Hook up australia meaning


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I may have even blacked out for a second.

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Hooking up or hooking uuuup? Antics with semantics

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What are the Rules for Dating in Australia? - Insider Guides

Jenny Maclean Feb 13, You might not find semantics as sexy as I do. Our sex lives, in particular.

The Sydney Morning Herald

Because inasmuch as you might not actually know what kind of activity this vaguely sexual expression actually amounts to, neither, it seems, do they. One of the authors of the study told Science Daily the research revealed students had varied definitions, though 94 per cent of participating students reported they heard the phrase "hooking up" in reference to sexual activities.

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Among the students who said they participated in hook-ups, the most common definition was unplanned, inebriated sex. The research also found the more you bantered about hooking up in a non-relationship context, the more you were likely to engage in such activity due to the normalising effect such gossipy sex-talk had among peer groups.

When you say 'hook up', what do you mean? I might add that 90 per cent of the participants assumed that a "typical" student had been involved in two or more hook-ups casual sex encounters a year, though only 37 per cent reported they had participated in one.