Co founders dating


  1. 4 Startup Co-Founder 'Dating' Sites to Try - StartUpJobs Asia Blog
  2. Building a Co-Founder Dating App to Solve My Own Problem
  3. Hello! What's your background, and what are you working on?
  4. 4 Startup Co-Founder ‘Dating’ Sites to Try

Listen to your customers. Like Paul Graham says: As people started to hear about Founder2be following the press exposure, a couple of interesting things happened:. It took us a while to figure out how to channel it best.

We started with volunteers from all around the world who held meetups in different cities to connect co-founders. It really took off, and before we realized it we had meetups hosted on every continent. Chinedu and Emeka, our ambassadors in Nigeria, even made it to the cover of Forbes Africa. It's really hard to say what will work and what won't. My advice is that you never know until you try. Something might sound great but not work. Something else might sound silly but turn out to be a hit. The only way to find out is do it.

4 Startup Co-Founder 'Dating' Sites to Try - StartUpJobs Asia Blog

We run on a freemium model, as I mentioned before. The free tier provides all the basic features you need, and the premium tier is designed to help co-founders save time and find suitable matches faster.

We complement that with sponsorships in our newsletter. We've done a few small experiments with pricing, but these haven't changed the big picture. Higher prices and fewer people buy; lower prices and more people buy. The sum in the end has pretty much been the same. The only regret I have from our launch is not charging people earlier. In the beginning we had no paid option. And when we did, the first payments didn't take long to come in. It's exactly like you commented in your interview with Cronitor: We want to make finding the perfect match even easier. Just like dating, it usually takes a few dates before you meet someone where you think, "Hey, this could be the one.

Revenue-wise, of course — more is always better. And that's where we aim. We don't have a concrete dollar figure we want to hit by a certain date. Rather, we have our goals in terms of how many features and experiments we want to test each month and measure if they make things better. When something makes things better for our users, we'll keep it. Otherwise, we'll remove it again.

Building a Co-Founder Dating App to Solve My Own Problem

I also think we could do even more by finding the right partner for Founder2be itself: So, we're definitely open to exploring collaboration and acquisition as well. We started out dirt cheap. At one point, our site became incredibly slow and we started having downtime. We ended up scrambling to move everything to bigger servers. I think being frugal is good when you start a business, but next time around I'd probably be slightly less stingy.

The bigger our entrepreneurial community grows, the more interesting it becomes, and not only for those looking for co-founders, unfortunately.

Hello! What's your background, and what are you working on?

We started seeing cases of individuals reaching out to members to sell services. So we were forced to take action and implement a spam reporting system and block accounts. One morning, we also had a spammer flood our service with "startup ideas" that were ads for a moving service.

We played cat and mouse for a few days taking down his account, just for a new one to pop up. Ultimately, we made idea-sharing posts a feature of our premium plan, which not only stopped the spammer but also increased revenue. I believe every problem presents an opportunity. When a problem first arises, you think, "Oh man, not this, not now.

4 Startup Co-Founder ‘Dating’ Sites to Try

And you learn, and you fix it, and you move on to the next problem. Being an entrepreneur is all about serial problem solving. That's a great question. Meeting my girlfriend through online dating certainly helped. That was the spark for the solution to our problem: Lots of people met through online dating before. And I wasn't the first to think of the solution either, as evidenced by the amount of messages from earlier users who had the same idea.

In the words of writer William Gibson, "The future is already here — it's just not very evenly distributed. Being a little naive also helped. If anyone starting out with a new business thought about all the things that could — and probably would — go wrong, nobody in their right mind would start. Another thing that helped a lot was my love of traveling.

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It made me fairly outgoing. I hadn't always been like that. It's something that can be learned. With a mission to help you find the right co-founder, Founder2be discover great potential co-founders with various skills. Ranging from designers, developers, to sales people. You could also be its ambassadors to help others find a co-founder. You could connect with your future co-founder through online, offline and mobile apps. Before contacting the potential co-founder, you can review their profiles. It helps you to find the best match for building a startup together.

Do you need a co-founder quickly across Asia? You can also post an ad on Startup Jobs Asia. Your future co-founder might chance upon the vacancy while browsing this website. Looking for Startup Advisers? A partnership needs trust, loyalty and a shared vision. CoFoundersLab helps you find the perfect partner for your business. Use our community of , entrepreneurs to validate your ideas and move them forward. Build relationships through our community of entrepreneurs.

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