When does house and cuddy start dating


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What exactly Stacy and Cuddy told each other in those moments alone?

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Was this as conspiratorial as House thinks it was? It could give some new insights on their relationship and on her guilt. What other things did they miss or misunderstand or forget? He was wrong about how it began, she was wrong about how it ended. What else, in their long complicated relationship, are they wrong about? There are still a lot for us and them to discover about House and Cuddy. It is not just a complicated complex, dysfunctional relationship. It is a mysterious, full of surprises one. Something like 25 years and counting.

Quite an amazing ride for them like for us. What do you think fellow Housians? Do you have your own certainties and speculations about their past and future? Log in No account? Backstory speculations and interrogations.

I'm Still Not Over House and Cuddy's terrible relationship | pcppk.com

I am not a shipper nor that relationship is my area of expertise. There is a huge hole in their story there.

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Feel free to share your thoughts! A great take on their past and present relationship. At the time House was hallucinating, I think his mind showed him the right Cuddy, well, the way she would react back then: So many questions unanswered. I also would like to hear Cuddy's version of what happened when House had the infarction. All the timeline inconsistencies hinder any concise analysis of their relationship. In "Mob Rules" ep 1. In "Love Hurts" ep 1. So the timeline inconsistencies started early on.

But House is an unreliable narrator, and he was using his case as a teaching tool. There are many details of House and Cuddy's past that have only been hinted at. I would like to know how and when House and Cuddy got back in touch with one another.

Maybe now that they are in a relationship, we will learn more of their backstory. We can only hope. I am re watching all the episodes from the begining til september too ; Last night i watch "who's your daddy' and you're right the IVH shot are very intimate scenes! Thanks for the recap of their complicated relationship, i am so happy that the writers chose to go with a real relationship between these two, i just can't wait to see what's gonna be like next season!

Thanks for the replies everyone. There is not indication that Cuddy would have reacted that way in UMS no matter what. It was House's hallucination. I wanted to point out that House's imagination is not really reliable just like his recollection of things.

He invented a scenario in which Cuddy is here for him, preventing him to take pills by shoving them in the toilet. She could have really done it, if it were true. However, she could also have just let him the choice.

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  5. You may be right, in saying she would have acted that way, even in reality, but nothing indicates this for sure. The situation is totally different in HM. Not because of Cuddy specifically. Okay, it's a year later but she still the same, deep down, especially that she didn't move on as she expected to. House changed more in this last season, not depending on drugs and trying to connect to people around him in another way. He clearly thought she would yell or judge him, take the pills and throw them in the toilet just like he imagined she would have done a year ago. She doesn't and he is stunned.

    It begs the question of the reliability of his imagination. Just like Nolan tried to tell him in "Baggage". Beckston, you are so right about the inconsistencies of the timeline, especially for the years House spend at PPTH. I also think that he wasn't working there when he got his infarction because, after the fall down with Stacy, he worked in multiple hospitals and got fired of all of them.

    Then, Cuddy hired him. In all the seasons there are comments on how he is unemployable except here cos Cuddy is the only "crazy" Dean that can hire and manage him.

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    That is actually consistent. Yes there is still a lot of questions to be answered. I guess we will never know what happened with his infarction according to Cuddy.

    I'm Still Not Over... House and Cuddy's terrible relationship

    KU in seasons 6 told us that even their memory is inconsistent. It is so complex that it is due. How can two smart grown-ups like them totally refused to confront what happened between them, at University, for 20 years? They could talk about everything except this. They totally refused to confront their relationship. I am not surprised to see that their past came back to hit them. You can't postponed important things like this forever.

    They managed to function pretty well for twenty years with this taboo but one day or another things always resurface. It's about damn time to explore this relationship. Thanks again for the comments.

    Huddy 7.02 ( how would you describe the exact nature of your relationship?)

    As he gets ready to take the pills, Cuddy arrives just in time. She reveals to him that even though she was moving on with her life she can't stop thinking about him.

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    She broke off her engagement to Lucas and tells House that she loves him and they kiss. He asks her if he is hallucinating this and she asks if he took the Vicodin. He says no and drops the pills on the floor. They smile and kiss again.