I just found out im dating my cousin


  1. My boyfriend is my cousin [Archive] - Prison Talk
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  3. Is it ok to be dating my cousin?

A reader, anonymous , writes 13 July A reader, anonymous , writes 27 February A male reader, anonymous , writes 14 December A female reader, anonymous , writes 12 December A female reader, anonymous , writes 28 May A female reader, anonymous , writes 26 May A male reader, anonymous , writes 12 May A male reader, anonymous , writes 13 April A female reader, anonymous , writes 1 April A female reader, anonymous , writes 24 March A female reader, anonymous , writes 13 September A female reader, anonymous , writes 6 September A female reader, anonymous , writes 4 September A female reader, anonymous , writes 30 August A male reader, anonymous , writes 29 August A female reader, anonymous , writes 27 August A male reader, anonymous , writes 25 August I would give this some time to sink in this is all new to you both, I would think that you are not as related as you think being 4th or 5th cousins.

How closely related can you be if it is just now coming out after 4 years or at least the two years you were together before he went in. BUt I think it all boils down to where your heart allows you to go like the previous poster stated. I pray that your love prevails, Tonya. Wow, that is wild!!! I am sure you are going bananas.

My boyfriend is my cousin [Archive] - Prison Talk

But when yall met, yall didnt discuss family background? Hmmmmmm, well all I can say is piggy baccin on what a few ladies said. I dunno how that goes these days, but it certainly was heard of in the creole communutiy. I know rite now you are really going thru it, but you all are distant. I wish you the best girlie! Sorry I had to laugh at this one.

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I would not worry about it , my 1st husbands mother was actually common law married to her 1st blood cousin. If it makes you feel any better my last boyfriend before my fiance I found out he was my kids cousin That sucks and i'm so sorry it happened to you. I was about to date this guy in highschool but we never made it to a couple and just stayed friends then a few weeks later he had a party at his house and I was talking to his mom and found out we were cousins!!! Now if that happened with me and my honey I wouldn't care because there is no way I could force myself out of love with him after all these years.

I have no advice, but I just wanted to wish you the best of luck with your decision. What ever it may be.

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Everybody says don't worry about it, don't stress, he's far enough down your family line you could still marry. I'm sure I'll catch hell for this but Family is family and I would be out the door. All I can say is now I know why my parents insist that we attend all those boring family reunions- so that you can meet all your distant relatives. If I found out I was related to John, it would have no effect on my feelings for him, they run too deep to be altered by anything. I don't believe there is anywhere in this country that would consider your relationship illegal or immoral. Now if he were your long lost brother that would be another story.

Forget about it and enjoy your relationship. Your situation is one that would never happen to me. I know for sure there is no one in my extended family that I would find remotely attractive.: They makes them 2 second cousins. A lot of children born in that relationship has a lot of problems. I want go there. As far as Cousins marrying, It would have to be way down the line. I would not want children with problem. We have them enough already. Thank God for my Mom and Grandparents who always were close and we had family reunions to get to no our cousins, Way down, to cousins. He wound up confessing to my mother that he thought I was cute as well and wouldve asked me for my number eventually.

I almost fainted could you imagine if we had started dating and then I introduced to him to my mother as my boyfriend.. She would have been like oh hell no thats your uncle.. Jeez thats crazy as for your situation in some countries its the norm to marry first cousins so Im gonna have to say is do whatever you feel in your heart is the right thing.. Just go with your heart and morals after all that's what counts: I'm so sorry you even have to think about this.

I get enough slack with dating my second cousin's husband's nephew.

Ask Steve Anonymous: I Dated My Cousin

We are not blood related I wish you lots of hugs and prayers that things turn out in a good way. I would not break it off Good luck with whatever your decision turns out to be Thank you guys for the comments I still can't get my head together I just can't believe it I love him to death i've been waiting a little over 2 years from him to come home and now that it's almost over I get with that wowwwwwwww it's crazy because it's only been a day since I found out but when I talked to him today and he said I love you it was hard for me to say i love you to because I felt like a freak oh my God I just don't know what to do he's your second cousin and a DISTANT one at that if you didn't even know it for 4 years.

I have a cousin that married his second cousin It's not like someone lied to you, ya'll just didn't know. He's a cousin of a cousin I don't think you have to give up on the love unless you just can't get past it. But really I don't see anything morally or legally wrong with you being together. Actually, I read somewhere that these problems weren't as common as people used to believe. I wish I could remember where I read it. But, they said that the risks are only very slightly higher than normal. Maybe first cousins might have issues but anything after that, not really. They stand just as much of a chance of having problems as a couple that aren't related in any way.

You could marry someone that isn't related and have a baby that has issues This is her 3rd cousin people. Regardless, she stayed with him and he's home as of last week. They are together and happy.

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She has updated in a new post. Go with your heart and dont let this stand in your way good luck to you and if you need anythign let me know.

Is it ok to be dating my cousin?

I will find her update, thanks for updating US. I always feel stupid when this happens but I'm glad they stayed together cause that's what I was trying to say they should do! I am no one to judge. If you have been together for 4 years and have waited on him for 2 years and you love him you will get through this. I think if it was me I would wait until he gets home and see how the two of you feel being around each other.

I don't see the big deal its not like you are first cousins. Hang in there girl. Didn't read far enough to find out he was out and the twoof you are doing great. I am so happy for you. Good luck to both of you. I think there is a website that talks about people having relationships with their cousins. You would probably be shocked to see that there are tons of people who fell in love with their cousins.

Did u read Cosmetic's posts? Not even the Bible says any thing about marrying cousins. I think it's still legal there to marry your cousin. Related Questions Why do people find it weird to date your cousins? I found out my cousin is dating a Slav? Answer Questions Why some young guys in HS jump from girl to girl same for some females? How do you know if a guy likes you over snapchat? Girls, how many times a month do you expect your boyfriend to surprise you? Should I never "talk" to this guy again? Why do almost all women like getting choked? What can a woman do to become more attractive?

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