Online dating makes me feel depressed


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  3. Online dating makes people feel more depressed, studies suggest

Online dating has become the new trend for putting yourself out there. From the safety of your home, you can cautiously select your dates and avoid the creeps. Online dating gives us the power to decide who we want to give our attention to. It sucks and it hurts. Despite this fact, there are ways that you can combat the despair caused by online dating. The Guardian Soulmates offer a few ways to overcome depression caused by online dating.

Maybe you are each looking for different things. Maybe there was a lack of attraction. Everyone has their own preferences when looking for that special someone. A rejection today could save you from a failed relationship tomorrow. Although your date may have rejected you, you still have people who love you for you.

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Remember, your family and friends love you for the person you are. Although they may look great online, they could be completely different in person. It took me weeks to find anybody I wanted to meet in person and months before I started corresponding with the woman I wound up marrying. Hang in there and don't let it get you down—it's depressing for everybody until it pays off!

Think of this as a project that may take months rather than days. You just need one or two. You're not trying to appeal to everyone, you're only trying to appeal to the kind of person you want to date. If you don't get a lot of responses, that means your profile is doing the job of selecting out the people you don't want.

Consider seeing this as a chance to meet interesting people and go do stuff you enjoy. Instead of being a place meet "The One", think about what kinds of experiences might be fun.

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A walk in a park to smell some flowers? Those things aren't a really big deal - just do those things with people. There are a myriad of reasons that they might not respond almost all of which have absolutely nothing to do with you. If there is someone who IS interested, they'll respond.

You're not alone in finding online dating anxiety producing and feeling hopeless or bad about it, but feeling that way doesn't mean that there's anything wrong with you or that you're doing it wrong. It just means that online dating sucks. Keep the faith, it may take a while but it is possible to have fun dates and to meet someone lovely.

Which dating site are you using? I love this question: It was called SparkMatch and is now defunct, but some of the guys I worked with went on to found OKCupid and based it loosely on my work.

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  • It will give you a lot of insight into how online dating sites work and how people behave on them. Let me preface this by saying that I'm writing this from the perspective of a straight, cisgender man. You don't mention in your question whether you're looking for men, women or both.

    Hope me with online dating - anxiety depression fear | Ask MetaFilter

    I'm reasonably confident that my insights will apply to straight cisgender women. I'm far less certain whether they'll be useful for gay, lesbian or transgender people. You also don't mention which site you're using. I'd be interested to know. Different sites attract people looking for different things, so it's important to find one that matches what you're looking for. I recommend you try several. I'm going to assume that your goal is to meet someone in real life.

    That may seem obvious, but it's not. There are a huge number of people on online dating sites who just want to chat online, and have no intention of ever actually meeting the people they chat with.

    Online dating makes people feel more depressed, studies suggest

    Also, given that you're asking the question, I'm going to assume you're rather serious about this, and are willing to put in a significant amount of effort, time and money to make it work. If not, you may not want to go to the lengths I'll be suggesting below. First and foremost, online dating sites are about looks.

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    You may not like this, but it's true. But it does mean that potential matches are going to make their first and most important judgment about you based on your photos, not on anything you write in your profile. So, make sure that your photos look good and are recent. If you can afford it, I highly recommend hiring a professional photographer to take some casual shots that you can use.

    It's hard to know what to write to people you don't know, so you need to make this as easy as possible. Post a photo or two of you and your dog. Did you go a trip somewhere exciting? Put up a photo of that. I guarantee that people have visited your profile and have wanted to message you, but couldn't think of what to say, so they moved on without writing to you.

    Fight against this by putting easy conversation starters in your photos. Whether you like it or not, online dating is a numbers game. To find the right person, you will first need to interact with a lot of people who are not the right person. When I was actively online dating, I would get about one reply for every ten messages I sent out. Of those who replied, I would end up going on an actual real life date with maybe one out of ten.

    In other words, I would have to send about messages for every date I went on. This is not as daunting as it sounds! More on that later. The point is, if you think that you're going to send a half dozen messages and then meet someone you click with, you need to readjust your expectations. You can meet someone who is a good match online, but it will take work. And closely related to this Online dating takes time. That's far too short a timeframe.

    I'd recommend you plan to do this for at least months before you make any judgments about whether you're succeeding or not.