Overthinking things dating


  1. 4 Tips To Stop Overthinking While Dating
  2. How Overthinking Is Ruining Your Dating Life
  3. www.thetalko.com
  4. 4 Tips To Stop Overthinking While Dating – The Problem With Dating
  5. 1. You Always Change Your Mind

They probably hate you…. You ask your friends the same questions and bring up the same topics again and again, and often get eye-rolls in return. When it comes to head over heart, your head wins every time. You ignore what your instinct is trying to tell you and determinedly make a detailed pros and cons list instead. Obsessing about things less could be the key to finding and maintaining the happy, healthy relationship that you really want. Was this article helpful? She writes about travel and self-care and never stays in one place for too long. She spends her free time trail running, exploring and devouring vegan food.

Katie Uniacke Twitter Katie splits her time between writing and translation. A lot of people wonder if they can keep the spark and romance alive in the relationship.

4 Tips To Stop Overthinking While Dating

It's easy in the beginning since you're in the so-called honeymoon period but once reality sets in, it's all chores and busy work schedules and stress, and romance isn't always on the priority list. This guy posted on Reddit that he's scared of complacency in a relationship, so it seems like this is something that guys worry about.

Becoming complacent definitely sounds like the worst thing that could happen because then we stop wanting to put the effort into the relationship that we used to and that's just no fun. Before we fall in love, we probably wonder how we're going to know. When we're single, people always give us advice like "You'll find love when you're not even expecting it to happen" and "When it happens, you'll know" but that doesn't seem super helpful.

In fact, we kind of hate hearing that. Once we do fall in love, we realize that they were telling the honest truth and that we did "just know.

How Overthinking Is Ruining Your Dating Life

It just seemed to happen naturally and everything flowed. This guy posted to Reddi t that he wonders if he won't actually be in love with the person that he's dating or if he'll fall out of love with her. This has happened to him before, so he feels like it could happen again. We can relate to wanting our romantic feelings for our partner to last and for things to finally work out.

Who wants another breakup? It's comforting to know that guys overthink whether they're actually and truly in love since we've probably all had that thought run through our minds. It's funny how our lives change when we get into a serious relationship. We swear that we're going to be a different kind of girlfriend than ones that we see on TV or in movies or in our friend group.

We'll continue being independent and doing what we want. Then we fall in love and, well, all bets are off. Sure, we still want to have our own lives and friendships and everything like that, but we do have to make some compromises. And we do want to see our boyfriend a lot since, of course, we love him. If we worry about losing our sense of independence when we get into a relationship, we might wonder if guys think about that, too. As it turns out, they totally do, at least according to this guy who posted this on Reddit.

He worries about "feeling dependent" in a relationship. That's definitely a common thing to worry about since no one wants to lose their sense of self and rely on their partner completely.


If we've been cheated on, we know that it's not an easy thing to go through or get over. We might think that every guy that we date after that person is going to do the exact same thing, and we might have some trouble trusting again. That makes sense and is totally normal and understandable. Guys think this way too if they have been with someone who was unfaithful, at least according to the guy who posted this on Reddit. This poor guy had two girlfriends who weren't loyal and faithful, and that just sounds super tough to deal with.

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Some guys do think about whether the person that they're with is going to not only cheat on them but break up with them and start dating that other guy. It doesn't sound like a pleasant thing to think about, and it's easy to see how people who have unfortunately been in that situation before could really overthink this subject. All you can really do is believe that you're worthy of love and that not everyone will do this to you, and if you're with the right person, they would never dream of doing this.

Relationships can bring out a lot of insecurities. When we're single, we might have the highest self-esteem ever and think that we're pretty great while hopefully still being a nice, polite, decent person, of course. When we meet a guy that we really like, all of that goes away and we second guess and wonder about everything.

Does he like the way that our hair looks? The way that we dress? Was the text message that we just sent super silly or what? I avoid it by avoiding relationships and sabotaging the ones that I do get in to. I wouldn't follow my advice if I were you.

4 Tips To Stop Overthinking While Dating – The Problem With Dating

This guy was super honest in his Reddit post and said that he feels insecure when he starts dating someone. It's helpful to hear that he either doesn't get into a relationship or he makes mistakes when he is in one. We definitely have to remember that if someone is dating us, they like us and they like a lot of things about us. Otherwise, they wouldn't be with us, and they would be with someone else.

Being insecure and having low self-esteem is only going to cause problems and make both of us unhappy. It's easy to start dating a guy and think that he is so amazing, why is he dating us? Why isn't he with another girl? What could he possibly see in us? That's also a negative way to think and it's not the road that we should go down.

We might assume that guys are just so confident when it comes to dating and relationships and that this kind of thought never crosses their mind, but that's just not true. She chose to be with you just as much as you chose to be with her.

1. You Always Change Your Mind

Stop worrying so much, enjoy your time with her, and don't let jealousy cloud your mind. This guy's advice in his Reddit post is totally spot-on. Instead of wasting time thinking about how our boyfriend probably isn't even that into us and would rather be with someone else, we should remember that he's dating us for a reason. If we're really bothered by thoughts like this, we can bring it up with him and have a real, honest conversation, and chances are, we'll feel a lot better.

Having a discussion always makes things better and is definitely the best way to go. What makes a good girlfriend or boyfriend?

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It might be different for everyone, but for the most part, we want to be with someone who is always kind and caring and compassionate toward us. We want them to take care of us when we need it and respect our independence when we need that as well.

Dating: Over-Eagerness & Over-Thinking

We don't want them to make fun of us for no reason or make us feel bad for our wants and needs or even our favorite singer or TV show or food. Two of my major romantic relationships have ended because of that reason. I don't want to do it a third time. I'm what I'm most scared of in any romantic relationship. We might wonder if we're a good girlfriend, whether we're in a relationship or single, and we might really spiral and freak out.

This guy's Reddit post proves that this is something that guys worry about, too, which is comforting and helpful to know. We're all scared to repeat the mistakes of our past relationships in the next one. But all we do is move forward and try our best and believe that if it's right and meant to be, it's going to work out. It's such a hot topic and can be such a frustrating experience, but we've probably all been ghosted and ghosted someone.