What do you do when your best friend is dating your ex


  1. Get NoDafied
  2. My Ex is Dating My Friend! How to Handle it and How to Keep From Going Insane
  3. 3 Ways to Deal when an Ex Dates a Friend - wikiHow
  4. So your friend just started dating your ex. Here's how to deal
  5. Thanks Betch
We don't send regular emails, we send cool emails

How sick is that? Don't even put yourself into that venom. Remove yourself from it and rise above. Grit your teeth, accept it, act classy and show grace to the outside world. I remember people in my neighborhood would tell me they saw them out and I would seriously cringe, and then go home and cry. The people weren't trying to be cruel, by the way. Make sure not to react in front of others because it could get back to your ex and your friend I mean, your ex friend. Plus, when the relationship ends, the only thing people will remember is how you reacted. DO NOT make a scene and get into a girl fight with the girl.

Get NoDafied

It's unproductive, psychotic and immature. You don't' have to be overly friendly to your ex and your friend. In fact, if you are a little icy that's okay. Just don't go postal. Call your REAL girlfriends. The fact that this girl did this to you is probably making you feel insecure about girl friendships. So, call your girls up! Call the ones you know are your true friends.

My Ex is Dating My Friend! How to Handle it and How to Keep From Going Insane

They will support you more than you could have possibly imagined. They will assure you that they are your best friends and that you are loved. The relationship probably won't last. What are the chances they are going to end up happily ever after? Especially if he or she is newly separated. If it does, you can handle it because of tip 8. Focus on your own life. The person is obviously is a bad friend and you are getting a divorce, regardless of him or her, right?

3 Ways to Deal when an Ex Dates a Friend - wikiHow

So, let them have their fun and concentrate on making your own life better. Focus on your kids, your career, and your love life, if you choose.

A good friend used to say to me, "You're on your own road. Lastly, if you are on the other end of this, meaning if you are the one who starts dating your friend's ex, PLEASE handle it this way. Confront your friend and apologize. Say something like, "This isn't personal. We really like each other. I hope you understand that we don't want to hurt you.

I'm so so sorry. She will still be upset, but at least you're thinking of your friend's feelings. It's an unselfish act. I'm still not over him. Ask your friend to avoid talking about the relationship around you.

Speak to your friend and ask them to avoid talking about their new relationship if possible. This may help you maintain the friendship and could make you feel better about the situation. Would you mind avoiding talking about her for right now?

If you get over the past relationship, you can say something like "Remember when I said I didn't want to talk about John? I'm over it now, so if you want to talk about him, I don't mind. Let your friend know that you still value your friendship, you just need a little time and distance to heal and process your feelings. It also destroys the potential for your friend and ex to create a good relationship and find happiness. Resist the temptation to badmouth your ex. If you find out that your friend is dating your ex, you might feel the urge to dish the dirt on your ex or sabotage the relationship.

Ultimately, however, this could just end up damaging your relationship with your friend. Ask yourself whether sharing this information will accomplish anything positive. Allow yourself to feel angry or sad at first. If you want to cry or scream into a pillow over the breakup, allow yourself to do it. Avoiding negative feelings can extend the time you feel angry or sad. Instead of repressing your emotions, allow yourself to feel the emotions from the breakup so that you can get over it quicker.

Lean into the feelings instead. Avoid doing things just to get back at your ex, like dating one of their friends in retaliation. Write down a list of reasons why you and your ex broke up. Think about the reasons you broke up with your ex in the first place. If you're concerned about your friend because of prior experiences with your ex, it's okay to express that.

So your friend just started dating your ex. Here's how to deal

Just make sure to keep to the facts so that it doesn't look like you're bashing your ex. Signs of an unhealthy relationship include constant fighting, belittling, volatility, manipulation, and jealousy. Get rid of stuff that reminds you of your ex. If you have items from the relationship, it may be harder to get over your ex.

Get rid of anything sentimental that you own to help distance yourself from them. This will potentially reduce your negative feelings and help you maintain your friendship. Stop following your ex on social media. Following what your ex and friend are doing online is unhealthy and could help feed negative emotions. Distancing yourself from that imagery may help you get over the breakup and prevent you from feeling angry or sad at the situation.

You don't have to block your ex, but you can if it makes you feel better. Take a break from seeing your friend. Stop calling, texting, and asking to hang out with your friend. If you need to see them every day because you go to the same school or job, have a conversation with them so that they aren't confused as to why you stopped hanging out with them.

Distancing yourself from the new relationship may prevent you from getting jealous or angry. If negative feelings are still prevalent in your mind, it may be best to avoid both of them until you feel better about it.

Thanks Betch

I still want the best for you, so I think I need a break from hanging out with both of you. I hope you can understand that. However, remember that your friend and your ex are both separate people from you, and that their relationships are their own. Focus on being the best person you can be. Taking time to focus on building your strengths can boost your confidence and help you move forward.

It can also help you gain a better understanding of who you are as a person, independent of other people in your life.