7th grader dating a 9th grader


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  3. 9th grader dating 7th grader

9th grader dating 7th grader? | Yahoo Answers

I think you should wait til she's a freshman. When you're a senior in high school you'll understand why. I don't think it's a huge deal for you to date an 8th grader especially since you're the older one, being the guy and all. I mean just because a girl likes you doesn't mean you have to date her. I don't think there's any type of problem dating her. As long as you two have things in common and have fun when you go out that's all that matters. I think you should go for it, you should not care what people think.

I'm dating a younger guy, but we're both older than you. Age difference starts to matter less the older you get. It really is going to depend on how the two of you feel about it. You both need to be comfortable about the age difference or it will not work. If you two started dating, would you be comfortable if your friends and family knew about the age difference?

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Or would you be embarrassed? If you'd be embarrassed or you're having doubts, then yes. Another thing to consider is the laws in your place of residence. Look up your age of consent laws! If it's illegal where you live, it's an easy decision. And hey- you're both young. Lots of life ahead of you, and lots of people to date: She might be even cooler and hotter and outgoing at age 17!

Do you think GAG should combine these topics?

I really like an 8th grade boy and am in 10th grade. I don't know what to do either. You should find out her age first. Grade doesn't mean anything. I would say is she is less than 2 years younger than you, its ok, but take it real slow. I mean, in a few months she will be a freshman right?

But over two years at your age is pushing it, and you might just want to leave that be. Doesn't matter if she likes you, its just probably not a good idea. Well, if she's more than 2 years apart, I would wait until she is 16 to date her. If she is the one, it won't be a problem. Ok, I found out that she's 13, but age ain't nothing but a number right?

I don't need to worry about "the one", it's not like we're getting married. Just a relationship dude.

9th grader dating 7th grader

Well I didn't know how much you liked her or what haha I just really think that's a bad idea. Because, its not just a number. You can keep telling yourself that it is, or that she is mature, but there is a line, and you are dancing on it. Its true that the difference between 23 and 26 year olds doesn't mean anything at all, and I know its not fair, but I think you should just wait a bit on that one.

I believe a 8th grade girl is about Don't get involved in this my friend. You may enjoy the attention from a girl, but that age is not going to fair well on any front what so ever. Focus yourself on girls. They are way more in your ball park. I was 12 in 8th grade. It all depends when your birthday is.

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  • Is it wrong if I'm a Freshman going out with a 7th grader?.

And what planet am I from? You're the one asking if it's ok if you date a girl in 8th grade while you are Anyone from planet earth would know that it's not acceptable and it shouldn't be done. Not when 8th graders are teenagers. Juniors date freshmen all the time. It's the same age difference. The only 12 year old that would get into 8th grade would have to be a mega genius who skipped 2 grades. Unless you've skipped two grades, then what kind of 8th grade are you talking about?

I'm sure you know that you were a totally different person when you were in 8th grade compared to now. In terms of how that can effect you, it could kinda give you a thing for younger girls and her a thing for older guys. If you really wanted to, you could probably pull a senior. At the time it was cool, but to look back on it, I think I held myself back from a lot of fun I could've had, when instead I had to sit around and watch tv or stay home from that party, or spend time with girls instead of going out camping or other cool things with my buddies.

I think its also healthy to date around at your age. Im not about to give you a yes or no answer, but I think deep down you know what the wise choice is. I say if she really likes you and the girl that you like in your grade is not being so outgoing and trying to get you like this girl is, I'd go for the girl that wants to try and get you. And who knows maybe it'll spark the girl in your grade, if she has any feelings at all for you, to try and get you. I'm completely out of this situation. It turns out that the girl was faking her age and she was actually in 7th grade. I would say it's OK.

Besides, if people give you crap, who cares? Once you graduate high school, you'll never see these people again anyways. I would say go for the one who likes you and that you like otherwise you'll end up dissapointed. I mean, have you even talked to the girl whose your age? For your best possible results, have fun with the girl who likes you back. Yea, I've talked to the girl who is my age, I used to do it everyday. I'm getting mixed results and it's really freaking confusing. One day I think she likes me, then the next she completely ignores me.

I tried to call her once and she didn't pick up either, and then she didn't even explain why at school either. My friend is 17 in 11th grade and he is dating an 8th grader, you may get some static from your friends and others, but I don't believe there's anything wrong with it as long as your not just using her because she's younger and doesn't know better.

Chances are you are going to get crap for it, I wouldn't worry about. What is she 14 and your 16? Its not a big deal. I used to see it all the time in high school and middle school. At the high school middle school age, that does get a bit awkward, but when you're out of high school that type of stuff really doesn't make a big difference. Ultimately, it's up to you. Plus torken had a good point, she will be a freshman soon. I know exactly how you feel, I've been there before, I managed to fall head over heels with a girl 2 years younger I was 16, she was I wouldn't say that it's impossible because girls mature faster than boys but you will have to be really careful, not only simply because you're older than her but because of what other people would think.

There are plenty out there who would make life difficult for you because of it. If you really like her and you think it could work go ahead, just remember to be careful.

8th grader drops 9th grader

I probably wouldn't tell people she's in 8th grade. I'd just say she's a freshman. I am 10th grade, guy and I'm dating a 8th grader, I didn't know bc we met online so when I figured out she was in middle school it was a little weird, but she looks like a freshman so I just don't say anything about it. It could definitely be considered "treading on thin ice", but only because you're both young.

On the other hand, something to remember is that girls mature faster than guys at that point in their lifetime.

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  6. So, a lot of times, you tend to see freshman girls dating senior guys. This is because of that maturity gap. Now, I don't suggest doing much more than dating or hanging out. This means no sex or anything this age gap can be a very bad thing at a young age. About choosing which girl to chase after: Whoever you chase, just be yourself. I mean, who else is better qualified: There are a million different ways this could go. Yea, definently no sex.

    I'm gonna go to the movies with her and hang out to find out if I really do like her. I'm still not sure if the girl in my grade that I like likes me though. She flirts with a lot of guys, I don't know if she's playing hard to get or if she just doesn't like me. I mean she says hi and smiles, but that's it. Well, first, I don't know about your state, but my state it's sixteen with parents permission and it's still a really sketchy deal because the parents can change their mind at any time.

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