When does spike and buffy start dating


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  4. Where do Buffy and Spike meet?

They have a very Intimate night on one of the epsiodes. Then Spike finds buffy, Buffy asks him to sleep with her. Sleep in bed, not sex lol And he just watches her sleep the whole night. Spike admits that was the best night of his life. They also have an encounter at the end of the season, Spike is dying, from the amulet, and his soul, And buffy holds onto his hand and says "I love you" But spike knows that she don't and says. I think thats pretty much all from season 7, Watch seaon 6 for thee dating, Sex, funny scenes between the two characters. Buffy and spikes relationship in the 7th season was like grr just kiss and love eachother again.

But buffy mover told spike she loved him untill he died at the last episode. I own 2 7th seasons of buffy. Spike always loved buffy he just never relized it till the 5th season other wise he would've killed her long before spikes chip. They spend most of season six having sex with each other and in the last episode of season 7 Buffy tells him she's in love with him, just before he dies.

They don't exactly date. Spike is badly in love with her, but Buffy doesn't have the same feeling for him.

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  • Quick question: What season and ep do Buffy and Spike finally get together?!
  • Do buffy and spike get together (date) in season 7 of buffy the vampire slayer?!

For the best answers, search on this site https: They start having sex together in 'Smashed' S6E9 but it's a desperation thing. Then in season 7 they're friends. No, they get closer..

How Well Do You Know Buffy And Spike? | TheQuiz

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Is game of thrones worth watching? Best TV series is of all time in your opinion? What you did, for me and Dawn, that was real. So where does this leave them? The fifth year for Buffy and Spike began with a relationship based on mutual hatred to a relationship based on imbalance, with Spike becoming a courtly lover, an obsessed lover, and at times a hybrid of both. When Buffy is determined not to sacrifice Dawn to save the world, she goes further to say that she will kill anyone who even goes near her, a pointed comment that gives insight to her apprehension, even for her friends.

And yet, Spike is the one that Buffy personally counts on to protect Dawn because she instinctively knows that he will. Buffy may not trust him, but she values him in a conditional manner. This concept is best demonstrated in the scene when Buffy and Spike return to the Summers home for supplies. When Buffy is on the staircase, he calls her and she stops halfway to listen: But you treat me like a man.

This is precisely why a utility friendship fits them in these circumstances. Spike loves Buffy, Buffy values Spike conditionally. The beginning of the sixth season finds Buffy gone and her friends and sister carrying on the fight against evil without her — and then there is Spike. Having wept openly at the sight of her lifeless body, Spike fights alongside the Scoobies all summer and continues to look after Dawn.

Spike believes that he has failed Buffy, and can only make up for it by protecting her sister in life where Buffy, having died, cannot. Gone is the notion of courtly love, obsessive love, and the perversity of the previous season — Spike has entered another league in his emotions towards Buffy, even without her in the picture anymore. This is not to say that their sentiments have not changed however, for Buffy connects to Spike in ways that she cannot with anyone else — note that he is the only one that she allows to touch her without an initial flinch when he takes her bloodied hands in his.

Only Spike knows instinctively what Buffy went through, and it is in this shared trauma that a deeper bond is forged. Buffy then accepts Spike as her confidant by confessing only to him that she was torn out of heaven and not hell, a level that no longer qualifies their relationship as a utility friendship. Buffy, however, steps out of the dark and into the sunlight after swearing Spike to secrecy.

They express the same desire in the other partner in wanting to feel, but it is grounded by lust. Their kiss is not like any kiss that Buffy has shared with Angel and Riley — it is not a sensual, soft, close-lipped kiss that is framed in glorious close-up, but rather a hungry, open-mouthed, lunge that is framed wide in order to include their bodies, which are being heatedly pressed against one another. They each recognize the ability to feel something through their partner, but the situation is hardly ideal.

When Spike discovers that his chip no longer activates with Buffy, the two engage in foreplay in the form of a full-fledged fight that culminates when Buffy mounts him, pulls a zipper down, and begins to thrust erotically. The fact that their first sexual encounter takes place after a knockdown fight that brings walls down is an easy metaphor and foreshadow of a literally destructive companionship.

Pressed against a yellow wall with a dumpster just a few feet away, they are hardly in an ideal location for romance. The fact that they go at it in this environment is a product of their erotic desires. Though their sex is not loving and romantic, it is the first instance where a confidant becomes a lover.

