Debunking carbon dating myths


  1. Scientist Realizes Important Flaw in Radioactive Dating
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  3. Carbon Dating Gets a Reset - Scientific American

The slow, steady process of Carbon creation in the upper atmosphere has been dwarfed in the past centuries by humans spewing carbon from fossil fuels into the air. Since fossil fuels are millions of years old, they no longer contain any measurable amount of Carbon Thus, as millions of tons of Carbon are pushed into the atmosphere, the steady ratio of these two isotopes is being disrupted. In a study published last year , Imperial College London physicist Heather Graven pointed out how these extra carbon emissions will skew radiocarbon dating.

Although Carbon comprises just over 1 percent of Earth's atmosphere, plants take up its larger, heavier atoms at a much lower rate than Carbon during photosynthesis. Thus Carbon is found in very low levels in the fossil fuels produced from plants and the animals that eat them. In other words, burning these fossil fuels dwarfs the atmospheric levels of Carbon, too. By measuring whether these levels of Carbon are skewed in an object being radiocarbon dated, future scientists would be able to then know if the object's levels of Carbon have been skewed by fossil fuel emissions.

Scientist Realizes Important Flaw in Radioactive Dating

Researchers could then disregard the date and try other methods of dating the object. Queen's University paleoclimatologist Paula Reimer points out that measuring Carbon will often not be necessary, since archaeologists can usually use the sedimentary layer in which an object was found to double-check its age. Subscribe or Give a Gift. Brazil Dissolves Its Culture Ministry.

The Plot to Kill George Washington. Science Age of Humans. Photos from the Harbin Ice and Snow Festival. We can indeed use radiometric dating methods we have at least eight of them besides radiocarbon dating to measure the age of volcanic ash layers. We can tell how long it has been since volcanic minerals were last molten. Wherever we can use two or more different methods on the same rock samples, the methods agree with each other.

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  2. Answers to Creationist Attacks on Carbon-14 Dating.
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OK then we have a reliable and accurate method that allows us to date volcanic ash layers. The thing is, there are a lot of layers, including multiple different layers of volcanic ash, laid down in different eras. This means we can also estimate the age of the layers in between. The science of this is called lithostratigraphy. What would you say if you had no evidence of anything and you were trying to argue against actual evidence?

You would attack the credibility of the evidence, it is simple human nature, and happens all the time in the court room and real life. In this case they just group all the dating methods as one, refer to it as carbon dating, and then proceed to debunk it with just carbon dating limitations. Just more religious deceit. They seem to think it is a game where if you win an argument, even through deceit, it means you are on the side of truth.

Child logic basically, and that is where a lot of our frustration comes from, it is like dealing with uneducated children, and the older they are, the more frustrating it can be.

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Then we take a fossil that is supposed to be millions of years old, and the test comes back that it's only 50, years old. Obviously, this whole thing is fake. On their face, their claims indicate a failure to understand what C dating is and what sort of information it reveals. C can not be used to date "fossils". Fossils are rock in the shape of something that was once living. The original material has been replaced by minerals.

C dating can only be used to date the remains of living material wood, bone, etc. So, when they claim that they "dated a fossil" or that they got an answer of "a million years" you know they are not actually talking about C Though they are claiming that these tests were all carbon dating, in fact if you read their source material, what the tests are all radiometric dating. Carbon dating is one form of radiometric dating, but there are many others.

A Creationist website wants to trick people who don't have enough information to understand what is happening so they take two objects and do specific radiometric tests on them. Object one is a piece of wood from a tree that died in Object two is a bit of lava from an eruption that took place a million years ago. K-Ar dating can't determine the age of anything less than , years old.

How Carbon Dating Works

The decay rate is too slow. So, if you test something which is , years old you get ", years" as a date. However, if you test something that is from , you still get ", years" as a date. This is why we don't use K-Ar dating for objects we suspect are younger than , years. So, when they test the piece of wood, they get ", years" as the date. Radiometric dating gave a date that is too old! Then they take Object Two which is a great candidate for K-Ar dating and they doing C dating on it. That's a huge red flag for any reputable scientist, but they turn around and tell their readers: This object is supposed to be millions of years old but this says it's 65, years old!

C Dating is debunked! If I asked you to measure the length of a road using a 12 inch ruler, the maximum length you would get is 12 inches which is clearly wrong. If I asked you to measure someone's height using an odometer, you would either get 0 or. The Creationist websites know exactly what they are doing.

They are deliberately using the wrong tool in an attempt to confuse their readers. The real question is: That is actually true. Radiometric dating uses the different amounts of radioactive substances in a material to estimate that material's age. To date something that contains carbon, you can measure the ratio of stable Carbon to radioactive Carbon in the object. Because we know how fast Carbon decays and roughly how much should have been present in the first place, we can determine the age of the material.

Once all of the Carbon is gone, which happens on the order of 10's of thousands of years, we can't use this method to date materials. We then have to pick a different pair of atoms with known radioactive properties. Obviously, we need to obtain many pieces of information to use this technique, AND they all have to agree. If they didn't, we couldn't calibrate the method and the technique would be useless. However, when we take everything we know about ages and combine it, we get a remarkably consistent picture. There is, like most popular bullshit, a tiny kernel of truth.

Carbon Dating Gets a Reset - Scientific American

The margin of error of carbon dating depends on certain assumptions about the levels of carbon deposit being relatively uniform over time. If it's true that a period underwent a higher or lower rate of deposit, then those assumptions may be off by some fraction. Something dated at 12, years old could be anywhere from 8, to 16, years maybe? Not to mention that the general scale -- the magnitude -- of RCD is pretty much backed up by other radiometric methods, which are themselves more or less backed up by cosmological dating methods age of Type 1A supernovae, for example , makes the whole debate over dating methods I believe the technical term is "moot as fuck".

If they're off by an order of magnitude , the universe is still at least 1. Two orders of magnitude? OK, million years old. Making the claim that RCD is merely off by some margin of error makes an unspoken argument a fortiori that the universe is at least many many millions of years old, in the worst possible case scenario. And seriously, a factor of 2 orders of magnitude would have already shown up as error somewhere else.

By measuring the ratio of the radio isotope to non-radioactive carbon, the amount of carbon decay can be worked out, thereby giving an age for the specimen in question. But that assumes that the amount of carbon in the atmosphere was constant — any variation would speed up or slow down the clock.

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The clock was initially calibrated by dating objects of known age such as Egyptian mummies and bread from Pompeii; work that won Willard Libby the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Various geologic, atmospheric and solar processes can influence atmospheric carbon levels. Since the s, scientists have started accounting for the variations by calibrating the clock against the known ages of tree rings. As a rule, carbon dates are younger than calendar dates: The problem, says Bronk Ramsey, is that tree rings provide a direct record that only goes as far back as about 14, years.

Marine records, such as corals, have been used to push farther back in time, but these are less robust because levels of carbon in the atmosphere and the ocean are not identical and tend shift with changes in ocean circulation.