Thoughts on online dating sites


  1. Comparison of online dating services
  2. Why Online Dating Doesn’t Work For Most Guys (And What To Do About It)
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  4. Why Online Dating Doesn’t Work For Most Guys

None of my online dating experiences turned into anything more than a few dates, though. I do have some pretty funny stories that came out of it. I ended up meeting my husband at church. In my experience, meeting online is tough because you don't have the benefit of mutual friends and acquaintances, etc, and I agree with you that people do often lie and misrepresent themselves.

To each their own, I guess, but it wasn't the right path for me. I agree with this article and it is spot on,get used to rejection and also being able to reject someone. I'm actually a pretty woman and in great shape my biggest hurdle is that I am conservative and yes most of these guys are looking for hookups.

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I state this in my profile and men still try, the worst is when they shame me and say I am no fun, I'm beginning to think men prefer whores. Those complaining about the people they find on dating sites should also look into their own behaviors, what they're writing in their profiles, how they're responding to people, and how their personal filters are working. I've always been able to find massively intelligent, kind, grounded, and real men online OKCupid, mostly , as have many of my girlfriends.

I'm married to one right now, as a matter of fact. I wrote him, which is not my usual style, but it sure as hell paid off in this instance. But it takes a lot of patience and you need to put out there what you want in return. I also agree with the author that getting addicted to it is hugely dangerous, just being addicted to FB, your iPhone, etc. Not all men are like what is described in this article. Nor are all women the cliches that are easy to think. I'm a shorter guy, and all it takes is patience and trying to not get upset by how lame us humans can be.

I don't put up how much I make which is a lot because it automatically helps weed out the women I would never want to date.

Comparison of online dating services

Little things like that can help. I'm often surprised by profiles I read, then see the woman doing some of the very things she complains about guys doing. Another is to not set up impossible expectations based on the false romantic tinsel that we all grow up on in this country of ours. That's not a bad thing at all; it's reality.

Once you accept that, you have a better shot at both online dating and staying with someone you meet. People window shop forever online, which is the biggest problem with it. People also think that there's always something better than what they have, something better just around the corner.

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This is a basic human condition, unfortunately, but it can be worked around. I've had a few truly amazing relationships from women I met online. They didn't work out but we're all still friends, and there's no difference between the amount of breakups and divorces on the offline vs. I'd been to different online sites since , and on my first year of being in there lets say I did found a few real men, some of them are my good friends. But I am not looking for friends, I am looking for a Boyfriend, but all I got was false hope and scams and lies.

Why Online Dating Doesn’t Work For Most Guys (And What To Do About It)

So I minimize my logging in to the dating sites and on I met a guy. He is a nice guy and a member of a Christian Community. Though he is not into social media sites our communication is kind of old fashioned way. He sent me a post card last year for my birthday, and we still talked with each other until now through text message or email. I don't hope for the real one between us because I might get disappointed, if life favors one day and it will come true I will be greatful.

But if not it will be fine with me. Love comes when you least expect it. I run and own my own business and I study aswell but I always find a balance for a social life.

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I have always tried in relationships but it's usually after months I truly find out who those men are truly like then it ends up in a break up because it was a lie. Advertising of dating sites is bs and should check their members better. It's here to stay whether we want those changes it brings or not. So I'm glad to see all this conversation and wish more than 1 in 5 long lasting relationships were people meeting online.

I loved the slow nurturing way of old fashioned dating. But times change and now we do internet dating. If you're expecting a text message, it's still a kind of "date. No substitute for eye contact which can tell you all you need to know. If you go into the online dating thing, just know you're taking a chance and that the imagination is much more active than reality is.

Nice looking people are not always as nice as they look on the outside and getting to know someone is not as easy as sending off a text message. Our society needs to be comfortable to be single or you can't be comfortable with someone else as well. Most "men" in "real" life just want to hook up with a girl so he can bang her that same night. If it's such a concern, then why make it possible? In this day and age, technology has advanced rapidly, so why not use it?

It's perfectly alright to go on Facebook using a smartphone, so why shouldn't it be ok to meet someone online and have a relationship with them? It sucks that you're apart, but from an emotional point of view, it can be life changing. If you arrange to meet up at some point, that would kick ass. In this day and age, it's not such a big deal. I met someone too that I'd like to meet. Doesn't matter if you meet in "real" life or not, what matters is that you trust each other and bond with one another.

I wish I read this two years ago when I was going through a bad patch of dating online. Sadly where I live they are no men so the only choice I had was to go online. But after three disastrous meet ups I would never consider doing that again. I'm happier alone and if I'm destined to be alone then so be it. Excellent hub and very good valid points. Yes, it's still best to meet someone in the real world by doing something you enjoy -- playing golf, taking a cooking class, reading at the library, or performing in community theatre. Online dating definitely favors those who are attractive and extroverted.

If you're an older women 40 plus , it's especially disheartening because the men your age want someone 20 years younger! I myself never tried the online dating scene but I think the bar scene was just as bad. I love what you shared about people always looking for "attractive" people. This tends to be how society rules the world. I think people are much more fascinating when they allow themselves to just be who they are. If you can't find people that want to be with you, do a self examination. If there are changes that better you, meaning, you ditch the negative thinking that drives people away, then make the change.

Don't ever change who you are, just because you think you aren't good looking enough.

Why Online Dating Doesn’t Work For Most Guys

It's too bad that the guys who've had bad experiences with online dating can't somehow meet the ladies who've also had the same bad experiences online! Where can good single men and women find each other if they're not venturing online? Women stay with men that abuse them and treat them like shit, its almost as if they want that, id rather be single than date some ratchet masochest or some woman that thinks they're better than me because they got a lil money. Thanks for writing this article. Bottom line, online dating is not what it was when some of these commenters met their loves. If you have a brain and are not looking for a hookup online dating can damage your view of society.

It would be nice if more people let the few good people that are seriously seeking relationships to get out of their houses and stop waiting for an email saying here I am. Thought you had read my mind. What an interesting take on this subject I'm just beginning to forage my way into the world of dating again and I'm not really sure where to begin.

I guess online sites are NOT the way to go huh? I think you are right..