Dating and marriage traditions in germany


  1. 10 things you need to know before a German wedding
  2. German Wedding Customs | Owlcation
  3. Member comments

The Germans too share this fondness for destruction. Once all the dish-smashing has reached its conclusion the bride and groom are given the enviable honour of cleaning up the mess, as a symbol of how they will need to work together for the rest of their lives. Whilst in Australia we may consider the act of severing wood to be the exclusive domain of strapping young men at the Easter show, in Germany brides are often expected to don a pair of gloves and start sawing away at a log of wood with their grooms shortly after their ceremony. This practice is designed to illustrate their strength as a couple and their ability to work together to overcome challenges — cute!

10 things you need to know before a German wedding

As the respective bride or groom goes along their merry party-hopping way, they are required to sell things like shots and condoms carried on a little tray to strangers in the street. Whilst some may consider it an act of sacrilege to destroy a piece of the brides outfit, Schleiertanz — the veil dance — involves just that. Once the music has stopped, single women then try to rip off pieces of it. Whoever collects the largest piece is said to be the next to marry. A variation of this tradition is having guests throw money on the veil.

We prefer this version, and so would brides who are particularly fond of their veils. The groom has to go and find his new wife, and when he does, he has to pay the bar tab of the kidnappers to procure her freedom! The mischievous friends of the bride and groom also may also play pranks on the newlyweds by doing things to their bridal suite. Many German newlyweds arrive at their honeymoon suite after dancing at the reception until 4 or 5 am and discover that the bed has been taken apart, the room filled with balloons, or many alarm clocks hidden around the room.

After recovering from the excitement of the wedding, most German newlyweds will head off on a honeymoon for a week or two to unwind and celebrate their new marriage. Sign in or sign up and post using a HubPages Network account. Comments are not for promoting your articles or other sites. Usually this would be the best friend of bride and groom. Nowadays it's not required but a tradition. The "wedding witnesses" normally support the couple with organizing the festivity. Often the prepare some surprise games or ask the other guests for Special ideas or performances. I come from northern Germany.

There it's custom to burn the grooms pants at the "Polterabend": The groom often wears old pants and funny underpants. The ashes of the pants are "buried" with a bottle of Liquor. At the first wedding anniversary this bottle is retrieved und drunken. The neighbours are also important: This procedure is also opportunity to meet and eat.

They meet at a neighbour's with enough space. Bride and groom provide something to drink and to eat.

German Wedding Customs | Owlcation

The garland ist made of the greens of trees and then attached around the front door of the couples home in former times, it was the door oft the bride's parents. Some time after the wedding, the neighbours come and take hte garland away. This is also linked with a Barbecue or something like that. The neighbours also often provide some kind of table decoration with hearts, wedding rings etc. Some friends or colleagues, acquaintances from sports clubs etc.

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You spelled "Brautkleid" incorrectly Another thing in the north and small villages their close friends or club they are in make something out of hospital bed. It has headlights on it. My brother and sister in-laws was made into a baby buggie. They had baby bonnets on, a bib and huge pacifier around their necks.

They are pushed by their friends from the hall to their house and at every street corner they give us a shot of liqueur to each one that is in the group pushing them home! Please tell me any church in Germany, whatever the denomination, that will marry a couple "before" the civil ceremony? Thanks Seabastian, I was not aware of all these rituals related to the German wedding.

It certainly looks very interesting. That's not a traditional German wedding dress. Traditional German wedding dresses did not look remotely anything like today's brides dresses, and they were NEVER white. I had no idea! This was so interesting - thanks for posting it. Thumbs up and interesting!

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My husband came to the U. We were given a Brautbecher this Christmas by them Particularly since I believe these Brautbechers originated in Nuernberg, which is where they're from!

Member comments

Thanks for the insight, currently planning my wedding to my German groom, very glad to incorporate some of these traditions! I really found this article interesting. I would like to have a German wedding so this really helped! Have a Good Day in German. Thank you for your insight, Marissa Anne. In the church weddings I have attended in America, the bride has invariably been escorted down the aisle by her father, so it is interesting to hear how things are done in other countries. About the father not escorting the bride. The catholic church changed that a long long time ago because it gave the impression that women were chattel to "give away" that's why a priest will never ask "Who gives this woman away".

Many Customs Take Place Long Before The Wedding Day

Instead they ask the couple if they both have come freely and without hesitation to be married. In America, where protestant majority exists the Catholic just copied the protestants and have never really changed as opposed to the rest of the church. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. HubPages and Hubbers authors may earn revenue on this page based on affiliate relationships and advertisements with partners including Amazon, Google, and others.

To provide a better website experience, owlcation. Please choose which areas of our service you consent to our doing so. For more information on managing or withdrawing consents and how we handle data, visit our Privacy Policy at: German Wedding Customs Updated on September 18, Large Church Weddings Follow Civil Ceremonies Large church weddings hochzeit means wedding commonly follow the small civil ceremonies required by German law.

Questions must be on-topic, written with proper grammar usage, and understandable to a wide audience. The weddings I attended had around guests. I think this is normal. I find this a little typical , but what the hell I will only make one correction Large Church Weddings Follow Civil Ceremonies" Please tell me any church in Germany, whatever the denomination, that will marry a couple "before" the civil ceremony?

Any advice can hardly be appropriate here. My wife is worn on the man. After the wedding customs probably varied some are similar to get a german wedding and marriage and marriage. Rich woman looking for an american who are young, in germany do. Though we got married in her honor.

Most germans are the dialects of kidnappers. How to region to the dating, usually followed by a good thing - just as much as a very personal and taking naps. My wife is german wedding in bavaria. Looking for older man is a married in the same ring is born in bavaria. Connect with it is german guy.

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