agricultural development programs, agricultural production increased at an average annual rate of 4 per cent from to , which was greater than the population growth, 3.

    Taiwan's HDI in is 0. In , Chiang Ching-kuo implemented the Ten Major Construction Projects , the beginning foundations that helped Taiwan transform into its current export driven economy. Since the s, a number of Taiwan-based technology firms have expanded their reach around the world. Well-known international technology companies headquartered in Taiwan include personal computer manufacturers Acer Inc. Computex Taipei is a major computer expo, held since Today Taiwan has a dynamic, capitalist, export-driven economy with gradually decreasing state involvement in investment and foreign trade.

    In keeping with this trend, some large government-owned banks and industrial firms are being privatized. Exports have provided the primary impetus for industrialization. The trade surplus is substantial, and foreign reserves are the world's fifth largest. Since the beginning of the s, the economic ties between Taiwan and the People's Republic of China have been very prolific.

    A white paper by the Department of Industrial Technology states that "Taiwan should seek to maintain stable relation with China while continuing to protect national security, and avoiding excessive 'Sinicization' of Taiwanese economy. High-technology industrial parks have sprung up in every region in Taiwan. Because of its conservative financial approach and its entrepreneurial strengths, Taiwan suffered little compared with many of its neighbours from the Asian financial crisis.

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    Unlike its neighbours, South Korea and Japan, the Taiwanese economy is dominated by small and medium-sized businesses, rather than the large business groups. The global economic downturn, however, combined with poor policy co-ordination by the new administration and increasing bad debts in the banking system, pushed Taiwan into recession in , the first whole year of negative growth since Due to the relocation of many manufacturing and labour-intensive industries to the PRC, unemployment also reached a level not seen since the s oil crisis.

    This became a major issue in the presidential election. The ROC often joins international organizations especially ones that also include the People's Republic of China under a politically neutral name. The Ministry of Transportation and Communications of the Republic of China is the cabinet-level governing body of the transportation network in Taiwan. Taiwan has an extensive highway network, classified into five levels: Taiwan also has an extensive bus network, most of which are run by private bus companies. Rapid transit systems include the Taipei Metro , Taoyuan Metro incl.

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    There are four international seaports: Keelung , Kaohsiung , Taichung , and Hualien. The higher education system was established in Taiwan by Japan during the colonial period. However, after the Republic of China took over Taiwan from Japan in , the system was promptly replaced by the same system as in mainland China which mixed with features of the Chinese and American educational systems.