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And how do transport chains need to be adapted so as to make that possible? What packaging and products could be replaced with sustainable alternatives, without producing new monocultures in the agricultural sector? In addition to recyclable bottles and deposit-refund systems, where else can we switch to alternative, environmentally friendly materials?

In cases where plastics are truly the only feasible choice, then recyclable, that is, mono-material plastics should be used. This will all take a great deal of research and binding legal regulations, since the plastics industry is not going to take any action on its own; after all, it has a great deal to lose.

If we can get to the point where plastics can be optimally reused, while taking into account the complete energy cycle involved, then the tremendous amounts of plastic waste will mean that much less new plastic needs to be produced.

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It is also important that the litter produced on board ships does not end up in the oceans. In this day and age, living without plastics is hard to imagine and virtually impossible to put into practice. Generally speaking, everyone should seek to limit their plastic consumption and, when purchasing new products, make sure that their service life is as long as possible, and that they come in as little packaging as possible.

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We also consider environmental education to be particularly important. It is particularly important that we teach children and adolescents about the risks of plastic waste, and about alternatives to plastic, so as to achieve a long-term change in consumer purchasing behaviour. In this regard, international litter clean-up campaigns are a promising option; while these campaigns on coastlines and rivers do not generally remove that much litter from the environment on a large scale, their educational value is exceptional.

The Alfred Wegener Institute pursues research in the polar regions and the oceans of mid and high latitudes. As one of the 18 centres of the Helmholtz Association it coordinates polar research in Germany and provides ships like the research icebreaker Polarstern and stations for the international scientific community. Why is commercial fishing part of the problem?

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From a scientific standpoint, what would be the next important steps to take? What can each of us do to combat marine litter? Melanie Bergmann jpeg KB. Lars Gutow jpg KB. How does litter enter the sea? If individual pages of our website are visited, the following data is stored: A storage of the personal data of the users takes place only there. The data will not be made available to third parties. The software is set so that the IP addresses are not stored completely, but 2 bytes of the IP address are masked e. In this way, it is no longer possible to assign the shortened IP address to the calling computer.

Legal basis for the processing of personal data The legal basis for processing users' personal data is Article 6 1 lit. Purpose of the data processing The processing of users' personal data enables us to analyze the surfing behavior of our users. We are able to compile information about the use of the individual components of our website by evaluating the data obtained.

This helps us to continuously improve our website and its user-friendliness. For these purposes, it is also in our legitimate interest to process the data in accordance with Art. By anonymizing the IP address, users' interest in protecting their personal data is sufficiently taken into account. Duration of storage The data will be deleted as soon as they are no longer necessary to achieve the above-mentioned purposes. Possibility of objection and elimination Cookies are stored on the user's computer and transmitted to our website.

Therefore, you as a user also have full control over the use of cookies. You can deactivate or restrict the transmission of cookies by changing the settings in your Internet browser. Cookies that have already been saved can be deleted at any time. This can also be done automatically.

If cookies are deactivated for our website, it may no longer be possible to use all functions of the website in full. We offer our users on our website the possibility of an opt-out from the analysis procedure. To do this, you must follow the corresponding link. In this way, another cookie is placed on your system, which signals to our system not to store the user's data.

If the user deletes the corresponding cookie from his own system in the meantime, he must set the opt-out cookie again. More information about the privacy settings of the Matomo software can be found under the following link: We also use content from third-party providers and have taken measures to protect your data. These are, for example, so-called social plugins of the social networks Facebook and Twitter, which have established themselves as the standard in the media world and are important for the dissemination of our content.

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In addition, we integrate features and content from other networks e. We protect your privacy by not directly integrating third-party content. To protect the data, we expressly point this out before displaying external content and transferring data to third-party providers. Users can independently consent to the data transfer and have the content displayed by a click so-called two-click solution.

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Users can also permanently agree to the display of embedded third-party content here. Details about individual third-party providers: With the Vimeo player, we integrate our own videos from our Vimeo channels or videos of other providers in our pages. If you have agreed to the display of embedded third-party content, each time you access a page that offers one or more Vimeo video clips, a direct connection will be made between your browser and a Vimeo server in the United States.

