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If we have already received payment for such order, we will attempt to refund the applicable amount using the same method used to make the payment. You also have the possibility to track your shipment when you click on the link we will send you. March 14—16th, singles kirchenlamitz Venue: In his book, McLuhan argues for a stronger focus on the media themselves instead of focusing primarily on media content and coined the famous phrase: At the Second Vatican Council, too, the bishops discussed questions of media and media change.

The discussions were based on the assumption that the church can and should make use of modern mass media — then radio, film, television and the journalistic media landscape — to share the goods news of the gospel.

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The World Communication Day, instituted in the aftermath of the Council, bears testimony to these discussions. Much has happened since then.

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Today, Pope Francis is posting on Instagram and communicates via Twitter in nine different languages to more than 25 million followers. Both the bible and the book of hours are available as smartphone applications and interested parties may inform themselves about the Christian faith on websites like katholisch-werden.

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With regards to religion, the scholar of media and communication Jeremy Stolow emphasizes that media and technologies should not be conceptualized as something external or ancillary to religious practices and experiences. Instead, both are in many ways constitutive of the ways religions are practiced and experienced.

How to conceptualize the mutually constitutive relationship between media and processes of mediation on the one hand and Christian discourses, practices, modes of percepetion and socialization on the other?

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