E25 matchmaking wot


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It should be otherwise. Now in 10 games with a tier 8 tank you get in a tier 10 fight in 6 or 7 games. With tier 9, 2 games, and 1 game with full tier 8 and if you are lucky 1 with tier 6 when you are top dog.

E25 mm - Feedback / Suggestions - World of Tanks official forum

I thing it should be otherwise. Let the tier 10 boys to fight moore often between them. In 10 games 7 games should be only in tier But wg will never be agree with that. Anyway limited mm premium tanks are the last oasis of joy playing a tier 8 premium tanks and now wg want to kill our last resort of joy. Wg want us to make less and less credits with our premium tanks and to force us to buy credits with real money. Limited mm premium vehicles are less and less met on the battlefield why are them such a big problem?

Put them out of shop and they will dissaper naturally without any problems in 1 or 2 years. For the KV-5 they have said players will be able to either keep the tank, exchange it for a different premium, or get its full value in gold. So they will likely do that for others too. Remember, those are replies from RU region. On RU with its loads of players, pref MM vehicles are a ig problem.

One test made by them shows regular T8 tanks get top tiered T6 more often than the pref MM ones.

Pref MM list

RU has a bigger population BUT it is spread over more servers. There are two RU servers that have around k players at peak but the others are way less populated. And btw Russian players are complaining about the state of tier 8 MM as much as European players.

There are Polish, German, English, etc. The only time WG listened their EU base was when basically every contributor told his viewers how overpowered the Defender is. As someone that bought the KV-5 on release day, I completely agree with the money-back option. Good luck getting a dime back from WG.

✅ E25 - 13kill - 4k Damage - World of Tanks

You agreed to WGs terms of service with them stating any fees are not refundable. When did they nerf income of premium tanks? If they did that, they screwed paying customers…. Never seeing Tier 10 is such a relief.

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Instead of removing pref. MM, they should make pref. They know how to do it they just refuse to. Bad idea all around in my opinion. They are slightly weaker yes. But they have special mm. Well worth the trade in the current mm system.

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There is no tier 8 prem you can take and not get absolutely farmed game after game in tier 10 matches. The whole reason why the pref mm tanks are so good now is because you are almost always top tier. And if someone argues is6 is not good. Fuck off with your bs. I play it constantly to grind credits and farm everyone in every game. The only thing that is actually hard to deal with is the is3 and defender. Same goes for the The wz is a bit weaker but still more than useable.

Kv5 is weaker than it should be. But at the same time when top tier you are impervious. The rear armour is retarded. Also the pen might be bad but you have insane dpm. This tank is too punishing for you against higher tiers but way too powerful against lower tiers. Same for the t54 mod 1 btw. Super persh is still garbage. But similar to the kv5 against lower tiers it can really farm. Higher pen to be able to deal with higher tiers.

Increase RoF and gun handling. Maybe a slight increase in mobility too so it is more on par with something like t44 Until you fix tier 8 mm there is no way you can buff these enough to justify them meeting tier 10 in every single game.

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  5. WOTINFO - Matchmaking.
  6. The problem with current premium mm tanks are they are too punishing to lower tiers and useless against higher tier. A few years ago they change the mechanic of credit and xp. As a rezult we get fewer xp and credit income. For outstanding game it was above k. Also known as "Cockroach" -- a premium tank which, if tanks were personified, would be considered to be that of an impish nature.

    An incredibly fast, agile, and stealthy tank destroyer, the E 25 brings an extremely high rate of fire to whatever part of the battle it visits. Because of its low damage per shot the E 25 punishes unaware or distracted players disproportionately more than any other and is capable of borrowing tactics normally shown by fast medium and light tanks.

    Don't be surprised if in a heated battle a player finds them self with a heavy tank fighting in front of it and an E 25 suddenly chipping away at their health from behind in what was supposed to be a safe area.

    1. Developers Q&A: Preferential Matchmaking Premium Vehicles.
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    4. Use of such tactics allow the E 25 to disrupt a battlefield in such a way as to turn what was a stalemate into decisive victory. Afterward it has appeared in the shop two times for a very short period and could be awarded from "large boxes" during the holiday event. Nearly impossible to spot when it's hiding behind a bush. Artillery loves to catch you! Overall the E 25 should be played as a very mobile sniper, or a passive scout in case of emergency.

      It features an impressive Distance is your friend, mostly because of your relatively very poor armor, but also because you sport top accuracy, allowing you to hit weak points even at distance. Your gun has an extremely high RoF, which allows you to deal consistent damage against exposed enemies. If you manage to destroy the track of a tank you'll be able to keep it stuck there until an enemy chases you off or until the target is destroyed.

      If you find yourself in close combat you'll need to use your mobility and fast turning speed to push into the side or rear of the enemy, constantly shooting and removing its health with incredible speed. You have no turret, so driving skills are vital in doing this correctly. Luckily the low premium ammunition cost and very good accuracy and aim time should offset this, and even the heaviest of armor can eventually be damaged. This tank has an insane capacity to be decisive, even against tier VIII enemies. View Source View history.

      These differences are taken into account in tooltip boxes. F 70 Pros and Cons Pros: Tends to flip and slide even on hard ground.