Leo dating scorpio


  1. Scorpio Man Leo Woman Compatibility | Articles at pcppk.com
  2. Leo and Scorpio
  3. Scorpio Man Leo Woman Compatibility
  4. 7 Ways Leo and Scorpio Match in Love and Sex!

Our moon orbits the earth in an elliptical pattern. In turn, our planet circles the sun, which is why we have night and day. Well, according to ancient myth, Leo becomes most sexually powerful during two specific times. The first being the early morning hours and the second, at dusk. It is during these windows when Leo has sexual power over Scorpio. In other words, it makes the sign even more dominant.

Bear in mind that Leo is a Fire sign — meaning it radiates out strength, passion, and energy. This makes sense because Scorpio is a water sign. When you hear that term — water sign — think psychic, intuitive, and empathic. Some couples have learned to time intimacy at a halfway point, like connecting later in the evening and not during full moon.

Scorpio Man Leo Woman Compatibility | Articles at pcppk.com

This allows for a more balanced experience. Should the two signs mate early in the morning or at dusk when the moon is full, there can be powerful, explosive consequences. While this may sound like a good thing, it can often be too much for both to handle — so be forewarned. Scorpio is highly empathic, governed by skillful deductive reasoning. The only sign that is more sensitive is Pisces; the most psychic in the astrological universe See Pisces traits to learn more. Leo, powerful and strong, becomes a gentle giant in the presence of Scorpio. This is a mutually symbiotic connection. The lion is a loving, compassionate, and protective creature by nature.

This equates to a good fit for Scorpio; a sign that needs a wise and understanding soul to help keep it in check. Scorpios obsess — a lot. They often become consumed with reoccurring thoughts that never seem to end. Other signs simply cannot handle this trait. But this is not true for Leo. Like a caring and protective mother, it has the power to gently guide Scorpio away from unhealthy behaviors to a place of gentle calmness.

Leo and Scorpio

And what about Leo — a sign known for gravitating towards living large and at times acting grandiose? Sometimes, lions need to roar. Scorpio knows when to keep its mouth shut. In matters of love, the two bond because they uniquely understand one another. Conventional wisdom suggests that water signs and Fire signs struggle in this area. The emotional connection takes time to build. Unlike the sexual attraction that is immediate, love between the two requires patience and often passes through periods of intense disagreements.

One might think trust between Leo and Scorpio is problematic. Arriving at this conclusion makes sense on the surface. After all, Leo is open and transparent whereas Scorpio is more secretive and mysterious. But when you peel the metaphorical onion a few layers, it soon becomes apparent that their differences are really hidden strengths. Let me explain why. Where Leo is gregarious and extroverted, Scorpio is isolated and introverted. In this way, one compensates for what the other does not have. The hard truth is Leo and Scorpio are cautious about attachments.

This dynamic is not unlike what one might find in a Cancer Scorpio relationship — with the crab being extremely careful about who it lets into its home. If there is one area where problems can occur between the scorpion and the lion, it is in the realm of communication.

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But not in the way you may think. By nature, Leo is a talker and likes to chat about different topics. During the initial phase of the relationship, these differences can cause friction. Instead, the Scorpion is carefully tuning into everything being said. The strong personality, characteristics, and traits of these two individuals draw them to each other during the initial days. Their passion and intense nature can keep them tied to each other for a long time. Their strive for power and success, in their respective careers and lives can also keep the spark of love and respect alive between them.

However, problems start arising when these traits mix up with their personal life! One of the negative traits of these signs, is that both, Leos and Scorpios like to live on their own terms. This leads to difficult situations in their lives as neither of them is willing to budge or compromise. Secondly, men and women of both these signs are quite stubborn and hate being dictated. Therefore, one can observe several instances of power games and ego clashes in a relationship between a Leo and a Scorpio.

Scorpio Man Leo Woman Compatibility

Both of them wish to dominate each other or have their own ways, which leads to more problems and fights than romance! Apart from it, there are certain major differences in their personalities which can lead to misunderstandings. Firstly, Leos love public displays of affection and all expressions of love. Scorpios are passionate but reserved, and have a unique style of expressing their love.

On the other hand, Leos love flattery and admiration, but, Scorpios are extremely truthful, even in their praises and compliments. It is often found that both these individuals are very jealous and suspicious of other's motives!

Leo Scorpio compatibility can work well, only if both partners understand and compromise, a lot! Neither of them should try to dominate each other, nor strive for power in the relationship.

Scorpio & Leo (Love♥️Compatibility)

Lot of love, understanding each other's nature, giving in at times, can help in making the relationship last longer. It is also essential for both partners to control their tempers and keep their jealous and suspicious natures in check! If they understand these things and try to make certain changes, the Leo and Scorpio compatibility can truly be amazing and intense.

Scorpio shies away from the limelight but likes to control the mechanics. Because both Signs are so determined, these partners really need to work to understand and accept one another. The Sun is about ego and self, and it radiates warmth and light. Leo indeed emits this kind of zeal and enthusiasm.

Together, this abundance of male energy causes Leo and Scorpio to lighten their conflicts and assist one another. The Sun represents life, and Mars and Pluto represent ambition and the unconscious; as long as they take the time to really understand one another on a deep level, their romance is a positive one with high expectations. Leo demands the freedom to mingle, while Scorpio has a chameleon personality.

7 Ways Leo and Scorpio Match in Love and Sex!

Both Signs want to lead, but in different ways, and this common desire could end up causing ripples in an otherwise steady, smooth relationship. Like the Elements that influence them, these two have the ability to cancel one another out. At times, their relationship may not be so harmonious.