She is dating other guys too


  1. What to do when "new girl" is seeing other guys? - guyQ by AskMen
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  3. After being her rebound guy multiple times, he wonders if she’ll ever take him seriously.
  4. Dating girl who is dating other guys

What would you guys do? I mean yeah she's single and has the right to date and see who is the best one for her but yeah would you keep dating this type of person? Yea who cares, you're not in a relationship with her she isn't doing anything wrong. Ignore the fact that she is seeing other guys, you will alpha and like you have other options as well. Originally Posted by nipoleoncomplex.

Part of dating is the illusion of exclusivity, so this would get a clear no from me. Originally Posted by SirHollywood. Nothing alpha about letting a girl you are with get fukked by other dudes I'm not going to compete with another dude.

I feel that I am a unique and special person with alot to offer, I'm funny, smart, and will legit make a girl grow spiritually, i'm like a shaman srs. I know that nowadays this isn't the case alot of times, and yea she could be seeing other dudes when your casually dating and you wouldn't know about it. Depends if it's before or after sex. If before, then I'm not impressed but if it's only for a couple of dates and she hasn't slept with any other guys, then whatever.

If we've slept together, then either she stops dating anyone else, or I stop taking her seriously. Originally Posted by rzarate. The only weird things is why does she goes out of her way to tell you she dates other guys? Just telling she is not ready to commit or be exclusive should be enough. She's always been pretty honest about her feelings and stuff.

Our history is a little odd, because we were sort of dating for a week or two before this last week but we couldn't act on anything because her friend was into me and she felt bad.

What to do when "new girl" is seeing other guys? - guyQ by AskMen

They finally had a heart to heart and she felt comfortable. So I would say it's just 3 weeks and only seriously the past week.

Signs She's Dating Other Guys

Slept over a few times, do very 'relationship' stuff. See her outside 'dates' regularly. So not a very long relationship, but a very close one. I think she told me that to make sure I knew she isn't ready to jump into anything.

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Join Date Apr Gender: Age 33 Posts Did you f-close her? Originally Posted by semi. Age 34 Posts 2, I really like steak. I could have it every other day and still enjoy it a lot. Does that mean I don't like ice cream? Location Outer Space Posts 1, Well first thing first. Every single time you see her.

That will make sure you don't fall in the friendzone too much.

After being her rebound guy multiple times, he wonders if she’ll ever take him seriously.

Keep your cool and push pull a bit. Although you always should have a great time with her, never ever tell her everything. If she's dating other people what's the rush? Anyway, it's not really your business. You run the risk of driving her away if you ask her this. You never comment on my status updates.

Dating girl who is dating other guys

I just don't think it's working out. I am going to have to unfriend you. We can still be friends on MySpace, though.

Maybe I'll send you an Evite someday. Yes, I realize that insecurity is an issue I'd rather not date other girls casually while I'm with Laura, because I want to give this a chance. But at the same time, if she's dating others, then I need to give myself options as well. I wouldnt start the sentance off " its not a big deal" because obviously it is, but i would definately ask! Enjoy it for what it is. Do not go mess this up with your insecurities and jealousy. Just have fun with this girl. Enjoy your time together. And for god's sake, don't ask her that.

Originally Posted by compre Nothing has value that is easily obtained. By asking her that question you are revealing your eagerness to jump into the relationship and are lowering your value by showing your insecurity. Be a man and live your life and gradually bring her into it little by little. Originally Posted by letinmotion.

  1. how to deal with girl dating other guys??
  2. If she has feelings for me, why does she keep dating other guys??
  3. She's Dating Other Guys: 11 Signs to Bear in Mind - EnkiRelations?
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As others have said, just enjoy it now. It's too early to worry about that. Just see how it goes. Don't put undue pressure on things after 2 weeks man.

She's Talking to Other Guys: Is She Playing Me? (Dating Advice for Men)

Perhaps you could hold out until you guys are ready to have sex Originally Posted by kizik. I disagree - it definitely is his business, although I agree that he cannot ask right now after only two dates.