Confidants in the series, to a large extent, have been nonsexual and are people that are turned to when they want to talk about love relationships with other people. The fact that Buffy and Spike are the first to make the shift from confidants to lovers is not insignificant. They have a history that progressed to this point rather than one that starts from it, an early indication to a more mature and messy adult relationship, even in light of being currently driven by lust and not love. When Buffy and Spike acknowledge the ability to feel something through their partner through sex, they both engage in mutual enjoyment.

The problem with their pleasure friendship is that falling into lust under separate pretenses proves harmful to both of them. They both desire the other partner to make them feel, but while Spike is in love with Buffy, Buffy is using Spike for sex. What is clear, however, is that Buffy is ashamed of herself. Spike, on the other hand, is and always has been the one more emotionally invested. While Spike enjoys sex with Buffy, he continues to push for something deeper with her despite her insistence that it will never happen.

In a climactic moment, Buffy, in a manner that Wilcox notably points out is similar to when Faith beat on her own body, pummels Spike in the face mercilessly while insisting that he or substitute she cannot love or feel anything real because he she is dead. The problem with Buffy and Spike is that lust cannot survive on its own.

Through the lust, they are able to express the same desire to feel through the other partner, but they do not feel equally. Spike feels love, while Buffy feels shame.

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Buffy is wise to end the relationship, but to have Spike go from an erotic pleasure partner back to the confidant that he was before their connection turned sexual, is simply not logical for them. I could never trust you enough for it to be love. The second she kicks him off, it is harder to say who is more horrified by his actions. Perhaps the reason that the imbalance between Buffy and Spike has existed all this time is not solely because their feelings for one another have never been mutually shared, but also because they have always been, at their core, two separate beings; one with a soul and one without.

Spike acknowledges this at last, and seeks the necessary change. Though Spike is already well on his way to Africa at that point, the fact that Buffy even agrees to the idea is something.

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It cannot simply be severed, but the elements that now comprise and define it are left intentionally ambiguous for their sake… and the sake of the seventh season. The seventh season finds Buffy and Spike estranged and ambiguous to one another. Second, he wholeheartedly acknowledges to Buffy that his attempted assault on her was unforgivable and that he has changed, but prevents Anya from revealing his soul by starting a fight in the Bronze with his usual attitude and goads that negates the previous testament.

This conscious attempt to ignore who he is and what he has become fails him, and he later removes his shirt: The difference here is that Spike is no longer beneath Buffy; he is not an empty shell that a human once inhabited, for like her he has a soul — an asset that has proved so often in the past makes all the difference.

Everyone believes that he is a liability and it is significant that the first person that asks Buffy to dispatch him is Spike himself. And Spike does ask for her help in a step towards his own redemption.


When he asks for her help now, it is not an exchange, but rather the notion of saving himself for the good of others. If Buffy and Spike no longer have a utility friendship, a pleasure friendship, or a concrete foundation for any other definition, what are they to one another? Spike is wise enough to know now that Buffy is not keeping him alive because of love, but is riveted by her admission of belief in him:. You faced the monster inside of you and you fought back. You may not see it, but I do.

I believe in you, Spike. Two years ago, it was Spike who rationalized to Buffy why he could be a good man and why he was worthy of her respect.

Where do Buffy and Spike meet?

The role reversal provides the potential for Buffy and Spike to build a newfound bond that will ultimately become more meaningful than any other they have shared. It is this same bond that carries Buffy and Spike into deeper loyalty and devotion for one another despite their ambiguity in definition. For Giles, soul or no soul, the threat of releasing a demon into the world that has already been a target of the First Evil is not a worthwhile risk.

Buffy reasons that instinct is telling her that Spike can be a better man. Here, even Giles addresses the lack of clarity in their growing bond: You rely on him, he relies on you. Subsequently, when the First Evil reveals that it has unfinished plans for Spike down the road, Spike offers to leave town, citing that with the addition of Wood as another demon fighter, Buffy will manage fine without him. He is asked because Buffy herself is not ready to be separated from him, and Spike stays with her, even with the knowledge that staying could bring further harm to everyone involved.

The three key elements of having a complete friendship are therefore utility, pleasure, and an unconditional value in the partner for who they are.