Speed dating meetings


  1. Speed dating: How to spice up your meeting
  2. Speed dating
  3. Speed dating: How to spice up your meeting
  4. Speed Dating at Work – Team Building Questions
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Yes, but please be aware that the majority of people will be aged within the age guide. Be realistic, and only book events where you are likely to meet people of a similar age to you. You are welcome to attend as many speed dating events as you wish. Most people that attend events are new to speed dating so you are unlikely to ever meet the same people twice at our events. Very occasionally we do offer cheap last-minute tickets if we have a late cancellation.

Speed dating: How to spice up your meeting

These cheap tickets are only ever offered to past clients so in order to claim these you always have to pay full price for an event first. Yes - provided they are the same sex as you this will not be a problem. Just give them a copy of your booking confirmation to take with them. We don't have a specific dress code. We would always suggest that you wear what you feel comfortable in but do make an effort. Some of our clients come from work so they are wearing business dress and others have time to get changed first - it's entirely up to you.

Contact us to discuss the various opportunities available. Our client base is high earning year-old urban professionals. We have organised private corporate events, TV events, and several large business networking events too.

Speed dating

We have worked with TV companies, PR firms and more over the years. The beauty of Speed Dating London lies in its no-nonsense approach. You take an equal number of single girls and guys, put them in a room and give them a few minutes to chat with every other member of the opposite sex. Original speed dating events in London normally begin at 7. You will need to register with our hosts and to begin with they will issue you with a score sheet. This will help you to keep track of the singles that you would like to meet again and perhaps go on a date with.

After a short period of mingling, your host for the evening who will run through detailed instructions and give you your starting position if you are a guy or table for the event if you are girl.


A London speed dating event is split into two halves, each lasting around an hour, there will be an interval at half time of about 15 minutes. You will have between 4 and 5 minutes with each person, after which you need to tick a box on your score sheet - "yes, I would like to meet this person again" or "no. Thanks but no thanks". Start with an ice-breaker.

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This fills the air with energy and has a great influence on the rest of the meeting. What about speed dating? You probably know the concept, but you might be wondering how it works in business.

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Speed dating is all about exchanging ideas with as many different people as possible in a short time. Divide the participants into groups. Have each group sit at a table the centre of the room remains free, tables and chairs are close to the walls, with paper and colored pencils on the table. Ask the participants to create a mind-map about themselves Who am I? Give them three minutes to draw it using colours, images and printed words. After this, each participant presents his complete mind-map to the colleague sitting next to him.

Now ask everyone to stand up and walk around the room. After your stop signal, instruct them to form a new pair with the person standing next to them. They then have 30 seconds to explain the mind-map to each other. Same procedure as above. Your last instruction will be to present the mind-map in three minutes each. You can also use speed dating with other topics which are directly linked to the goal of your meeting.

Speed dating: How to spice up your meeting

Just adapt the initial question however you like How can we improve our sales effectiveness, how should our department look one year from now etc. Show a flip chart with six questions if you have a big group, hang posters on the wall as well. Explain that one participant will roll the dice and answer the question corresponding to the number on the dice. Make sure you have a supply of business cards ready.

Speed Dating at Work – Team Building Questions

Sometimes event planners will suggest a number; bring at least If you are unemployed at the time, get business cards with your contact information and occupation printed on them. Assemble brochures, resumes or other type of handout, if applicable.


Bring a pen, notepad, and your appointment calendar with you. Usually attire is either business or business casual.

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Check with the organizers if it is not stated. Remember that you have a few seconds to make a positive first impression. During the Event First of all, have fun.

The fast pace of this kind of event contributes to a high level of energy in the room. Usually minutes are allowed for each round; the leader will inform the group about the time frame. As you meet each person, shake hands and exchange names and business cards. Read each card as you accept it. A good system to keep the cards organized: The first person introduces themselves and their purpose, and a very brief conversation takes place.

Talking too long in a situation like this is highly insensitive and damages your first impression. This may include notes on how they look or what they are wearing to help you remember them. Suggest a next step, if appropriate.