Why isnt he dating me


  1. Dedicated to your stories and ideas.
  2. How To Get Over The Guy Who You Never Really Had
  3. If he’s not that into you, consider that a blessing in disguise…
  4. Ask a Guy: Why Did He Suddenly Stop Texting Me?
  5. Ask a Guy: Why Did He Suddenly Stop Texting Me?

I will even thank them the next time I see them.

Thanks for ignoring me. I almost made the mistake of having a LTR with you. What a disaster that would have been. The worst feeling is imagining them picking up their phone, looking at the message, and not even reading it, just scrolling onto the message from the more important person. You have a good attitude there, and good standards. Having the same problem, bf suddenly stops messaging for 4 days now, we went outside of the country but he is ignoring my messages i only send him messages like have a good day, how are you, and only once a day.

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I just went through a similar situation. I will provide some background so that my story will make more sense. I accepted but we never really contacted each other. He later unfriended me and I noticed this but was cool about it as we were not friends, just acquaintances. Well, now we are in the here and now and a week and a half ago, he sent me a message on Facebook wishing me a great weekend. Needless to say, we starting chatting through Facebook. Now, I have to admit that I am in my late thirties and he is in in his early twenties, therefore, there is a big age difference between us.

Well, to make a long story somewhat shorter, we were chatting and I made a comment that maybe someday I could hear him play as he is musically inclined. He commented that if I was saying that I wanted to hang out and I was not sure what to reply but ended up saying that I would not mind hanging out someday if he would like to. I forgot to mention that before this, he had asked if we could chat through a different way and I later responded if he was referring to talking on the phone.

Dedicated to your stories and ideas.

He then mentioned that yes, that would be cool and I gave him my cell number and he gave me his. I asked him what his schedule was like and he said he worked nights and that no one would be around while he was working. I told him that I would rather not hang out with him during work time but if it was possible, perhaps when he had a day off or before he reported to work. He then explained how he worked two shifts and it would be a while before he had a normal schedule which may or may not be true.

He asked if I had told anyone that we were talking. I told him that I casually mentioned it to a friend and he asked me what friend I had told. I told him I agreed about the privacy because I was also a private person but I mentioned that his question surprised me. After work he asked to meet me outside and we walked together and we agreed to text each other.

How To Get Over The Guy Who You Never Really Had

We texted and I answered his questions. He then asked if I had anything serious and I said no. I asked him that same question and he replied that he had nothing serious.

Sick of Him Only Texting? Do This Next...(Matthew Hussey, Get The Guy)

He said good but that his phone was dying and asked if he could text me when he could charge it. I said sure no problem and that he could text me when he finished charging his phone. About 14 minutes later, he said that he did not have his charger and that his phone was at a low percentage and that he wanted to say goodnight because he would not be able to talk for the rest of the night. I replied no worries as I went to sleep at a certain time and for him not to worry.

I also said that I wished him a good night and to take care. I also said hopefully we can talk tomorrow. It has been 4 days and he has not texted or messaged me. I continued my routine and went on with my life. I ran into him today as I was leaving work and he saw me from afar and waved with a smile. I was just glad to know that he was nonchalant about the situation because it would have felt so awkward and uncomfortable for me because I pride myself in being a kind person and honestly, it would have felt horrible for me to run into him and have him look the other way because in reality nothing major happened between us.

I like him but I know we are not on the same page in life and that we have different expectations.

If he’s not that into you, consider that a blessing in disguise…

I am a kind, generous, beautiful, mature and intelligent woman. I deserve someone that will be willing to invest in a relationship in the same way that I would. Sometimes these experiences help us to understand that we have to go through them to find the person that is right for us. This guy is not a bad guy, he was just not the right guy for me as we are both in a different place. I know that he will not contact me in that way again and I am okay with that. I can only learn from this experience and hope that it will make me a better, stronger and more confident woman.

Eric is absolutely right in stating that our reactions are the only thing we have control over. I know that I did the right thing in my situation by not communicating with him. This demonstrated the confidence that I have in myself and has me to grow as a person. These situations occur all of the time and that it is okay because I have the power to take control of my actions and reactions and this has allowed me to be true to myself and understand that what he thinks or does is not important. What is important is that his actions do not define me or my self worth.

We text everyday, bust since he got back from his about 4 weeks, he never answers any of my messages. So I was talking to this guy for a few days and things were going great then he decides to just disappear not telling me why. There is this guy i really like and we talk sometimes on or way to class then all the sudden he stopped talking to me then next thang i know he is talking to me a agen and he has need doing this on and off thang all year.

What does it mean.

Ask a Guy: Why Did He Suddenly Stop Texting Me?

My boyfriend has suddenly stopped talking to me and when he does it is very cold and detached. We had a very intimate but very infrequent relationship. Two days ago he apologized for not talking and knows it upsets me because I worry about him. Yesterday he sent me a text that was very cold and distant. He is holding on to excess baggage. It is a major defense mechanism. I thing he wants to talk to u. But he things u should start first talking to him… You ask him how are you??? Or any other question… Make him interest in you.

I just wanted to throw my two cents in because I am going through something similar right now. I met a girl online a little over a week ago and we began texting. Mind you, I only had just started communicating with her for a couple of days before this started. After all, we all get a little nervous when first talking to people, and that can show up on on text as well.

We had a phone conversation that lasted for almost two hours went well a day before I was leaving to go visit friends and I told her I would be out of state for a couple of days. Barraging a guy with texts, especially very early in the relationship, comes across as somewhat clingy, even deparate. Many of us have been in relationships before with someone who might have become possessive and the hint of that early on can and will scare us off.

It seems she got comfortable with you and wants you to be a part of what she is doing. I think its really sad that you are going to end it with her because she is interested in you. I get what you are saying but it still sucks. Why dont you tell her that you dont like to text too much or its distracting? I feel so bad for this girl. I agree with Bee.

Signs That He's Not Interested

I never really give feedback, but you should that this helped me a whole lot. I want to have a guys opinion my husband and i separated in march of last year and then we started talking again in may of that same year. In july i found out after i set him up he told me he had sex with one of his ex. She had constantly had been talking to him until i told her of of course. I read your article and loved it to the core xx.

I have a question. Then at first he was really showing his concern for me in his own little simpla ways. Which I found really sweet. We were texting constantly and he was always teasing me and making me laugh. Since before I had a crush on him. And because of those things I fell deeper. Then we had a movie matharon and sleep over with the group. Then he started hugging me tighter. Then when I turned around he gave me a peck on the lips.

But when he hugged me I hugged him back. He started ignoring me.

Ask a Guy: Why Did He Suddenly Stop Texting Me?

And when I see him he used to look directly in my eyes but now.. Ok so I have a question. We finally had our first date last weekend. We live in different states.

Anyway, we had a great time. He had to catch his flight the next day and as soon as he left he text saying how much he missed me already He text me when he landed and again later that night. Again a day later.