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  1. Sonoma County Reconstruction
  2. Devastating Wildfires Force California's Largest Utility To Plan Sale Of Gas Assets : NPR
  3. Devastating Wildfires Force California's Largest Utility To Plan Sale Of Gas Assets
  4. Customer Service

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  • If you're with PG&E, you're paying a lot more than you think to charge that car | Tesla.

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Sonoma County Reconstruction

Written by Team OhmConnect Updated this week. How do I update my address if I move? Congrats on your move! That is for a family of four in a sq. If I installed a solar panel system it would take me about 12 years to break even. I've considered it but it doesn't really make sense right now. I have a larger home that TimV with a lot of solar load etc.

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  • If you're with PG&E, you're paying a lot more than you think to charge that car?
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Go change to the EV rate and charge only at non-peak hours and problem solved. You may even be able to save on the non-EV charging costs if you're willing to use you dish washer and dryer late at night. I'm in SMUD territory and one of the first things I did after placing the Tesla order was have an electrician install a dedicated 50A EV charging circuit with its own subpanel and submeter.

I have a TED and can isolate how much of my electrical draw goes to the car.

PG&E re-connects power to customers who removed their SmartMeters

Here is a quote from a San Diego PV company:. In San Diego and in most of California , the solar PV payback period of a standard installation is between 4 and 6 years. If you install a system today, the system will recoup all expenses by And that payback period assumes grid electricity prices remain stable. But if you live in San Diego, you already know that utility rates constantly go up. Your payback will be better if you install just enough PV to keep you out of tier 3 and 4.

Devastating Wildfires Force California's Largest Utility To Plan Sale Of Gas Assets : NPR

The panels are facing almost due west. I'm on the E6 time of use schedule. And it blows my mind why electric vehicles aren't more popular here in Idaho, where electricity is about 7 cents per kwh. Must be the red state factor. We had a like problem with the HOA here in Hawaii several years ago. Fastest way to adjust their thinking is to search the web for The city or State staute that allows you add PV. He will contact the HOA's attorney and get the reading. Here in Hawaii, they can't say no, but they can insist we modify the design to conform to the building look.

In the end, they asked for no design changes anyway. And dozens of other in my HOA have followed us. We charge our MS for free too. You were right to install the second meter for the EV.

Devastating Wildfires Force California's Largest Utility To Plan Sale Of Gas Assets

Anything that reduces the charging expense is great. Here in Hawaii, I would have had to pay for the installation of the separate box for the meter. But I didn't do that. By signing up for Time of Use, I get the discounted rate, but because it's under one meter, I also get the discounted rate running the on-demand water heater, the dryer, the washer and dishwasher. Just like mantin ix. Rocky; for wide-open spaces you need lotsa fat pipes to provide the power. Idaho may be one of the places where SCs have to lead, instead of follow. It is somewhat ironic that we are finally getting some rain today in drought-laden NorCal However there has been a appellate court decision giving some power to HOAs to set rules relating to aesthetics and fitting in with the community look as I recall.

The impression I have is that if your HOA is educated on the topic and you present a reasonable plan that they cannot stop you. Be curious what your wife finds. Thanks for the added info Sweetride. About California electric rates - here is another reason: The utilities can't sneeze without the PUC weighing in on the decision. Did you know that when the Sierra club or whoever objects to the latest cost saving transmission power line, the PUC instructs the affected utility to pay the Sierra club their very expensive lawyers to write the objection?

I just glanced at one PUC meeting minutes and was shocked at all the fees the PUC was ordering the utlities to pay to their detractors. The cost of the second panel would have paid for itself in less than 4 years. Of course, this will vary, depending on your particular use, but I don't think my use of electricity is particularly unusual.

Based on my usage, I would need a 4KW solar panel system. You just have to be careful about when you use electricity. For example, I charge Tesla, run dishwasher, dryer, and washer only during off-peak hours. During peak hours I minimize my usage and just run the basic items such as refrigerator, lights etc.

Also, I replaced all the lights with LED bulbs. It allows to see what is costing how much and when and allows you to make the adjustments so that your bill can be lower.

Maybe you should talk to other solar PV companies? I installed ONLY 3. Seems to me you should not need more than a 1. Basically the solar PV outfit you talked to seriously "oversold you" on the size of the system you really need! Also, the more you use, the faster your payback will be. That's mostly because the larger the array, the lower the cost per watt, installed. We use under kWh monthly and so ours is 7 without the car, 6 with the car.

Customer Service

Also, the PV contractor may have tried to offset your usage, not considering the cost of usage. You should ask them to offset your costs - the difference being that if you're selling back to the utility at These are the EV-A summer rates. Granted there is an upfront cost or you can lease - but makes a huge difference. Plus they ding you with a meter fee and a few other flat fees. Be careful what you are quoted. Yep, you definitely want your PV solar system "right sized".

That's getting it about as close to the sweet spot as you can. Yes, the off-peak rate is right around 10 cents, but then it says:.