The curious but somewhat alarmist tone of stories that link STDs with dating apps sounds startlingly similar to past accusations about how sexual education, the pill, and, most recently, subsidized birth control, enable more and less safe sex. Along with the claim that STD increases have potentially been caused by dating apps, all of these arguments turn heads because they play into the somewhat titillating hysteria of sex panic: I hope that public health is not sensationalizing the role of all of these different factors.
In the past, moral panic has ensued when a technological or health innovation got involved in people's sex lives. As far back as , a study set about debunking the claim that birth control and sex education would lead women and teens to having more sex. Despite what has become scientifically-backed conventional wisdom about how sex-ed does not increase rates of teen sex, and that birth control decreases teen or otherwise unwanted pregnancy, opponents of these health measures have persisted in their opposition over the last half of a century.
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In the last decade alone, Obamacare opponents argued against free birth control on the basis that they thought it would lead women to having more sex an idea that a study also debunked. The sensationalism driving the narrative around dating apps and STDs plays into the same underlying morality argument behind sex-ed and birth control opposers. It's as if stories that focus on a possible STD-dating app link serve to bolster the argument for those who think casual sex can lead to terrible consequences.
They provide fodder for those who seek to say, "See! Look what happens when you give people easy access to sex!

But this association is flawed in a couple ways. Sure, more sex leads to a higher risk of infection. But this does not have to be the case for individuals, as long as they use condoms and get regularly tested. Practicing safe sex is the key to staying healthy, not having less sex. Dating apps may be playing a role in the way people have sex, and, more importantly, increase the network size of those who are having sex — which Bauer said could contribute to the increased spread of STDs.
But it's not enabling a behavior that humans wouldn't be doing otherwise. Drawing a connection between dating apps and the rise of STDs is still under debate in the scientific community. However, we shouldn't avoid connecting the two out of fear of anti-sex condemnation. From a public health perspective, it's important to understand how people are meeting their sexual partners in order to enable safer sex. However, when headlines that scream "More sex! It is an attitude that puritanically denies the fact of human sexuality, assigning a corrupting blame on technology for simply playing a part in our sex lives.
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So don't pearl clutch at the tech. Don't even blame the sex robots or the VR porn , when the inevitable panic about that spreads. All of it — birth control, sex ed, dating apps, and the next sexual digital frontier — is on us, we libidinous, human beings. Whether we allow health and tech innovation to help us have better, freer, safer sex, or enable the exploitative or dangerous, is on us, too. We're using cookies to improve your experience. I know that I will still find real love, the love I deserve I am not just STD. I am worth getting to know. I am worth taking a chance on The right man may or may not have Herpes, but the right man will see me If you wish there was a place where you didn't have to worry about being rejected or discriminated against, PositiveSingles was designed with you in mind.
This is a warm-hearted and exclusive community for singles with Herpes and STDs. We care a great deal about your privacy.
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