Marriage not dating dramabeans ep 6


  1. Marriage, Not Dating Episode 5 Recap
  2. Marriage Not Dating: Episode 8 » Dramabeans Korean drama recaps

I could not understand at first why Jang Mi was itching for her turn in the Truth Game because personally, I hate being picked for Truth Or Dare, but as soon as she spilled the beans about their fake engagement, I was like, "Eureka.

Love the OST by Ben. Are these fake-out opening scenes going to be a thing now?

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Today's foretelling reminded me of Reply , like who is Shi Won's husband? Whoa so fast GF!!!

Marriage, Not Dating Episode 5 Recap

I dont mind a good cliche. All the romcoms ive watched ended up having the cliches by the second half cough, reply but i still like them. True that ep 7 and 8 were a bit of a letdown feels draggy and all but we get to see jangmi's hidden feelings and all. I get that she was supposed to be outgoing but i guess sometimes you just want to be complimented so badly you momentarily fall into the sad candy category. Totally understandabe for jangmi, whos been through so much. Plus to me she still doesnt feel like a doormat, she probably has too much affection for gitae's mom that she unconsciously try to to always please her.

I felt a bit awkward when they were critiquing Jang Mi's nose for plastic surgery. I know Han Groo's nose is not petite and kind of on the bulbous side but I really like her nose. It's what makes her..

Marriage Not Dating: Episode 8 » Dramabeans Korean drama recaps

Like SIG and his eyes. Thanks for the super prompt recap, girlfriday! I was not expecting it to be up so soon! I cannot wait until the next episode because I hope the trend from this point on will be more scenes with just the OTP.

I distinctively remember that for one of the drama reviews here, you guys said that the particular leads had so much chemistry you could watch them underwater basket-weave for hours and that would be just fine. That thought comes to my mind whenever I see the leads here.

  • Marriage Not Dating: Episodes » Dramabeans Korean drama recaps.
  • Marriage Not Dating: Episode 7 » Dramabeans Korean drama recaps.
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  • Marriage Not Dating: Episode 9 » Dramabeans Korean drama recaps.
  • Marriage Not Dating: Episode 16 (Final) » Dramabeans Korean drama recaps.

The screen just lights up with every scene that involves the two of them. I had not really seen either actors in anything before this drama, but I think I can honestly watch them watching a cake rise and I'd still be happy. Tat is how much i love the OTP, keke.. Thanks for the recap GF. And thank you for calling out GT no being too slow on pushing SA off. I get not wanting to hurt her but when someone is this crazy nice is not going to work.

Totally agree with your comments here's hoping. Haha, while I was watching the raw version of ep.

Ack, these two kill me! I was really worried that KiTae was going to just go along with SeAh's plan for a minute there and if he had, I think I might have stopped watching the show. There would just be no coming back from that. Like SeAh is clearly crazy and SO messed up but I also feel bad for her because she's desperate and lonely and it's really sad that it's easier for her to go through these elaborate lengths to try to be with KiTae when all this time she could have just told him that she still loves him and she always loved him and she never wanted them to break up.

I feel like everyone on this show needs real therapy - there is so much repression and desperation and loneliness and they are all dealing with it in such unhealthy ways. I do feel like SeAh's character would not be out of place in a makjang drama but I can see how she fits in here too because truthfully, she might be crazy but so is KiTae for being willing to come up with such an elaborate ruse to force his mother to leave him alone and stop trying to marry him off and furthermore so is his mother who is so angry and bitter and unhappy in her own life.

I think the last two episodes really showed not just how manipulative his mother can be but also how trapped and angry she feels about the life that she's been living and essentially feels stuck in. Even though I know that she was trying to drive JangMi away by making things hard for her but honestly, nothing that she said the expectation that she'll quit her job and just have babies and be a housewife; the fact that what she wants is no longer important and she has to focus on keeping up appearances and submitting to everyone else's desires is unusual for a daughter-in-law of a rich family.

And honestly you could see the bitterness and the hate that she has for her own life there. I feel like KiTae's mother is quietly seething that her life has come to this and on top of that, her husband is stepping out on her and doesn't show her even half the attention he shows his mistress. But she just has to grin and put up with it because that's what's expected of her as a lady of this caliber. I would love for this show to end with KiTae's parents getting divorced and his mother going on a journey of self-discovery and working on all of the issues that spending her life as a martyr who stuffs her feelings down and wraps herself in a cocoon of coldness and propriety has left her.

And I wish JangMi's parents would stop fighting for two seconds so they could decide if they actually still want to be together and if not, then get divorced! It drives me crazy that her mother just keeps divorce papers in their restaurant just waiting to be signed. How is that healthy?! Is there any wonder that their daughter has a warped, unhealthy view of relationships and that she has such a hard time understanding how she should be treated in a relationship?

Oh man, it got cut off. This is not the time to kiss her. She is not in the right frame of mind for that. This is just a pet peeve I have with male leads in dramas in general though. I really want these characters to take a page out of the Witch's Romance play book and just have an honest discussion about where their heads are at so that they know where they stand and then they could decide how to proceed with their families and the fake engagement afterwards.

Why is it so hard for people to just talk about things? Anyway, that being said, I still like this drama. It definitely has its cute and funny moments still - loved them all playing around in the water - and I'm excited to see how things progress now that there are real feelings on both sides. I knew that this was how Ki Tae would demonstrate his intentions, because he doesn't trust words. Would you, if you lived with the mother who said one thing but did another?

Se Ah does it, too - in KT's world, words are a way to manipulate, and they're never what's true. That's why Ki Tae was vulnerable to all of the touching between him and Jang Mi, and why her kiss completely undid him. Maybe they should join the cast of it's Okay, it's Love, no shortage of therapy needing people there. Gong gi tae, nawa Despite the bat-crazy second leads, and sicko "best friend. I interpreted the family meeting differently.

Marriage, Not Dating - Drama-free Adorableness

Ki Tae allowed it to happen because he's at a different place with his feelings. He is trying to make their relationship a reality so meetings with the in-laws fit right in line. As far as Se-Ah, her methods show she's nuttier than squirrel crap but I think there's potential to legitimize the crazy. In this episode she tells ki tae he knows why the baby has to be his. Well we, the viewers, don't know why. The writer could attempt to make that into something rather than the character fitting the typical psycho-second lead lady. If it were only about a baby, she could have moved on to YR already!

That's obviously a good gene pool. Well, maybe except for the brains: Yes, Se Ah, and Yeon Hee has lame characters. But, I dont think they prolong the situation too much. In vice versa, I think the timing is perfect. If they all 6 do not go on holidays together, Jang Mi will not realized her feelings towards Ki Tae. When we live virtually, eventually we cant differentiate between reality and imagination.

It feels just like me. I watched dramas too much, sometimes i'm too lazy to go back to reality. So you suspect that there is more to her cryptic "YOU know why it has to be yours.

  • Marriage Not Dating: Episode 6 » Dramabeans Korean drama recaps.
  • Marriage Not Dating: Episode 12 » Dramabeans Korean drama recaps.
  • Marriage, Not Dating Episode 5 Recap – Dramapenchant.
  • Marriage Not Dating: Episode 11 » Dramabeans Korean drama recaps.

That's the surface answer that she wants KT to arrive at - but I think the real answer is that it's a way to keep him under her thumb for the rest of his life.