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  1. The future of the National Gallery
  2. The new National Museum
  3. /snow/ - League Crew/Drama
  4. /snow/ - flakes & mistakes

I don't really feel that nervous in front of large audiences anymore but I still have a problem where I feel really mouth-dry when in front of a large audience. I drank half a liter i think, it was a huge glass of water per game, and went to the bathroom I think 18 times in the first 12 hours. After 12 hours I felt very full of water to the point of feeling liquidy at the bottom of my stomach, although once I ate it got better. I started worrying about if I could hit diamond because I know even though it's very easy to play at the elo I was in now, I was getting more and more tired while my opponents were getting better and better.

After 14 hours I pretty much stopped talking and entered a tired state where I just focused on playing.

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I gradually got more tired and more cranky as the time went on. On skype my friends were talking about my health and gave their concern since the projected stream length at that point was about 36 hours. In one group chat on skype my friends were discussing ways I could potentially stop the stream early without backlash but I told them that regardless of my endurance I would keep going until the projected time or until I physically couldn't take it anymore because I'd feel bad ending early for those who donated to see a longer stream.

Around this point I started feeling bad about my stream. I felt like I wasn't providing content worthy of so many viewers and that I didn't deserve the money for it.

The future of the National Gallery

About once an hour after this point I apologized for not talking much and for being a boring streamer with my level of tiredness. After 24 hours my reaction time was very noticeably worse but I somehow felt more alive and giddy and silly. I went from barely talking to talking stupidly. I felt like I could only take in a fraction of the information presented to me in game. I continually apologized for my boring content and assured my viewers that I wasn't normally like this.

Paying attention to the map was impossible for me at that point. I just kept playing and reacted to what I could see. I wasn't able to plan out my moves in advance anymore.

The new National Museum

At this point my skill has went down far enough to be around the same as my opponents here plat I. I was on an 18 game win streak until that and then lost I think 6 games because I couldn't pay attention to keep myself from dying to ganks that would have been easily forseeable.

After 30 hours I started feeling really weird and could feel my mind wander around often. I know for a fact I checked how far into the stream I was at least once an hour but to me I felt like my stream timer jumped from 24 to 30 with nothing imbetween. I almost completely forgot everything that happened during those hours other than that I lost a few games.

/snow/ - League Crew/Drama

I almost never talked at all in game other than to say I'm sorry I wasn't talking. Sudden noises felt like they were jumping out at me. I think twice might have been just once I streamed with the wrong overlay on and also my mic muted and didn't notice until the sudden uniformity of twitch spamming "MIC MUTED" caught my attention in the peripheral view.

My eyes felt like they were lagging, things moved slowly then all of a sudden quickly and I know internally that it had to be my eyes but I couldn't bring them to see things normally. I remember in one game playing Jayce against a Riven, I knew as soon as she dove onto me I had to press E to knock her back but I couldn't react anymore, I'd watch her closely but by the time I actually see her move and try to press E to my eyes somehow she was way behind me and almost done with her combo. My biggest worry at this point was that I haven't brushed my teeth in over 24 hours.

After 32 hours the last 3 games of the stream things began to feel surreal. I've never been drunk or high in my life so I don't have those to compare my feelings to, and the words I use might not be too accurate. I remember watching my character walk to lane and laughing to myself because it looked funny. Watching the character's animation, I knew it was supposed to be the same repeated running animation but to me it looked like Riven was taking her time then sprinting then slowing down and etc.

In lane everything felt like autopilot, like I've practiced these lanes so much my fingers could play without my brain.

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I remember laning well but then dying midgame because I couldn't pay attention to the minimap or use map hints to guess where my opponents were. I'd literally run to lane, farm, run to enemy jungle then either steal buffs or die. I couldn't remember a lot of what happened in the games either. I'd look at the scoreboard and notice I am with cs but I wouldn't remember farming at all or getting any kills I remember at one point I ran into their base with very low health and died to a Lee in a very flashy way that almost was a big play, and by muscle memory my mind went to the twitch chat to look at the reaction.

After I saw twitch chat go crazy, I then forgot if that actually happened or if I was imagining it because I felt like if I played well it must have been a daydream with my very slow reaction times. At one point in the game I was running away with very low health and a huge Sion walked out of a bush and attacked me as I passed by and I instinctively screamed but I could tell that my scream was massively delayed.

I think it was almost a full second after he came out that I was able to react to it. I think at that point I could react but only if I was intently focusing at the time. So sometimes I could still react normally if I knew what was going on but others like that Sion death I was staring blankly at the screen. I had a very weird feeling of reality vs dreaming at that point.

/snow/ - flakes & mistakes

I started thinking I was playing in the Korean server because I didn't recognize any of the names and they all felt so foreign to me since I'm used to recognizing at least like 8 of the people in my games on my challenger account. My mind kept having weird thoughts that went against my brain. The National Gallery closed temporarily in January of , to facilitate the move to the new National Museum opening in It will remain a part of the National Museum and continue to exhibit art in the future.

The new National Museum will become the largest art museum in the Nordic region and a venue for entirely new encounters with art. The new National Museum will become an important and dynamic arena for the general public to meet the visual arts. Welcome to Mellomstasjonen, the information centre for the new National Museum!

Villa Stenersen was designed from to by the architect Arne Korsmo — for the financier and art collector Rolf E. The National Museum offers art experiences for all of Norway through extensive touring.