If you are logged into Vimeo as a member, Vimeo will assign this information to your personal user account. When using the plugin, e. You can prevent this assignment by logging out of your Vimeo user account before using our website and deleting the corresponding cookies from Vimeo.

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For more information about Vimeo's data processing and privacy policy, see https: On our website we use the Google Maps product from Google Inc. If you have agreed to the display of embedded third-party content, you consent to the collection, processing and use including your IP address of automated data by Google Inc, its agents and third parties. We have embedded a twitter widget on our website. Twitter is operated by Twitter, Inc. The functions include the display of our contributions within Twitter within our online offer, the link to our profile on twitter as well as the possibility to interact with the contributions and the features of twitter.

If you have agreed to the display of embedded contents of third parties and you visit one of our pages with an appropriate plugin, your browser establishes a direct connection with the server of Twitter, Inc. Due to the integration of the plugin, twitter receives the information that you have accessed a page of our website. In addition, further data will be transmitted. This is done regardless of whether there is a user account that you are logged in to, or if there is no user account.

If you are logged in with your twitter account, twitter can assign the visit to your twitter account. If you do not want the assignment with your profile, you must log out before activating the respective button. Information about which data is processed by twitter and used for which purposes can be found in the privacy policy of the service, which can be viewed here: It is possible to subscribe to a free newsletter on our internet pages. During the registration for the newsletter, the data provided by yourself in the text fields are transmitted to us.

In the framework of the registration process, your consent is obtained for the processing of the data and there is a reference to this data protection statement. In connection with the data processing for the dispatch of newsletters, no data are forwarded to third parties unless such forwarding is explicitly pointed out during the registration process. The data are used exclusively to dispatch the newsletter. If the user has consented, the legal basis for the processing of data after the user registers for newsletters is Article 6 1 a GDPR.

The user's email address is collected in order to deliver the newsletter. The collection of other personal data in the framework of the registration process serves to prevent misuse of the services or of the email address used. The user's email address is accordingly stored for as long as the newsletter subscription is active.

The user in question can cancel the newsletter subscription at any time. There is a corresponding link in every newsletter for this purpose. This also allows a retraction of the consent to storage of the personal data collected during the registration process. Contact forms are available on our internet website that can be used for electronic contact support.

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In addition, there are further web forms in use that allow registration for events or that serve to process registrations. If a user takes advantage of this possibility, the data inserted in the text fields are transmitted to us and stored. In addition to the aforementioned areas, the following are also stored:. Your consent will be obtained for the processing of your data and there is a reference to this data protection statement.

Alternatively, contact is possible through the email address provided on the particular website. In this case, the user's personal data transmitted together with the email are stored.

"We need to make fundamental changes"

No data are forwarded to third parties in this connection, unless such forwarding is explicitly pointed out in the framework of the consent. The data are used exclusively to process the conversation.

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If the user has given their consent, the legal basis for the processing of the data is Article 6 1 a GDPR. The legal basis for the processing of the data that are transmitted in the course of sending an email is Article 6 1 f GDPR. If the contact by email concerns the conclusion of a contract, the additional legal basis for the processing is Article 6 1 b GDPR. The personal data from the entry form is processed solely to allow the user to establish contact.

In the event contact is established by email, the necessary legitimate interest in the processing of the data also lies here. The other personal data processed during the sending process are used to prevent misuse of the contact form and to ensure the safety and security of our information systems. This is the case for the personal data from the contact form and for such data sent by email, if the particular conversation with the user has ended.

The conversation is deemed to have ended once the circumstances make it possible to infer that the facts in question have been conclusively clarified. The personal data additionally collected during the sending process are deleted no later than after a period of seven days. The users have the option at all times to revoke their consent to the processing of the personal data.

If the users contact us by email, they can object to the storage of their personal data at any time. The sensors register the tiny flashes of light that are produced during the rare neutrino interactions in the transparent ice.