Impacts of dating a married man


  1. Välkommen till oss!
  2. How to Handle Loving and Dating a Married Man
  3. What Are the Dangers of Dating a Married Man? | Dating Tips
  5. Reminder Successfully Set!

He calls and texts daily comes to my job daily. Just confused a little. I met this guy almost 4 years ago! He is 18 years older than me, but he was so charming and nice a total gentleman, he ask me out and first thing I asked if he was married, he said he was divorced, so we went along, going out having drinks, nice dinners for couple of months, then I decided to introduce him to my friends and coworkers on one of my birthday dinners, after that everything was great I met his friends and the wives of the friends, we had a great relationship until on of my coworkers one day told me that her husband has seen me with my boyfriend and he mentioned that he was married!!!

I met a charmer on one of my travel job assignments, he was married as I. I was going through a divorce, but he is still married, i have been dealing with him since to now, i have flown to see him and now we work in the same city, he claim he is separtated, and not sleeping in the same bed, also claims they dont have sex. However, i offered him to stay with me, when he arrived in TX, and he did, we had sex everyday, well i overheard every conversation, i put camera's with sound all around the house so that i could hear every conversation, because he had told me to much.

I feel bad listening, however i overheard him talking too her and the things i overheard, was crazy, like fighting, talk back and forth, about why she does not touch him, and why she does not help around the house and take care of the kids, and whay she smokes weed and drink for years. He had cheated on her with several woman for 10 years before he met me, i told him why dont you set her and yourself free, he said ite because of the two kid, want to tell them, but they are to small to understand.

They are allways struggling financial, they dont have sex, she told him onthe phone that he knew she was not sexually active when they got married 16 years ago. So out of all of this he met me, and told me he cant see his life without me in it, and he loves me. Do not say he will not leave his wife and children, i can honestly say he will.

I was left with 4 children and he left for my best friend. It was devastating for me and my children, who had known her for 11 yrs. My fault was letting her be my confident. She knew every thing and used it against me. We still feel the effects of a divorce and there is distance between our children and their father.

7 Reasons why married men look for a lover

His girlfriendv is not welcome to any family activites. So every event is hectic tovsay the least. I've never dated a married man but now I find myself in love with one who seems to love me back. But oh my God did I want to. We were friends for six months before I had a clue he liked me. Then another six months and a few drinks in he spills it. His wife is jealous of me and he's had feelings for me for a long time. I thought we were just good friends who shared drinks, intimate stories, and nothing more.

I was fighting some feelings for a few months but I figured crushes are health. Crushes clue you into what you like about people in general and make it easier to identify future good partners. But over the past few months I've had to practically stop myself from begging for a kiss from him. Before he confessed feelings he confessed his marriage was troubled and she cheated on him three times. I thought "People lie about that sort of thing sometimes" but, no, it was true. He drunkenly confessed that to one of his best guy friends. I guess you could call it an emotional affair but we've helped each other emotionally, intellectually, and artistically.


I feel like I'm a better person for knowing him and I care about him very deeply as a friend I have thought about just asking him what he thinks about leaving his wife then giving us a chance. I know he thinks about me. But I also have reason to believe he will never leave her despite his feelings for me and the fact that she cheated on him three times. One of them with his best friend. I can't imagine why he would stay with her. That night, I confessed back that I do have feelings for him but I'm not going to date a married man. Ultimately, if he really wanted to change his life he would have already divorced her, taken time to himself, and then swooped me up.

Which is why I haven't made a move.

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But I couldn't stand to lose his friendship. I dream about what it would be like to have him in my bed. In my mind he's already kissed every inch of my body. SO I must contact him as little as possible. I haven't seen him in about two weeks and I miss him every day. I am for middle East far away from your world but I want share my experience as well I get divorced 2 times with out any baby and after that I could not live in peace our society is very small and closed every body talking about me why she got divorce towice time some thing Is wrong with her.

No family accept their son married with one lady who got divorced 2 times I have mastered degree but I could not find any job and my family dont wanted me more so what I did the most stupid thing I could do. I join to one dating website and find middle East man who is married with 3 kids I told him my life and he ask me go to country he lived there I make story for my family I am going for get my PhD I put my self in deep messy I went we were together after 6 months he told me sorry I must back to the EU he has EU passport he is citizen there and for me with my passport I could not go he take his wife and family and leave me I back to my country with Brocken heart I just wish to die I just wanted to run away and now look at me.

I got one don't marry a married man or a woman don't ruin somebody's home there's plenty of people out there Jezebel!!!

How to Handle Loving and Dating a Married Man

I met a guy 3 months ago. For no real reason i hardly ever give out my number but I did this time. He had already texted me within the hour. We txted two days until i told him it was okay to call. We have talked every single day multiple times for last 3 months. Make a long story short i found out my own way he is married. I wasnt in love or anything but had just taken a strong liking to him. I said it was over ignored all calls and texts for a day called him next day n have been with him every since. He never has his phone out around me never makes me feel anything other than his woman.

I honestly dont expect anymore than what we are. Talk text spend time go out sometimes. I was married 14 years to wrong man and right now after ths i dont know that i even want a man of my own. I plan to see him long as whatever and then be single again. Smh I never would think i would do this.

I'm 28 years of age.

What Are the Dangers of Dating a Married Man? | Dating Tips

I'm dating a married man. Like any other relationship everything was perfect. He makde it very clear that he's a married man. I made peace with that and even adviced him to go see her on weekends since i was staying with him. He always didn't want to go home but i was always pushing him to. As understanding as i was, i was very okay with the set up.

A year down the line I was pregnant. Gave birth and he was there. Problems started when he told his wife about the child. The wife immediately wanted to file for divorce. To myself I'm thinking it's only because she's angry. But now apparently im not told about the latest of the divorce. Yes i was understanding. But since i heard about the divorce my mind was like okay. I'll have him as a husband alone.

I started having ideas of how we'd be happy or the set up at home. I love the guy. But he does not support me whatsoever. I'm tired of waiting for him. The other thing is, i no longer believe that there's divorce. I gave myself a time line but he's not aware. Sometimes i feel as though he uses me to fix things at home. I was married for almost 2 decades, divorced in my early 40s. I dated for awhile but most single men my age wanted something I didn't have to give.

Reminder Successfully Set!

So after the divorce I did not want another "all in" relationship. Truthfully I never craved marriage like a lot of women anyway, from the outside it looked restricting for women - and it was. But everyone - even the government tells you it's the thing to do to be successful. Anyway after about a year and a half of being single and dating in my early 40s I met my married man.