Early dating frequency


  1. The Frequency Factor: What’s the Right Amount of Communication During Early Dating?
  2. How often should you see someone you’re just starting to date? – A Mighty Love
  3. 4 Replies to “How often should you see someone you’re just starting to date?”
  4. How Often Do You See A Person You Just Started Dating?

Once to set up and a hey text here and there or do you like him calling for general convo? I'm meeting a new one and want this to go better if I like her and don't want to smother her or play it too cool.

The Frequency Factor: What’s the Right Amount of Communication During Early Dating?

It seems hard to toe the line. Share Share this post on Digg Del. It's hard to say what I'd "expect" because it's never really been an issue. In my current relationship, I've heard from him at least once every day since our first date. Granted, early on, it was just a light-hearted text here, a quick phone call there It never seemed needy or clingy to me because it wasn't constant.

How often should you see someone you’re just starting to date? – A Mighty Love

Just a sporadic, "How's your day going? It made me happy! I'm not into game-playing. It might be noteworthy that I was really, really into this guy from the get-go, so that could be another factor in his contact not seeming "needy. Yeah being into him sure helped. I don't know if I played it too cool or what.

4 Replies to “How often should you see someone you’re just starting to date?”

Her casualness didn't help either though. After our 3rd date she ignored a text and a call and I don't know if it was a test but if it was I failed becasue I told her to be honest and I wouln't call her anymore and she said she wasn't ignoring me. Then she flaked until I gave up. I'm just tired of feeling that every call or text will be the one to scare them away. It's the bad exps i've had I guess. Originally Posted by SJC A light hearted text once a day or so. I would answer every text and call if I was interested though.

I've never "expected" a set amount of contact early on. Does it indicate that the person is interested? Usually when I come home from work, I'm zoinked, and I like to decompress for a bit.

How to Get Him Hooked in the First Two Weeks (Matthew Hussey, Get The Guy)

But if I'm not interested in dating someone, we wouldn't be going out on dates, when I'm interested in someone I'll suggest meeting up or at least inquire. I've also made the first moves physically when I'm interested. Originally Posted by starla I've considered ditching the guy I went on 3 dates with recently because he doesn't seem that interested. So maybe you didn't show enough interest early on?

Originally Posted by realisticbound. I've seen your posts about that particular woman. You sound like a really nice guy and when you meet the one that you click with mutually you won't have to stress about if it's the exact right time to send a text or if it's the perfect thing to say, I think it will all just fall into place. Good luck with your next date. Last edited by SJC; 29th March at 1: Thanks for the kind words. Not to get off topic but it's all dating so anyway.

I'm not leting it stop me move on as I have 2 more dates set up.

The Frequency Factor: What’s the Right Amount of Communication During Early Dating?

I still feel bad though because I don't "crush" too often, meaning I hardly ever meet a woman and start liking her to where I cant stop thinking about her. After our 3rd date I texted her the next day and told her I was thinking about her and then told her I may not get to go out for a couple of weeks due to school. Then I texted her 2 days later and made small talk and called her a few days later with no texts in between. Should the guy initiate or should the woman initiate more often?

Should it be balanced or should the man initiate most of the communication?

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Is a short text asking, "Hey, how are you? Keep in mind that the demographic I'm working within is the 20ss folks. The beginning of dating seems to be where I really get thrown off with how frequent and by which mode communication should be handled. Sometimes I feel like maybe I don't initiate enough. But at the same time, it's because I'm waiting to hear from them. I end up getting antsy and I end up writing people off pretty quickly if I don't think they're initiating enough. The problem is that I've dealt with people who handle this in a bunch of different ways.

I've had women text me daily, some once a week. Some women would get upset or turned off if they did not hear from me at least once a day or every other day. So I can't really establish a benchmark for what is normal. At the same time, I don't want to be "that guy" whose attempts to contact become a nuisance.

What is the best way to go about this? How do you not turn someone away by being "too clingy" while keeping them interested? What expectations should you set for yourself regarding hearing from the other person? Again, please frame your answers with regards to the s demographic and modern dating norms. As much as I appreciate tradition and the old ways of doing things, we have to accept that the times are a-changin'. Last edited by Lafleur; at Another question I'd like to add is how significant does the communication have to be?

Is a "How was your day? Or should I refrain from these insignificant texts and stick with communicating only when I have a date or plan I'd like to propose?

How Often Do You See A Person You Just Started Dating?

And what should my reasonable expectations be from that person? Dont worry about being seen as clingy. If youre the type of man who loves to give attention and make your interest unambiguous, then communicate as frequent as you please, but not every minute. If the women dont like it then theyre not your type. But you dont have to be creepy or strange. I like men who are forward and not afraid.

In the beginning Id say days a week, getting into what she does, likes and whether shes responsive. Go with what feels comfortable. Im just going by what I like, though. Im a leech for attention from love interests. Just do what feel right. You can't go wrong with that. You HAVE to be yourself.

Originally Posted by timberline Just dont go on about your frikkin top tier school and your frikkin salary and your frikkin career. Originally Posted by Lafleur. For me, I think I prefer to have contact at least once a day, or every other day depending on how busy either of us are. That said, I don't want to be the only one initiating contact.

I would like that the lady initiate contact once in awhile, even if just to check in and see how things are going.