18 year old man dating 30 year old woman


  1. Is an 18, almost 19 year old girl dating a 32 year old man that bad?
  2. Dear Wendy: “I’m 18 and My Boyfriend is 30”
  3. I'm 18 and dating a 30 year old, how do I tell my mom?

I also like slightly younger men, and have been often told I look younger too.

I'm 17 & I'm Dating a 30 Year Old!!!! - #WheresMyTea MiniTalk Session

And when your 30 in your prime and she is 40 getting wrinkly unable to have kids you will be happy? Originally Posted by ThatKindaGuy. Last edited by MeFromG; at Last edited by RandomMisc; at Mostly older women tell me "It feels like I'm with someone my age" thats what young guys like me get: Originally Posted by Hawaiidancer. I think "dating" is relative. As a 30 yr old woman dating a 24 year old man, I can honestly say that I'm not a heavy drinker, I don't like to party all the time, and I'm not effed in the head.

I can also say that I wasn't looking to date anyone when we met, and even resistant to it for weeks. He showed me age doesn't always matter as I typically date men at least 5 years my senior. He even does well with my child, nd we have been together going on a year. What I'm saying is, every person, and every situation is different. Originally Posted by Dpoor. His Name Is Robert Paulson. Whoever comes, whoever it is I'll kill them all. When I was thirty I met a 19 year old and I wanted to date and he did at first then he bailed.

IW, Black , White As a 19 year old male no, perhaps if you were mid-late 20s and you have matured and are dating a women in her 30s then yes as I am it can work but ofc there are hurdles just like any relationship. I would certainly not recommend it for a guy who is 19 though, you're still a kid and will either get eaten alive or hurt in the long run plus you'll hit your gf will be basically 40 and youll see all that young prime poontang you missed out on, not saying you can't put your GF first but it ISN'T easy let me tell you that.

Is an 18, almost 19 year old girl dating a 32 year old man that bad?

Had a few 30 year old women entertain me in their day. They all magically dropped me and eventually got young guys or guy their age of the same race. This has happened at least 3 times. Everyone is different op and my experiences clearly don't reflect everyone's. Go after them and see what happens. Once upon a time: I know a woman I dated awhile back when I was 28 in She upped and moved across town to live in his area. She also has a 12 year old son. To say the only reason a man would date a 19 year old would be to take advantage of them or because they are childish is ignorant and judgemental.

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From my personal experience, women in our age group pay attention to guys way older than us for the first 30 years of our life, so perhaps a guy in his late 20s just wants the chick who pays attention to them in return. A 19 year old may change over time, and may have some ignorance. But whose to say the difference in wisdom is no different than the difference in wisdom of those who are in thier 20s with 30s? Or 30s with 40s?

Dear Wendy: “I’m 18 and My Boyfriend is 30”

The gaining of wisdom does not cease whether you are in a relationship or not, so a 19 year old may mature into a state in which they themselves can decide whether or not to leave the relationship. Nothing is permenant and there are no rules which govern love. Maybe you all have the wisdom of age confused with bitterness, cynicism, and judgementality. Which seem to be the main traits that differ between a year old and a Is he willing to introduce himself to your dad?

Is he willing to state his intentions with you? Are they matrimonial or merely sexual? What's "bad" is subjective, meaning it means different things to different people. What you need to be asking is, is this right for you? Don't count how you "feel" about him as feeling will lead you astray Instead decide what he has to offer you Ir's my opinion that at 19, you are still not ready to date someone that much more experienced and older.

I understand you probably love him but again, that's a feeling and you need to assess facts. He's too old for you. If you wait until you're 30 and he's 43, you may find you're closer in age than you are now. Probably too much different in where they are in life, but there is always counterexamples. It seems to depend on where you live, for example in a little more extreme example and switching genders in France you have Macron's wife could be the next first lady of France, in the USA you have LeTourneau convicted felon.

He's 39, she's He;s actually pretty tame for a French politician.

But you're right, France has different mores about such relationships. Well she first met him when he was 15 and was his drama teacher. I don't know when it started, but it is reported meaning I cannot be sure of the truth that she would not promise his father to back off until he was She was married and had three children. Yeah too things apply differently, younger men and France. I hope the 18 year old girl is out of secondary school and the 32 yr old is not her teacher, and not in the USA, or there is jail time to consider. She's also said he didn't begin to convince her until he was Frankly, that would not be my choice.

Sorry, but the wild wild west is over with. Plus, you should consider how the laws are stacked against the older man. She could have your baby; the state will scrape child support off of you at the same time she will move on to other guys and probably deny you visitation. Since you made this post yes I was never a big fan of big age differences and here I am dating a girl that is 9 years younger than me.

According to wilde's theory of the appropriate age, I'm technically within range. I had colleagues where one was 12yo than his GF and another female coworker that was 20 years younger than her BF. I'm sure that there is definitely a line that shouldn't be crossed, but despite the age difference, my GF is pretty grown up for her age and we like each other.

I think it would be foolish of me to not date simply because of our age difference. Her family likes me and she has absolutely no issue with the age. As long as people are happy together, I'm really not someone to make judgements.

I'm 18 and dating a 30 year old, how do I tell my mom?

Supervillain Send a private message. If its legal have at it. I did the exact same thing when I was Latayshia Send a private message. When I was 19 years old I started dating my son's father who was 47 at the time this was three years ago.