Do guys just want to hook up


  1. More From Thought Catalog
  2. Discover his true intentions.
  3. 25 Men Answer “What’s The Difference Between A Girl You Date And A Girl You Just Hook Up With?”
  5. 40 Signs He Wants A Long Term Relationship Vs. He Just Wants To Hookup - Narcity

The end result is never satisfying. Instead, you are always left feeling gross, disgusting, and underwhelmed. In fact, when it comes to intimacy, adding another individual into the mix is usually only relegated to women who are not girlfriend material. When it comes to guys, they don't have any desire to share someone who they actually have feelings for.

As a result, if a guy ever brings up adding another person into the mix, you can be sure that he doesn't see you as anything more than a play thing for him to use at his leisure. If a man becomes really aggressive with his kisses, it's likely that he will never see you as girlfriend material.

In fact, when guys incorporate choking and nails into intimate bedroom moments, they usually only consider you someone to sleep with instead of someone to have a relationship with.

The reality is that most guys see a woman who is girlfriend material and sensitive and sweet. They don't associate any weird bedroom acts with someone who is wholesome. In turn, they resort to this kind of bedroom behavior only with a woman that they don't have any feelings for. Therefore, if you find that the guy you are with is not being sensitive or just too aggressive, he probably only considers you someone to fool around with.

Some guys need to be open and honest, and then there are others that don't. When it comes to real relationships, the bad boys tend to act tough and not open up. So when a guy starts opening up to you after being intimate, you may think that he is totally into you. However, the reality is that it depends on what he is open about. If it's his sensuality, he most likely is trying to get you to try weird bedroom activities with him because he doesn;t see you as someone that he would ever be in a real and committed relationship with.

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Therefore, if you notice that the guy you've been sleeping with starts to embrace his sensuality with you, you may want to reconsider the whole situation you've put yourself in. Obviously, every relationship is different. In fact, just because you hook-up with someone who wants to add someone else into the equation doesn't necessarily mean that the dude has absolutely zero feelings for you.

However, knowing that a pattern exists among men that bringing another individual into the bedroom could possibly insinuate that he doesn't see you as someone with girlfriend potential is something to always keep in the back of your mind for this exact scenario. As a result, be wary of when the guy you've been sleeping with has plans to share your intimate moments with others. Therefore, take it easy and only put your guard up when you notice any odd behavior coming from the guy you've been doing the dirty with. Public display of affection. We all have our own opinions when it comes to public displays of affection.

You either love them, or you hate them. However, when it comes to figuring out if the guy you've been sleeping with thinks of you as girlfriend material or not, it turns out all you have to do is determine if they'd be interested in fooling around in public. In fact, showing affection is public can often be seen as disrespectful to the woman. It can come off as rude and invasive for everyone involved.

Discover his true intentions.

As a result, if you are curious about how the guy you've been sleeping with sees you, just mention doing something nasty in public and see just how he reacts. Guys are quite simple creatures.

The male psyche is a lot less complicated than most women make it out to be. In fact, one simple truth is that guys are not interested in sharing their girlfriends with other dudes or even other women.

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As a result, whenever the guy you've been fooling around with mentions bringing other people into the bedroom for some raucous behavior, you can be sure that he doesn't see you as someone with girlfriend potential. Therefore, as soon as more people are brought into the bedroom, you may want to run straight for the hills, because that guy you've been messing around with only see you as someone to be intimate with, not to have a relationship with.

25 Men Answer “What’s The Difference Between A Girl You Date And A Girl You Just Hook Up With?”

A drunk man never lies. In fact, if you want to really understand the male psyche, just get your dude drunk and see what comes out of his mouth. All his dirty fantasies come out to play when alcohol is involved. As a result, if any of those fantasies involve weird scenarios that leave you, the woman devoid of any pleasure or enjoyment, then he probably doesn't see you as someone who has girlfriend potential. Instead, he has placed you as someone he can fool around with and do all the dirty deeds with without any attachment.

In the end, this situation never benefits the women. Instead, it's best to run for the hills as soon as the guy shows any signs of being a tool. Men are not big when it comes to feeling different emotions. It has been ingrained in them since they were little boys to avoid showing emotions. In fact, men will often stifle their feelings to appear manlier.

As a result, they have grown to be accustomed to the fact that anything risque in the bedroom could be a great way to avoid feeling things with a partner. Instead of focusing on the things that they should like how they feel about a person, they resort to infantile behavior like focusing on pleasing themselves in between the sheets with anyone that will have them. Therefore, if they bring up adding more people to your bedroom activities or any other weird, risque fantasies, be wary that the guy could just be using you for his sole pleasure and never see you as anything more.

One-night stands continue to be misunderstood. On the one hand, you have this massive moral dilemma and the cultural appropriation that they are simply and utterly wrong. On the flip side, you have movies and television shows depicting one-night stands as a celebration of sorts. As a result, we as a society get a slew of mixed messages when it comes to the universal feelings towards the one-night stand.

However, it is safe to assume that a guy who has a one-night stand doesn't consider the woman he is doing it with to be girlfriend material. Instead, he only sees her as someone who can make his night into a better one. Never seeing someone is what a one-night stand means.

40 Signs He Wants A Long Term Relationship Vs. He Just Wants To Hookup - Narcity

It's a one-time deal, it's even in the name. Therefore, never expect that your one-night stand will turn into a relationship, that is strictly for the movies. Unfortunately, some guys mostly guys are pretty stupid when it comes to hooking up with a girl. For the most part, all they want is someone with the key essentials: In fact, they will basically screw anything with a hole attached to it, as long as she meets these qualifications.

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