How to ask a girl for her number on a dating site


  1. Free Online Training
  2. Will Asking For A Girl's Number Make You Completely Obsolete?
  3. Test the Waters
  4. Should You Ask Her For Her Number?
  5. How To Ask a Girl for Her Number Online With Great Results

Then it comes time to seal the deal and… you totally blow it when you ask for her number.

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Has this ever happened to you? Nearly every man has fumbled when going for her number. The first mistake you can make that nearly always makes things super awkward is waiting until some of the energy has petered out of a conversation before you ask for her number.

One of the things that you want to do when asking for a phone number is make it as easy as possible for her to give it to you. Remove her reasons for saying no. To this end, before you even go for the number, get your phone ready on the contacts page with her name typed in and the cursor in the mobile phone field. All she should have to do is type her number in.

Instead, tell her that you need her number so that you can call her sometime. The two of you are having a great time together. Why would she say no? When you go to get the number, hand her your phone while you tell her that you need it. Break into her personal space bubble with the phone.

One of the best things that you can do after she takes your phone is start talking about some stuff that you can do together. Reference mutual interests that the two of your have discussed throughout your conversation.

Will Asking For A Girl's Number Make You Completely Obsolete?

A last word of advice: While your online approach and the quality of your pictures do have an effect, how you present yourself to her physically in her presence will always be more significant. With all of that said, online dating certainly has its advantages.

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Usually, these women will be more than eager to meet you, especially if you present yourself as an interesting man. However, if you want to learn a proven approach that is all but guaranteed to succeed, we encourage you to read on. Before you even consider asking for her number, there are a few things that you need to do first. Why gamble, when you can increase your chances of success dramatically?

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Your pictures on your dating profile are the first thing she will look at when you send her that first message, or when she stumbles upon your profile. If possible, you should choose a professionally taken picture as your main photo. Quality pictures will boost your online dating success, so never overlook the importance of having good photos. Bonus points if you have pictures of yourself in exotic locations or in fascinating circumstances.

A man in an exotic location and in a unique environment will instantly capture the attention of an attractive woman.

Test the Waters

Moreover, when it comes to your profile details, know that less is more. In addition, you should consider adding a couple of inches to your height on your profile. While you may not be comfortable with a minor lie, consider that most if not all women will lie or have lied about their age at some point in time. You probably will do or have done the same as well. For the time being, she is limited in her ways of getting to know you. For now, you and her will have to deal with words on a screen as a means of learning about each other.

So you must create a mutual vibe that furthers your interaction.

Should You Ask Her For Her Number?

With her emotional investment, getting her number will be easy. And once you get her number, you can start planning how to ask her out for a first date. But of course, before you get to that point you need to get her number first. Throughout your conversations, you should look for topics that incite mutual excitement.

How To Ask a Girl for Her Number Online With Great Results

She will feel the same way if she dedicates herself to an athletic lifestyle. Essentially, you should find common ground with her so that she feels there could be more than just a physical connection between you. For example, asking her what she does for fun on her weekends is a great question, because it gives you yet another opportunity to relate to her.